chapter 46

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Harry stared at the monster claiming to be his counterpart with pure contempt; after three years this was the thing that had led him to the stone, into the chamber, tried to frame him and kill his friends. He knew he would be outmatched in a fight but something told him to stand his ground
"I'm you?" he questioned not wanting to have to accept it was true, a sickening smile crossed Lily Potter's lips
"Yes, as was your mother and your grandparents, over the years I grew strong and I existed as a mental image in the foolish minds of the humans I manipulated, Dumbledore among them. However when your mother died I had a body, a body that was real but as you can see in recent years I have been forced to hide my appearance, the killing curse worked on the body but not me," the creature explained putting its hood up, the shock had worn off now.
"So James Potter," Harry queried wondering how he survived Voldemort who he doubted was involved with the figure.
"He was instructed to wear a heavy reflective metal over his chest, he then took a pill of my design to make him sleep and since he has been my personal agent, I must thank you he had outworn his usefulness," the figure commented with a dark smirk.
"So what do you want with me?" Harry asked; he needed to know what was to come
"That is a question that I have many answers to, part of me is inside you; your dark self which has been fighting you for power and it thinks I am here to liberate it, consider it my offspring, however I do not need another one of me, I need you Harry Potter," the figure answered and Harry frowned. He was confused
"Over the last few years my attempts to manipulate, mould and control you, have been beaten back, not just your fault; allying with humans is a risk in itself. However I seem to have reached an impasse; so I decided to test you, I sent James Potter to kill your friends; if it had worked then you would have been under my control however as we both know it did not. I see you now as something else; you are like me, well you are me but at the same time you are still holding onto human elements. Elements I do not want to understand, elements that stand in the way of you being something more; one of the reasons I thought your friends should die but you are too protective of them," the creature continued and Harry could sense a smile behind its hood.
"Well I've kept them away from you." Harry growled
"I know, one of the many traits that make you inferior to my magnificence, however I must remind you that you are not human despite what you think, my influence thanks to the Dementor has been extended in powers I do not have. Your mental powers are something to be admired and your flight is interesting, you shooting energy waves even more so, however with them a Dementor's darkness has manifested itself in you, your dark side. If it grew then it would be an equal, uncaring, malevolent and only wanting to sustain itself," the monster continued with something in its voice; something Harry did not recognise.
"It sounds like something you would want," Harry hissed
"No, something like that would be an equal and too powerful; it could not be controlled and already it is clever, with a few words it helped you work out my mystery and send you down here, it hoped I would free it but do not want it free!" it spat with what Harry realised was worry.
"But it's you," Harry pointed out
"No, the power I am has personality taken from all my previous hosts, I always existed in them and I took things with me, think of us as Father and Son. I created you in a sense, the power infused in you may have the same genetic code but it does not have my personality; my knowledge or attributes; if it was free then it would be the end; you know this to," the figure commented.
"So you're supposed to be my father? I never thought I'd say this but I'll take James Potter," Harry hissed not wanting to even think of what it had said.
"You have no choice, without me you would not be you, no you would be some child wriggling in the dirt to please an old man who wants you as a martyr, without me you would have no powers and you would be defenceless; I lived inside her and I controlled inner functions, I could have killed you but I spared you," the figure informed Harry with an air or superiority.
"So you could control me," Harry retorted, this creature had nerve even insinuating Harry owed his life to it,
"My original intention was for the power in you to only show itself when it was needed, moments of fear or need such as when you killed the dark lord, my hope was this power could create a hero, a hero who would die and yet be remembered and something I could use to control people. However my intention did not work; it almost did if not for your Dementor, but I must say you are a hero and unlike Dumbledore I know the original plan is worthless," the creature then looked at Harry in a more direct manner. Harry understood now, the Basilisk had told him that this thing had once been good but it was not referring to it, the snake had been refereeing to Lily; she wanted to change the world and make it better and then the creature had taken over. She was doing well and then four words, four words in Snake tongue and two words in Human; Avada Kedavra. Corruption that had been the very power she was trying to understand and now there was no Lily, the monster was not her.
"Well that's something of a relief," Harry mumbled aloud not realising whom he was addressing.
"Dumbledore will still try, now instead I have a proposition for you," the figure told Harry thinking he was talking to it; its voice changing slightly,
"What do you mean?" Harry demanded wondering what this creature could offer him
"Now James Potter is currently sitting in Azkaban and I am sure is being treated to whatever delights your Dementor can come up with and I find myself thinking what do you want? It is hard to control you and I think unlike Dumbledore I will not try, instead I will offer you a chance to see things from my point of view," the figure continued in a sincere voice.
