chapter 50

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Cho and Hermione were sat in the common room, they were in a deep conversation, recently Hermione had seen Harry return from the forbidden forest and since then they had looked for him at night. Harry's adventures had been going on every few days for the last two weeks and they had seen him return. They didn't ask him about it and wondered if he would talk about it but at long last they decided to find out where he was going. So they pretended to go to bed early and once the common room had cleared they snuck down and waited, he had not left yet and they were waiting to hear him approach.
"What the hell were you thinking?" they heard a voice suddenly "What if one of my roommates had heard you?"
"They did not, which is the important thing, now we have a limited window of opportunity in which to act, we must quickly or risk losing the trail, already I sense the rat is getting ready to leave and I fear if we do not act then we will lose him," A deep calmer voice explained slowly
"Your voice is deeper," Harry suddenly remarked walking down the stairs and opening the large doors, Hermione and Cho were behind the furniture but he did not sense them, he was preoccupied with this person.
"A dead voice decays, this body is failing, a decaying body cannot support a power such as this for long," was the reply
"And what will you do?" Harry asked slightly concerned about his own safety
"I will find another, now I wish to talk to you," the person answered casually walking out of the Ravenclaw Common room,
"About? "Harry asked
"Your mother's journal," was the response and both girls looked at each other, both shocked. How did this person know about it and why would Harry share
"How do you know about that?" Harry demanded suddenly, angrily almost as he realised that this thing had been playing him.
"Because I am no fool, The sorting hat however old could not have hidden it well, also your talents come into play and I know you have it by your reaction to the subject," was the answer and Harry just looked at this thing.
"What about it?" Harry asked
"Why did you not come to me?" was the question and it seemed to Cho and Hermione whoever this was seemed confused.
"Because it's about you," Harry answered and a dry throaty chuckle escaped from its mouth
"No, No, No she never knew about me, not until the end and I needed to take control the moment she died to ensure I would live on," it answered.
"What are they talking about?" Hermione whispered to Cho who frowned, she had no idea either , she just shook her head to ensure neither Harry or his friend heard them.
"Wait, Cho I know him," Hermione breathed suddenly
"What?" Cho asked concerned
"It's Draco's boggart," she answered and Cho gasped, this was the figure, the mysterious figure behind everything and yet Harry was with it. What was going on here?
"Hermione Harry might be in trouble, do you know the Slytherin password?" she asked
"Pureblood as normal," was her dull answer and Cho nodded
"Go and get Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, Luna too, I think Harry might need us," she decided looking at her friend with obvious concern. She was worried he was being manipulated or forced to work with it,
"So what actually happened?" Harry asked, the hooded monster he knew looked at him
"Voldemort fired the killing curse, yet the power in you rejected it and as I predicated it sank inside you, it burned up deflecting the curse and I thought it was gone, however we both the rest of this story," was the answer and Harry didn't know whether or not the thing was regretful or proud.
Dumbledore's office
"Blood drop," the creature hissed towards the gargoyle which moved quickly, the old man had a very strange taste in sweets.
"Now be silent, his wards will not activate thanks to me but if he awakes then it will get confrontational," the creature warned slowly stepping up the staircase, when they both reached the office the creature opened it with a slight wave of the hand.
"Lily Potter was many things and powerful was one of them, it is a shame she never realised the full extent," the creature muttered opening the door
"But it gave you a chance to live," Harry commented,
"It did but remember my original plan was for her to live, she was supposed to step aside like Dumbledore said she would, however I realised too late she would not, my original plan was to take over her living body not the dead one and I need a new one," was its blunt and yet truthful answer.
"How do you do that?" Harry asked in a whisper
"With great difficulty," was its cryptic response then it guestured for silence and crept up a staircase to where Dumbledore was sleeping, Harry sensed the creature remove ward after ward but they were powerful and Harry decided to let the creature do the work this time.
"After you," it whispered and Harry closed his eyes and plunged down into his mind.
