25 - The Bear Hunt Pt. 5

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Ahhh I love a little drama between our favourite couple. I can't wait for everything that is going to come.


We came up to a large group of bears along the river. Most had just finished eating and were sitting in the sun, probably getting ready for an afternoon nap. There was some casually drinking from the water. None of them had any idea about our presence.

My belly was full as we walked along. I felt like I'd explode if I ate anymore, but I didn't even care. I was proud of what I had done and no one was going to take that away from me.

Lila has said it was awesome watching me kill my own bear. I beamed with pride. Then, when she killed hers, I couldn't help but feel incredibly proud of our sister and friend. She was going to be such a strong wolf.

Since there were several bears, most of the guys went out all at once. Liam had called dibs on the giant black bear towards the back, and the others had called dibs on a different bear in the group. I was excited to watch them.

"Liam's sorry ass probably regrets upsetting you real bad. Watch him tear this bear to shreds," Lila told me as we sat together. I rolled my eyes and watched as Liam stalked down towards his bear. No one had been spotted yet.

"I hope he knows that he was wrong," I said back. Lila nodded her head at me.

"Trust me, he knows. He's just... protective. He doesn't want to lose anyone else important in his life. He's lost enough already," Lila explained to me. I nodded back at her. I understood perfectly what she meant.

I knew that Liam was probably just cautious about his female. I got that. But that didn't mean he could make me feel weak. I hadn't realised that he didn't think I was capable of being just as strong as Lila or even him. It made me feel little. It hurt my feelings deeply.

I had worked hard to get where I was.

I turned my head back to Liam and watched as he jumped out at his bear. He surprised the bear and knocked him over. Liam slashed at its stomach hard and fast. The bear tried to get up, but Liam pushed it back down. He growled lowly at it, and I felt the vibration in the ground.

Liam was so strong. He hummed with such energy that made my heart stammer against my chest. I had never realised how damn strong he really was. Taking down a bear was probably easy for him.

Within minutes, Liam's bear was dead. He ate quickly, clawing at the bear's belly. He was clearly hungry. I couldn't help but admire him. He was such a good looking wolf.

My wolf sighed and hung her head slightly. She hated that we were mad at him. The bond hated it too. It had been twisting and pulling painfully all day. I wanted to walk up to him and work this out, but I wanted an apology. I proved Liam wrong.

Moments later, I found Liam standing in front of me.  His beast was huge, ferocious fangs dripping blood and strong muscles built for killing anything that challenged against him. His fur was dark, chocolate brown but almost black. He had numerous battle scars that showed any person the number of battles he had been through. He looked dangerous; he was dangerous. But I couldn't help but be attracted to him.

Liam had the heart of his bear in his mouth. He dropped it at my feet and then took a step back. I thought it was nice, but my wolf thought it was the most romantic thing a guy could have ever done.

I slowly ate the heart that Liam had given me before he licked his lips and returned to his bear. He shifted into his skin and was handed a pair of shorts by Ezra as they both meet down by the bear.

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