65 - Where Are You?

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Last chapter was so sadddd. I felt hella depressed writing it. I'm still editing as much as I can guys :)


I woke with a headache. My chest and stomach were burning and my neck burned too. I hissed out as I sat up and left my bedroom. It was early, earlier than I usually got up. I would wait a little and then go for my run.

My body continued to burn as I figured that Veronica was all over Liam. I wondered if they had slept in the same bed, or if they had done anything with each other. Were they making out? Is that why my skin was burning?

I made myself a coffee and then leaned against the bench and followed the trace of my burning skin. Veronica was all over Liam. It felt like her hands were on his abs, feeling his abdomen. I could feel them getting lower and lower, reaching the pelvis, reaching where Liam's pants would be.

I winced and blinked back tears. I felt my hand burn and I hoped that it was because Liam had grabbed her hand and pulled it away. The burning stopped and I sighed out.

"Liam..." I mumbled to him. I felt him buzzing in my mind and I wished he was with me. Usually, he'd either be in my bed barely waking up, trapping me from leaving my bed, or in the kitchen with me kissing my neck.

I missed him already. It hurt to know what was happening. But we needed to lay low and let Henry win. He had to be happy.

"Did it wake you?" Liam asked me. He was referring to Veronica's touching and the burning. I sighed out and sipped on my coffee.

"No, but it's keeping me from going back to sleep... Are you in bed together?" I fixed my eyes on nothing in particular as I waited for Liam's reply. I dreaded what he was going to say.

"She demanded that I stayed the night. I made sure I slept in the far corner of the bed. We didn't touch the entire night," Liam told me. I sucked in a deep breath as I felt burning on my stomach again.

"It really hurts Liam," I said softly. The burning suddenly stopped.

"I'm leaving her place now. Told her I had paperwork to do but I can't imagine she'll leave me alone... Do I have to kiss her again?" Liam sounded dreadful and terribly upset. I knew he didn't want Veronica. He wanted me.

I wanted him too.

"If it comes to it. Just keep Henry happy for now, Liam. It's important that you don't get in any more trouble because of me," I told him. I heard Liam's beast whine and I slumped as I put my mug on the counter and headed back to my room.

I changed into my workout gear and sighed. It was going to be a long day. I wasn't sure how long Veronica and Liam would last but I hoped it wasn't long.

"I just want to be with you, okay? This is bullshit. How dare he keep me from my mate!" Liam angrily hissed out. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and sighed as I walked down the hallway to leave the cabin.

"Calm down, Liam. You can't do anything. You just need to make sure he's happy," I told him. Liam felt confused.

"Why are you so okay with this? Why aren't you angry? Why aren't you telling me to tear Henry's throat out?" Liam asked me. I sighed as I left the cabin.

"I'm pissed off about it Liam. But Henry is clearly having a crisis of some sort. He's taking his hatred for me out on you with all this work he's making you do. It's stressing you out and making me tired and grumpy. Keep him happy and you won't have to do any of that," I explained to him. I couldn't tell Liam about the suspicions yet. I still had no hard proof.

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