He did not see a landscape like with Quirrel but instead saw a swirling tunnel of memories, it quickly stretched to become a maze and Harry realised the walls were shields, if he touched one then it would either wake the man up or throw Harry out. So he walked looking at the walls which sometimes held pictures, some moved and he Dumbledore as a young child, fighting with his brother and talking to a young confused girl Harry did not recognise. Then again it was years ago so why would he, as he walked he heard shouts, the name Dumbledore among other things that made little sense. Then he looked around, he was looking for something to do with Pettigrew or Sirius but instead he saw one passage, impossibly thin. This was a lot of protection and Harry wondered what he was doing with it, whatever was inside was his deepest and darkest secret. So Harry looked for a way in, the maze wall was tiny and then he realised. He was not human and he the powers of a Dementor, if he could stop its aura then could he start his own? Dementors chose happy memories to devour but it was a choice, so he closed his eyes and willed the memories towards him. It was too much and suddenly Harry was viewing hundreds of memories. Fights, a young charismatic man, a dead woman, a duel with the young man who aged to become an older one, he saw Dumbledore meet the great father of Lily Evans and continue the process. He saw the offspring of this, the creature meet Dumbledore in a dream before becoming a physical being, he saw Sirius for a second and then he saw the house, the house he and the creature had been to but he did not see either Pettigrew of Sirius.
"Help me," an old woman with the voice of a child begged looking at an unseen person with desperation, then she was looking through a window. A window where he could see Sirius and Pettigrew, why was he seeing her perspective? This was Dumbledore's memory so who had put this in? The woman possibly but suddenly he saw Pettigrew shrink and the woman prepared to greab something from a small vent, it was a rat. A rat he recognised, Ron Weasley's rat.
"Help me," the woman turned to him with pleading eyes, did she know who it was or had she put this out for anyone to find, had she hoped there would be a trial or something but Harry decided something then. He could rescue her on his own, but there was someone who could help, so he pulled out of Dumbledore's mind.
"What did you find?" the creature asked as Harry slowly moved away from the man
"I know where Pettigrew is," he answered and the creature nodded, it almost smiled
"Where?" it asked wanting to end this once and for all, Harry looked at it.
"I'm not going to tell you," was his answer and the creature recoiled
"What? You are protecting the man who sent your godfather to his dead and had a hand in killing Lily?" it demanded in a hushed whisper
"No I need your help with something first," Harry replied somewhat icily and the creature looked at him
"What?" it demanded with no idea what possible interest Harry could have in that house.
"We need to go back to the house Sirius was caught in," he answered
"Why?" the creature demanded somewhat angrily, it was being denied what this alliance had been forged on.
"Because I need to, your choice," Harry offered, this woman whoever she was had tried to help Harry , well anyone looking into Pettigrew but she needed help and Harry was not going to not help her. If she was alive that is, it was a long time ago and she was old but he still had to try.
"Fine, I will need to leave from the forest," it sighed dejectedly
"No I need you in case someone's there, I can get us there," Harry answered
"And may I ask how?" the creature wondered "Flight would take a lot of time," Harry smiled,
"Dementors have another way of getting around," Harry informed the creature with a dark glare, then he quickly spun around and focusing all his power on the shadows pushed himself and the creature to the ground, it was caught off guard and suddenly both of them were being devoured by the shadows.
"What the hell just happened?" Draco asked from the stairs, they had seen everything and yet had no idea what was going on.
"Why did Harry do that?" Luna asked with a confused frown
"Why would he go anywhere near that thing," Draco asked looking at the spot they vanished from, he was very confused and wanted answers. Answers he at the moment did not have
"More importantly how long has he been working with the hooded figure?" Hermione asked
"Are you suggesting he's doing it willingly?" Draco looked shocked Hermione would think that about his best friend, Harry was not the type to do something like that, he would never betray them like that.
"He didn't seem unwilling," Hermione accused not wanting to think that but the logical part of her mind was working well
"And you would know?" Draco snapped
"Well he could have been taken over by his Dementor part," Hermione pointed out
"Harry is not that weak, and no I know he would not do this willingly," Draco replied angrily
"Calm down both of you, we need to work out what the hell is going on and not speculate and accuse, we need to find out why Harry is with this guy and more importantly we need to find if he's in trouble," Cho interrupted, she felt the same as them and her mind was working in the same way but she was going to hear the facts. She wanted to know what was going on but she was not going to just jump to a conclusion.
"Fine let's calm down and work it out, Harry could be in trouble," Draco pointed out
"I would be far more worried about yourself Mr Malfoy," Dumbledore announced walking towards the group with his wand drawn, unlike Harry and the creature there was a lot of them and they had made a lot of noise without knowing about.
"Now we are going to have a little chat and you are going to tell me everything you know,"
"Or what?" Draco demanded
"Or I will force you to," the man answered lightly with an dark gaze.

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