30 - Running Wild

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I love some good couples conflict. Plus, how exciting is it that we've now met Leon's mate?


I sat on the dirt and pulled my knees to my chest as I looked out over the water. The waves crashed against there shore and the rocky cliff. I watched, almost entranced by the beauty of it all.

I sniffled and wiped my face. The tears hadn't stopped since I started crying about fifteen minutes ago. They just wouldn't stop coming. I felt like a damn waterfall.

After the argument with Liam, I ran. I ran so fast and so hard that my legs felt like jelly when I finally stopped. I stumbled over when I started crying. I shifted back into my skin and realised that I'd run out so far that I didn't have any clothes to change into.

Hence, the reason why I'm sat on the cliff with my knees pulled to my chest.

I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to go back to my cabin because I knew I'd have to face everyone there. Hell, Liam probably would've followed me all the way back to my cabin too.

Who knows who would have shown up next? Probably Kade, and probably even Quo.

I didn't feel like having a million people trying to talk to me about my damned issues. I knew that everyone else knew about what had happened with Brennon. They all knew and they all pitied me for it.

Hell, they knew about Brayleigh too and I could only imagine how much they pitied her also. But she wasn't hung up on it anymore. She was over all of that. I wasn't. I still couldn't get over it.

The man that assaulted me and ruined my life was living the dream. He wasn't punished for what he did. He was let off with a damn warning.

He had majority of the pack sucking up to him because he was this almighty Beta. But truthfully, he wasn't anything special. He was disgusting and weak.

What kind of leader assaulted a young girl? That wasn't a symbolism of power, it was only weak. It showed everyone that he was weak.

I stifled a sob and wiped my wet eyes again. I sniffled and sighed softly as I rested my head on my arm. My head hurt from crying and from the argument with Liam.

How could he be so cold? Why wasn't he trying to be gentle? Why did he have to make it so hard?

He didn't know why I couldn't talk to him, yet he didn't make it any easier for me to. I was scared. I was petrified of talking about what had happened to me. I was ashamed of myself.

I didn't want anyone knowing. Hell, the night that I was found in the woods almost bleeding to death, I still didn't want to talk about it to my own family. I could barely even tell the doctor what had happened to me.

Ezra and the others were lucky that my brothers had told them. Because I would never have said anything otherwise.

I groaned and rubbed my temples as I looked out at the water again. I thought about how easy it would be to just disappear to somewhere new and start fresh.

I wouldn't have to tell anyone about my past. I could just be normal. I could join a new pack.

My wolf shook her head. She knew we couldn't do that. We'd go insane with Liam around. It's a part of the bond. The longer we go without each other, the more crazed we would get for each other.

Soon, I'm sure I'll go insane if he doesn't put his mark on my neck. But I knew I wasn't ready for that.

But I didn't know what to do. Did I even want to be with Liam after everything that just happened? Did I want to be in a relationship with a guy who got angry every time I couldn't tell him what was bothering me?

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