chapter 49

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"Go, Go, Go," Harry urged suddenly as he saw a Dementor he didn't like on the gate, the one thing he didn't want to get into was a conversation and he didn't feel too bad ducking slightly as they walked past. They were going to Hogsmeade and despite a minor disagreement between Harry and McGonagall about Lucy's scrawled signature he had been allowed to go.
"Wow and I thought all Dementors were kind welcoming people." Draco commented as they walked by
"First they're not people and she happens to be one of the most annoying Dementors I know so shut up and don't draw attention to me," Harry warned
"I'm half tempted to call her over now," Draco muttered and Harry shot him a venomous glare,
"And I'm half tempted to throw you into a wall but here we are," Harry announced and Draco frowned
"I think I'll go without getting hurt," Draco decided
"Don't count on that," Hermione warned looking at Draco warningly,
"Give it ten minutes and that will be wrong," Luna confirmed with a wide smile,
"I'm going to bet Luna's right," Crabbe agreed
"Adventurous I'm going to go with five," Goyle countered
"Three, and I'm going to bet Cho will be the one to slap him," Harry grinned
"I'm going to go with Luna and a kick," Goyle answered
"You know I much preferred the early years when you didn't slap me or hurt me in any way, instead you just glared at me from a distance, what happened to those days?" Draco wondered aloud
"You got more annoying," Cho answered for him as the group slipped away from the rest of the crowd, they weren't too far away from Hogsmeade but they wanted to slip back into their animal forms.
"Are we clear?" Cho asked not wanting to have anyone see them, Harry looked around and tapped into his Dementor senses, no one was around to see them and he leapt into his bird form. Crabbe and Goyle entered the form of a bear, Cho once more became a swan and Luna looked at her with her Snow wolf eyes. Hermione became a hare and Draco looked over her as a fox, he then looked over at Cho
You know as a fox I am into chasing birds he said into their mental connection,
Shut up Draco, Cho retorted looking over at Crabbe and Goyle
Do you want us to eat him? They both asked and Cho's had to think for a bit, something that Draco found worrying seeing as he could now read her thoughts.
Hey without me there would be less comedy, did you think of that? Draco demanded
You know I did and you know what my response to that was, she told him with a grin
You know as much fun as this is don't we have a village to get to? Harry interrupted
Good point, how about a race? Draco suggested
I'm a swan, Cho pointed out
Exactly I have a great chance of winning, ok let's go, Draco announced before shooting off through the field, Hermione followed closely while Luna picked up Cho and ran with her, Harry flew through the air and looked down at the two charging bears. He wondered what someone looking at this would think
Probably why the hell is a Swan riding a wolf while chasing a fox and a hare, also why are bears in this country, Draco suggested mentally and Harry remembered the downside to being connected to them in this way.
Hey most of us don't use our thoughts as an insulting platform Hermione protested
And that is why you will never be a great comedian
Draco pointed out. Harry suddenly looked behind him to see another Raven coming up behind him,
Oh Harry's attracting female attention Draco slyly commented as the slightly lighter bird tried to move past Harry,
She's cutting me off Harry worked out as the bird flapped around him,
Wow I thought that would happen to Draco first
Luna interjected and Harry laughed slightly before trying to overtake the other Raven, it looked at him almost annoyed.
Harry why is beating another Raven so important to you? Hermione asked eventually
Guys I take it none of us are the big black dog?
Cho announced awkwardly meaning Hermione never got an answer, Harry looked to see a black dog coming up at the side, the other raven was looking at it strangely while Harry looked at the dog.
Do you know this dog? Draco asked listening to Harry thinking about it
Yes I do, ok change back, Harry requested suddenly and everyone complied. Luna however changed back and Cho went flying suddenly as the swan lost the support of the wolf and was propelled forward.
"Luna," Cho scorned in her normal voice
"Hey you won the race," Draco laughed as Harry touched down on the ground, the black dog stopped suddenly and looked at the group, then it saw Harry. The other raven and dog suddenly returned to human form,
"Sirius," Harry greeted with a slight nod at the shaggy man who looked pleased to see him
"And me," Bellatrix interrupted suddenly
"Harry are you going to introduce us to the escaped convicts?" Draco asked and Bella looked at him with a sigh.
"I thought you were joking when you said he was annoying," was all she said
"Look at that, you meet an aunt for the first time and she's being mean, tut tut," Draco murmured.
"Cho, Draco, Luna, Hermione, Crabbe, Goyle this is Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange," Harry informed them gesturing to the pair who smiled.
"I take it there not going to kill us then," Cho smiled walking forward and shaking Sirius's hand, the rest followed and they introduced themselves to the pair.
