chapter 2

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The corridors of Azkaban prison were a maze to Harry Potter, each floor a new colour or new people, some spoke to him while others groaned and screamed as he approached. Harry shrugged the last two weeks may have been the best of his life; he was saved from the Dursleys and had an entire tower to explore, some people who talked to him weren't very nice and the Dementors on the floor kept an eye on him, all were nice to him and welcoming. Some prisoners however were very nice and he liked speaking to them, some told him stories of their lives before they came here and others spoke of a dark lord who they said would like Harry in his ranks, he was unsure what it meant but another prisoner didn't like this and said Harry would be with Dumbledore and an order. Lucy was always around, she was in charge of the prison it seemed and was always around to talk to Harry and a few times play with him, though she brought his dinner and breakfast which was normally bread and meat but it was more than Harry was used to and thanked her every time, though as he looked around he wasn't to sure which room he was in, he looked at a dust sign which Lucy told him was only for the Ministry when they inspected the prison, the words said Top level. Shrugging Harry looked around and saw there was a lot more Dementors on this floor, most floated high in the air while others glided around the cells, Harry then noticed a man. He was calmer than the rest and laid back as if relaxing while the aura of the Dementors washed over him
"Hello" Harry called to him, the man suddenly sat bolt upright, he slowly as if scared turned his head around
"James?" he asked breathing heavily, he shook as he said this
"No I'm Harry Potter but my Dad was called James I think" Harry answered wondering if this person knew his dad
"Harry Potter! no no no I'm seeing things, Your seven and with your relatives" the man choked out
"No, I live here now" Harry said brightly briefly summarising the events of the last two weeks
"Your real" was the reply as if hoping Harry would disappear from this place, Harry looked confused
"I'm Sirius Black" the man said shivering as a Dementor passed by
"The innocent?" Harry questioned remembering overhearing a conversation between Lucy and another Dementor, Sirius looked shocked
"How do you know?" he asked, he had been condemned by all, Remus, Dumbledore, the ministry but this young boy could see through it how
"Lucy and Dora I think her name was, were saying how they knew you were innocent, though Dora said some didn't mind while others did" Harry recalled
"Lucy?" Sirius asked regaining some composure
"She's a Dementor" Harry said calmly as if simply discussing the weather, Sirius was not fully convinced the boy was more than a mental illusion but continued with the conversation
"You can talk to Dementors?" he asked, Harry nodded
"Lucy says one day I'll be able to fly like one too and more" Harry told him proudly beaming
"Well Harry that sound great" Sirius told him not knowing if it was or no
"So why did you call me James and how do you know me?" Harry asked suddenly
"Oh kid please don't ask" came a irritated sleepy voice from the other cell
"Shut up Bella" Sirius hissed, "Well Harry I suppose I'm you godfather". Harry looked thoughtful
"Are you?" he asked not fully understanding the term
"Well it's a long story" Sirius told him
"If you tell him that, Ill open this cell and shut you up" the woman from the other cell warned, Sirius ignored her
"Well it all started I suppose on Platform Nine and three quarters many years ago...
Two Years Later
A nine year old Harry ran down the corridor excitedly, some of the prisoners smiled at the boy whose expanding powers protected them from the Dementors chill if only for a short while, however nothing got in the way of the hyperactive boy as he ran up stairs and through wards, he stopped when he reached the top floor, he took a deep breath and raced down the corridor looking for the right cell.
"Stop right there young man" came a stern female voice, Harry grinned
"Aunt Bella!" he exclaimed running over to her cell, she ruffled his hair affectionately through the bars of the cell
"when did you get back?" she asked, Harry smiled at her
"Just now, Aunt Cissy says hello" he told her, Bella grinned
"My ickle Harrykins is back after a long summer, we should have a party" she declared, Harry giggled, Bellatrix smiled "So your nine now Happy Birthday!" she cried
"Thank you Aunt Bella" Harry thanked warmly, Bellatrix beamed
"That's ok when the Dark Lord returns I will buy you a huge present" she declared, Harry chuckled, he met Bella when Sirius told his story and she told him all about a dark lord she knew and Sirius and her would always argue about him; something that was very entertaining.
"So did you and Draco have fun" Bella asked, Harry nodded
"I did, me and Draco played quidditch and some of his friends came over and we had one big game" he began "Me Draco and Crabbe beat Goyle, Nott and Pansy 300 two 100". Bella smiled proudly ever since her sister visited Harry took an instant shine to her and every summer when Lucy was sent to the ministry for a Dementor inspection he would go to Malfoy manner, something he looked forward to a lot
"Though Goyle said it was cheating when I jumped off by broom to get the snitch" Harry told her sheepishly, ever since he was eight he developed a lot of Dementor traits, the first was flight and Bella stifled a laugh when she remembered watching Lucy chase after Harry for hours as he flew around the fortress "Though Pansy said it was cool".