"Never," Harry spat long before it could continue; this was the thing he hated beyond anything; there was no way he would help it.
"Silence, jumping to an answer is very human; not worthy of us, well of me but one day you could me more. However there is someone inside this castle, someone my esteem companion refuses to tell me anything about. He seems to have realised our relationship is strained, strained to a point where soon it will break; we have argued about this and you. Now Peter Pettigrew," the last three words were all Harry heard and he remembered what Sirius had said.
"Ahh I have your attention," the figure chuckled in a wispy infuriating voice
"Now we both know he is a rat, an animagus much like you; yes I know. However I know he is in the castle, I don't know where," the figure explained with a contemptuous sneer towards Dumbledore. He had become something of an annoyance, he was once more subservient and yet now he was becoming something more. It was annoying.
"So we're looking for a rat in the castle?" Harry asked
"Indeed, both of us and working apart seems foolish; foolish to a point where it would give the rat time to escape, Dumbledore wants this despite what he says. So I propose an alliance, a secret one to give us time to find the rat, it is a chance to see things from my perspective and we both could use each other. My resources and power matched with you mental ones are something that would be formidable, then you can see the world from my point of view, a view that could mean you become something more," the figure requested finally.
"And if I accept and it doesn't end up that way?" Harry demanded wanting to ensure the figure would not stab him in the back; metaphorically and literally as well.
"Then we go back to being enemies; I go back to working with my human servants and you go back to your friends , eventually however you will become too big to ignore and I will have to destroy you," the figure answered with some venom in its voice.
"Think about it now, if you don't accept then we both try to find Pettigrew, Dumbledore is doing the same but he knows more not much more but he has the advantage nevertheless, so we work together and we both learn, I created you, your powers come from me and despite my original intention you are no longer human, whatever genetic information Lily passed onto you has been changed by your powers and inner self. Instead of the weak controlled boy I had envisioned I see a much stronger more powerful one," it seemed like the figure was trying to compliment him something Harry found strange.
"So your jut hoping we go from mortal enemies to some kind of father and son?" Harry spat
"Off course not, we are not humans and we do not see each other parentally, I was stating how humans would see us if we we're them; we are not, if you were supposed to be a son I would not have thrown to the Dursleys, however that boy, the one I hoped to see only existed for eight years if that. Now you're you, I think you could become my equal and the kind I know you dark self to be, so make your choice now," the figure demanded coolly.
"Fine, just until we get Pettigrew," Harry decided realising the rat was responsible for the years Sirius suffered in Azkaban, everything that had happened to him was the rat's fault.
"Good, now I shall be in contact; I am not sure where to start but I will let you know," the figure nodded before vanishing into the air.
"What happened to you?" Draco demanded the moment he saw Harry, all six of them had been looking for him all day and the teachers of the classes they skipped were going to kill them. Cho and Hermione hugged Harry
"Sorry, it's just," Harry began intending to explain
"Yeah we know your dark thing was talking through the Bogart and you killed it," Cho summarised,
Harry looked surprised but saw a chance,
"Yeah well I thought that was a sign of it about to break free so I went down into the chamber of secrets, I was worried that we'd get a repeat of last time," Harry explained. Draco looked suddenly more relaxed
"Ahh, makes sense I mean people almost died," he soothed without a comment or sarcasm.
"I thought you could control it?" Hermione pointed out
"Not any more, the only thing that got me out of it last time was you three, I don't know if you remember that," Harry asked wondering if they did, all three girls frowned. Their actions had been done in a deep sleep after all.
"Well, sounds like you had a rough day but I've got some bad news, someone has just put posters up giving a detailed account of what happened on the train," Draco gulped and Harry looked alert; him talking to Dora? That was not something he wanted out there, however as he followed Draco he didn't realise Cho was staring at him. She knew something was up, she didn't believe that story; Harry wouldn't run off over that, he wouldn't go down there! She knew that because she did remember what she said in his mind, vaguely but she did; Harry would have tried to soothe his dark self through his friends; only something very powerful could have convinced him to run off. Besides Draco told her what his inner self had said, we both know what this means. Surely his inner self wouldn't be stupid enough to announce its arrival. No so as she followed she was getting a sense that Harry was not telling the truth.

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