"Aww families, they come in strange forms, a dog and raven in this case," Luna announced
"Yes you didn't tell us you had become an animagus Harry," Sirius pointed out
"And you didn't tell me you were planning to escape," Harry retorted somewhat coolly and the smile fell from the man's face
"Good point," he muttered
"Look Harry we are sorry we didn't tell you but we knew you would try to stop us leaving," Bellatrix interjected an Harry sighed.
"I suppose your freedom is more important , how did you get here?" he asked them
"With some difficulty, anywhere nice animal forms all of you," Bella answered before Sirius could speak
"Anyway what are you doing here?" Harry asked realising Hogwarts would not be the best place to go if he was on the run, Sirius was about to answer when they both looked up, they could see the outline of a teacher.
"Harry we're sorry we got to go, it was nice meeting you all," he decided switching back into his animal form, Bella did the same and quickly the two of them vanished into the sky.
"Bye then," Harry sighed to the sight of the fleeing pair, they had a good point.
"So what do you think they're doing?" Cho asked Harry as she came back with a round of butterbeers, everyone took them quickly. They were in the Hog's end which they all knew would be less busy than the three broomsticks and they would not be overheard.
"No idea but they must have had a good reason to come here, " Harry pointed out
"Yep, if I had escaped from prison I'd go somewhere say with more sun, more sand and less Dumbledore," Draco muttered not loudly enough for anyone but the group to hear
"As unfunny as that was he does have a point," Hermione agreed,
"Well I'm sure we'll find out soon enough," Harry decided looking around, then he saw something appear in the window, a white owl that suddenly zoomed towards him.
"Hedwig? What are you doing here?" he asked the white owl which extended a foot, it had a letter
"Wow look at that he has more educated conversations with his owl than you," Cho smiled and Draco shook his head
"I remember the time where I made comments like that,"
"What ten seconds ago?" Luna asked and everyone laughed
"Whose it from?" Crabbe asked and Harry withdrew a letter from Nicholas Flamel, they had written to him a few times with a picture of the symbols and he knew two sets of them. So they had sent him the pages after making him promise he wouldn't tell anyone.
"It's another part of my mum's journal," Harry announced and after making sure the bartender was out of the way he looked at what it said, the letter from Flamel warned it was disturbing but he did not know who wrote it.
Every lead I follow ends in nothing, no one knows anything and I'm starting to think I'm looking for someone who doesn't exist, someone who is hiding away while the world looks on. I know Dumbledore is involved somehow but I don't know much else, however my investigating time is less available now. I'm starting to fall for James Potter, he is someone I just can't get out of my head and yet I hated him a week ago. I've been tested for love potion but it's like something inside of me is pushing me towards him, it's weird if nothing else
"That's deep," Draco sighed however only Harry knew that there was something hidden, something pushing her towards James, it was living inside her, like a parasite that evolved too far. However when she died it became more, however he was the only person who knew this so he moved onto the last entry.
I was right looking back, I was reading my seventh year entry and I was right, I don't love James and I also know that I was hunting for someone hiding, hiding in me. I am the reason people cannot be safe, the thing I've been looking for is inside me, some kind of force. Something that cannot be controlled and I see no way out, not one, It also explains James. I know behind it all he is cruel and yet he maintains he loves me and yet I know it's not true. He is obviously working with this thing whatever it is, my only question is why it's letting me do this; write this, what does it gain from letting me know this. My other question is it in my son? Did it pass on information, questions without answers; so many of them and yet I have nothing, nothing but Harry who on this Halloween night seems strange.
"The night she died," Harry worked out and sighed deeply, Cho put a comforting hand on his back and he smiled at her.
"So what did she mean?" Hermione wondered "I mean about something being inside her"
"No idea," Harry was relieved that Draco did not comment on her choice of words but he supposed it was a bit of a dark thing to get into.
"There's too much we don't know," Harry agreed, he was wondering how his mother found out this thing was inside her, did it know she was going to die soon and wanted to show its hand. Or was it something else, maybe the rest of the journal would tell him but with resources running out he had no idea how to proceed.
"Are you ok Harry?" Cho asked suddenly and Harry nodded,
"Anything your thinking of?" She asked and Harry once more found himself having to lie for the sake of this alliance with the creature
"Fine," he assured her but once again she didn't look convinced, he was starting to worry he was becoming obvious, that he did know more than everyone else but he didn't want to tell them. Working with the creature was shameful to say the least and they would never understand and then he realised the creature had a point when they first spoke in the chamber, he was not like them and he doubted he ever could be.

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