58 - The Meeting Pt. 2

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What do you guys think Henry will say? How do you think he'll react?

I hope you're all enjoying this so far. We've made it so much further than I thought we would :')

Love you all. Enjoy this new update.


After my uncle spoke, it moved on to Nicolas. He cleared his throat and sat up straight. All eyes were on him at this point. He was ready to give a damn good briefing.

I sat a little more attentively in my seat and sipped on my wine. Nicolas glanced down at his binder and I even noticed his little notebook sitting on the desk in front of him.

"We've had numerous rogue sightings over the past four months. The first few were around the borders, here and there. It looked like they were just passing by and stopped to look around. But as time passed, the rogues got further and further into the territory to the point where one morning, my nephew was taken from outside his home," Nicolas said. I watched Blu put her hand on his, calming him. He was already getting worked up.

"Another death to the list?" My father questioned. Nicolas shook his head and looked to me. 

"No. Your daughter saved him before they could even hurt him. He's fine," Nicolas replied calmly. A few eyes turned to me. Henry stilled. My father nodded and shot me a look that told me he was proud.

"We've only had sightings since that day, but the people are beginning to worry," Nicolas stated. Someone else in the room, Rohan, cleared his throat.

He was a giant Alpha. He was the tallest man in the room. He towered over everyone easily.

"There's barely anything we can do other than tighten security, and that still isn't working. Even with my tight ass security, those damn rogues still manage to slip through and cause issues," Rohan said, crossing his arms. His mate patted his arm softly.

"Okay, well who here has tightened their security and still notices rogues coming through? Surely not everyone," My father questioned. Several Alphas raised their hands. My uncle, my father himself, Nicolas and Rohan were the hands in the air. I clenched my fists.

Henry had done nothing to the security.

"And who has tightened their security and had no problems?" My father asked. The other pack at the back of the room raised their hand. They were the only pack without rogue problems.

Good for them. Meanwhile, I'm down here picking my brain at what's going on. Damn rogues.

"What about you Henry? You haven't raised your hand at all," Rohan asked from the back. My beast piped up. I turned straight to Henry and awaited his response.

"Well, we haven't really had a lot of issues. Our security can easily remain the way it is," Henry said. I widened my eyes at him.

Was he serious?

"Plus, the few issues we've had weren't serious anyway," Henry added. I almost gasped in shock at his words. He was lying!

The rogue issues that had happened were serious. Ezra and I were attacked, and I was attacked by myself. How were rogues attacking people not serious?

"Something is up," Beckett told me. I sat back in my seat and tried to calm myself down. With Veronica touching Liam, Anthony trying to touch me and Henry lying about the rogues, I was furious.

"No shit! I could tear his damn throat out for lying!" I growled back to my brother. I saw him shuffle awkwardly in his seat from across the room.

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