29 - Tragic Misunderstanding

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Hey dolls, hope you're enjoying the book so far. Things heat up real soon, I promise! It's going to be a roller coaster, I swear.


I woke early the next morning. I wasn't in a rush, so I took my time getting ready. I dressed and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. My beast was giddy for excitement. She couldn't wait to get back into our normal routine again.

Most days, we hated the routines, but this particular day, we were especially excited to be getting back into it.

I met Lila and Brayleigh outside. I grinned at Brayleigh and hugged her tightly as I bounded down the steps. We rubbed cheeks and I giggled happily. I had missed the female. She was a big part of my life now. I knew that.

"I missed you. It was boring without you around," Brayleigh told me. I exchanged glances with Lila, who's eyes widened as she laughs.

"Our time away with quite eventful. I wish I could say it was boring," Lila said with a chuckle. I nodded in agreement and stretched my arms. We were a little early this morning, despite the fact that I took my time.

"Yeah, Kade filled me in. I'm sorry about what happened in Terialta," Brayleigh told me with a sad smile. I shrugged at her, deciding that I wouldn't get upset about it.

I was away from that now. I was nowhere near Terialta and I didn't have to worry about Brennon anymore. At least not until I saw him again.

"Let's go. Once today's training is over, we can drink wine and gossip all we like," I said with a cheery smile. The girls both nodded at me and we turned.

We started our run, taking our normal trail. I could smell the scent of Leon and another female on the track. This track must have been used earlier.

"Leon's mate returned from her visit to see her family last night. You can probably smell her everywhere," Lila told me quickly. I nodded, a little surprised. I had forgotten that Leon even had a mate.

I remembered Lila telling me when we first met, but I had completely forgotten about it. I couldn't wait to meet her.

We ran fast and hard through the trees. My excitement fuelled my run and my beast was more than excited to spar. She hoped we would spar with someone new. Maybe even Lucas or Leon.

When we approached the pack again, I straight away noticed the group of people crowded together. I glanced at Lila and Brayleigh. They both gave me the same confused look.

"A fight maybe?" I questioned. Brayleigh shrugged and Lila bit her bottom lip as we jogged towards the scene.

I peered past people and into the circle where I saw a pile mauled rabbits in the middle of the circle. I frowned and pushed forwards a little. People around me let me pass and the girls followed. We got to the front of the group and peered down.

There was at least six dead rabbits in a pile on the ground. They were slaughtered, covered in blood and even maggots. They smelt terrible, like they'd been dead for days.

They definitely weren't freshly killed.

What the hell were they doing here? Who would drop a heap of dead rabbits in the middle of the dirt?

I sniffed a little more. I only smelt the rot and death of the rabbits and felt encouraged to gag. I heard someone growl.

"Get out the way!" I heard someone hiss. The crowd backed away and Liam and Henry pushed their way through the crowd.

"What the hell is this?" Henry hissed out. No one answered until a guy cleared his throat and motioned towards the pile of dead creatures.

"We found them here when we came out to start training. They were just there," he said, before dropping his gaze. I crossed my arms as I looked at Henry.

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