28 - Damn Firecracker

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Mhmmmmm I love a bit of conflict. Putting my characters through a hard time is oddly pleasing. Oops... what do you guys think of Brennon?


Time passed uncomfortably slow. I stood by the front door in Liam's arms, listening to the commotion outside as it unwrapped quickly. I didn't hear much talking, only loud growls and angry huffs. I heard snapping teeth, the sound of thudding in the dirt and grass and even a whimper or two.

I wasn't even sure who was outside anymore. I stopped paying attention the moment I buried myself in Liam's chest. I didn't want to face what was outside. I didn't want to face the truth or any of the reality.

I shuddered a little as I felt anger from several different wolves seeping through the front door. It was strong and felt like a damn firecracker. It was confronting.

"Woah, woah. Shit," Liam suddenly hissed. He released me quickly and sprinted outside. I heard his feet thudding before halting to a stop. I held my breath as I peeked around the corner.

Liam jumped in front of Samaya, pushing him in the chest and away from the guy that he was shooting mental daggers at. I held my breath.

"Don't do it man. You'll regret it," Liam said, not letting Samaya move past him. My brother didn't look at Liam, and he kept trying to move forwards.

Liam didn't let him past. He kept pushing him back, shoving and pushing until Samaya finally landed on his ass. He growled deeply and Liam glanced back at the man who was behind him.

"I suggest you back the fuck off before I let him tear your head off," Liam growled at the man who I barely recognised. He must've been one of Brennon's men.

Beckett had shifted. So had Rae and Jax. They were in wolf form and all stood growling at four other wolves before them, Brennon one of them.

Beckett was slightly bleeding, as was Brennon. They must have fought with each other already. I must say, Brennon looked more hurt than Beckett did.

That made my beast a little more calm.

I looked back to Liam and saw him help Samaya to his feet. Liam growled warningly at Samaya when he tried to push past him again. The other wolf had backed off now and was shooting glares in Samaya's direction.

My brothers were pissed. I could feel how badly each of them were angry. It made me angry too, but I was more frightened than anything at this point. I couldn't act off my feelings right now. I had to be reasonable.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. I spun around quickly, my eyes meeting Lila's. She smiled weakly at me.

"Don't worry about what's going on out there, Ali. He's just trying to get you upset. It's all he wants," Lila told me. I knew she was talking about Brennon but I was still bothered.

She was right. I knew she was. But I hated it. I hated that Brennon had this affect over me. I hated how he wasn't being punished for what he did and I especially didn't like how angry he was making my brothers.

I glanced outside again, and Lila looked with me this time. Liam was still trying to keep Samaya under control whilst Rae and Jax were edging on Beckett to attack Brennon again.

They all burned hot with energy. I had never seen them this angry before. It frightened me.

"I knew that coming here was a mistake. I should have just met them at the border," I sighed out as I turned away. Lila shook her head at me and engulfed me in a tight hug. She rubbed her cheek against mine, and my beast felt a little more calm.

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