"Hey pup" Sirius Black remarked waking up from a brief nap "I thought I heard you voice". Harry ran over to his cell and beamed
"Sirius! how are you" he asked the man, Sirius grinned
"I'm fine pup, how was summer good?" he asked, Harry nodded fiercely
"Good, it's not been nice here without you" Sirius remarked, as his powers developed his influence managed to lessen the effect of the chill something which encouraged a lot more prisoners to be a lot nicer to the boy.
"Well as its your birthday why don't you go down to your room and put your stuff away and then you can come back up here and we can go outside" Sirius suggested brightly
"Oh the dog mentions that again" Bella hissed, Sirius often slipped out with Harry who as far as she knew told no one about his Godfather's dog for, Bella had tried to sneak off but she found the Dementors were not a fan of her plans.
"Ok" Harry decided running down the stairs. He ran to his room, it had been more furnished over the years with Lucy and the other Dementors picking items of furniture whenever they could, the tattered old chair was replaced by a rocking one and the bed had a much thicker quilt
"Harry" came the voice of his guardian as she swooped in to the room
"Lucy" Harry exclaimed pulling her down for a hug, an experience she still found slightly unnerving but was warming to it
"Happy Birthday Harry" she told him pulling back, Harry's eyes widened as she pulled out something. It was roughly wrapped and the paper had claw marks all over it, Harry gasped as she handed it to him and slowly opened it. Lucy had become a mother to him during the last two years, putting him to bed, encouraging him and scolding him, she taught him how to control some of his powers, but a gift was new. He opened it eagerly and found a framed photo, it moved and Harry gasped when he realised who it was
"It's my mum and dad" he stuttered as the pictures waved at him,
"I found it in one of the homes we searched, it was stolen I think and I knew it was a gift for you" she told him warmly. Harry smiled at her
"Thank you" he smiled hugging her again. She mentally sighed but hugged back after a second before pulling back
"Now it looks like Minister Fudge sent you something" she gestured to a pile of presents. The year before Fudge has arrived for an inspection along with a red haired man and Lucius Malfoy, all three were shocked by Harry's presence and wanted to take him back to the Dursleys, the translator they brought with them had a severe headache after an enraged Lucy argued with them, after a few long hours she managed to put his memoires in their minds, something they found very unpleasant, the experience was bad enough but after seeing the abuse Fudge began ranting about Dumbldore and the other two for once agreed, it took a few more days but Fudge eventually allowed him to stay in secret as his presence gave hope to the inmates which was useful in the rehabilitation process (well that was the official excuse) but a man came round every two weeks to make sure he was ok and on Christmas Fudge and some other people sent him gifts, today a small pile occupied a desk and after placing Lucy's gift on the desk next to his knights he began opening them
"Don't forget to read the cards" Lucy told him, Harry smiled remembering when Bella told him to never read the cards as the presents were more interesting something Sirius agreed with. Fudge sent him a box of Honeydukes chocolate while the Mafloys gave him so magic books and toys, there were some other presents but a big black dog distracted Harry halfway, Lucy sensed the boy she loved like a son flying around outside, she let out a breath as she happily glided out the room.
Ministry Of Magic
Cornelius Fudge was waiting patiently at his desk, in one hand he was drinking a tea while in the other he was reading a file, the file was marked Harry Potter. It had been almost a year now since he decided Harry could stay at Azkaban, he still wondered if he did the right thing but each report said the nine year old had a positive effect on the inmates and Dementors, the boy enjoyed his time and visited his good friends the Mafloys often, the death eaters treated him well surprisingly. Ironic Fudge thought, Dumbledore leader of the light left the boy lad with monsters while Dementors and Death eaters actually raised the boy right, of course no one could know, he could be kicked out of office but he decided to chance it tonight as a man with a long white beard and wrinkled face emerged from his fireplace.
"Dumbledore" he greeted "tea?" The old man shook his head
"Apologies Cornelius but I must make this meeting quick" Dumbledore told him
"Well then, I have some questions about Harry Potter" Fudge announced told him, a flicker of surprise travelled across Dumbledore's face
"What about him?" he asked, Fudge frowned
"Are you aware he has not lived in privet drive for two years!" he demanded,
"What!" Dumbledore asked, Fudge glared at him
"Or he was removed after suffering abuse at the hands of the muggles you said could shelter him?" Fudge continued
"I must insist he return" the old man interrupted, Fudge glared
"Out of the question? the boy is safe now and you will not know of his location? I want to ask why you never checked on him ever!" he hissed angrily, Dumbledore ignored him
"I must know where he is what if a death eater finds him?" he demanded
"He is protected Albus and I will not leave the boy to you after all he has been through" Fudge told him "now you will send any Hogwarts mail to be and I will give it to him. He is safe where he is and I do not want you to be in contact with him when you send his letter year after next". Dumbledore looked surprised
"What?" he asked
"You heard me, also I want a official report on why you left him there without Ministry supervision by the end of the week" Fudge demanded. Dumbledore spluttered something and left in a huff and Fudge couldn't help feel some justice after what he had seen happen to Harry Potter.

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