chapter 25

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Harry managed to calm Lucy down eventually, it had taken three days of conversation, grovellingand further explanations before she forgave him. In her own way she was still really annoyed and was expressing her feelings as she glided alongside Dora. Her main focus was no longer being annoyed at Harry but instead Dumbledore, Hogwarts and pretty much everyone she could be annoyed at. Her chill was double the capacity it normally was and the prisoners in the lower level of the prison were shuddering as she cut through them, a heavy Dementor presence was unusual in this part of the prison. It was different; the cells were the same and straw was used as a carpet for the corridor and the cells; it was dark and damp but these prisoners would only stay in here a few months or a year. The ones higher up would stay much longer.
"What kind of school did I send him to ?" she asked her closest sister as they glided through the low security wing. Why they had levels of security she had no idea but there had to be some system of separating the foolish from the evil, Dora was gliding next to her and suddenly put a scabbed hand on her sister's shoulder. It was comforting but Lucy was still angry
"Calm Lucy, I understand your upset more than anything but think about it, he's fine. Everyone is fine, if anything you should be proud," Dora soothed coming to a halt at the far end of the corridor. People were groaning behind her but the two Dementors ignored them
"Of course I'm proud of him! he took on Voldemort and won, they all did. I'm very proud but he still was put in that situation," Lucy replied quickly, if Dora had proper lips she would smile.
"Calm down then, we knew Dumbledore would try something but it blew up in his face, Harry won. Easily and the foolish man tried to have him imprisoned here," Dora informed Lucy. The entire family had loved that, Fudge sent him to Azkban every holiday and to be honest all Dumbledore was actually trying to do was send him on his summer break,
"I know, the nerve of the fool. The old Fudge would have done so..." Lucy began angrily; she had not found the thing amusing. If she had never of met Harry then he might have been condemned here without being able to talk to them; the manipulative fool.
"Calm... the old Fudge is not here and that is what counts. What Harry did was what we were trying to do, he proved that he would not be easily beaten and that has set Dumbledore back a few steps, his plans have been disrupted heavily this year and Harry was just the icing on the cake ," Dora interrupted firmly not wanting her sister to get upset about this. Lucy took a few moments to compose herself
"I suppose you are right, you are right but this coming year will prove challenging," Lucy sighed, Dumbledore would try even harder this time round.
"I don't doubt it but I have a strange feeling Harry will know what to do, he has protected his friends and himself all year round and if he can do once then he can do it again," Dora assured her.
The next day
"So did she kill you?" Draco wondered as Harry appeared with Lucy from the shadows, he gave him a really look and Lucy looked at Harry obviously she was saying something. Every summer she had to go on a ministry mandated course of some kind and Harry would stay with the Malfoy's.
"She says not yet," Harry translated looking slightly nervous, Draco laughed as Lucius moved forward to greet Lucy and Harry. Narcissa was out but she would be back later,
"Good to see you both," Lucius announced warmly but Draco noticed a flicker of something in his eye, suspicion? no, something else. It was as if he was trying to read Harry in some way, his eyes twinkled but nothing came of it and Draco supposed his father was just being his father.
"Bye mum," Harry turned to the Dementor who said the same back, Draco couldn't understand them but he could tell it was a goodbye of some kind seeing as the two embraced for a moment then Lucy nodded to Lucius and vanished. Shadow travel looked fun, Harry couldn't go very far yet but had managed to move himself across Malfoy Manor with ease. Ah good times ,
"How you doing mate?" Draco wondered as Dobby apparated in and took his luggage, the elf had been considerably quiet these last few days but no one really noticed. Draco shook his friends hands and they walked into the manor.
Harry flew through the air, Draco had invited Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy over today. Cho and Hermione were busy but they would visit in a few days. Draco had taken initiative and divided the teams up fairly; well it was him, Crabbe and Goyle against Harry and Pansy. He had tried getting Harry on his team but Pansy pretty much threatened to slap him if he tried ganging up on her, Draco made no comment about this. Harry decided to invite her along more often if she could keep Draco in line, either way they had walked over to the Quidditch pitch and ascended into the air. It was a good day for it , there was no wind, a warm sun and everything was peaceful.
"On your marks, get set... go!" Draco announced sending a stream of sparks into the air, Harry moved first. He dived through the defence (Crabbe and Goyle) before attempting to snatch the Quaffle from Draco; his hand reached for it and then.
"Nope," Draco said dropping it into Goyle's hand who was suddenly awaiting below. Harry braked and swerved around but before he could even make a move to intercept Pansy charged Goyle who threw the Quaffle up for her to catch, it was not a move he made willingly but because she was trying to charge him. Luckily she caught it and in a move that could rival Harry she dodged Crabbe and threw it to Harry.
"Nope," Draco said again veering upwards; he knew Harry's techniques and plucked the quaffle in mid flight. Harry had anticipated this and swerved to take it out of Draco's hands, it worked and Draco cursed as Harry cruised towards the goal. He scored the first point,
"Damn it," Draco muttered.
As they were playing Dobby watched, he was worried and scared for Harry Potter, he felt a link to Harry for some reason but Dobby knew what was going on. Arthur Weasley had no right to order that raid so he must have some support higher up in the ministry, Dobby was no fool and he knew how things worked but that was not all he knew. He also knew that the diary was the intended target of the raid; Arthur Weasley had been instructed to get the diary and Dobby knew what it would do. History would repeat itself and he needed to stop Harry Potter from getting hurt.
When he was at Malfoy manor Harry slept in one of the many guest rooms available, this one was reserved just for him to use though some changes had been made. The bed now had a Ravenclaw blue cover while the carpet was green, a dark chair rested opposite a fireplace which was contained in silver casing. Evidently the Malfoy's did not want him to forget that he was allied with Slytherins; he wouldn't have any way but the thought was nice he supposed
"Ok you can come out now Dobby," Harry sighed; he had read the elf's mind earlier and found two things. Firstly all personal information was inaccessible as it was part of the elf's mind not contained by the slavery bond, which would allow his master access to his thoughts and plans, secondly Dobby wanted to meet up with him. He had always felt sorry for Dobby, he was treated a little better now but wanted to find some way to free him
"Harry Potter sir?" Dobby questioned appearing from seemingly nowhere, he had been intending to surprise Harry after all.
"You wanted to meet up, what's wrong?" Harry asked hoping the elf was not being mistreated. Dobby looked down and seemed conflicted for a moment, then he looked up.
"Something very bad is going to happen at Hogwarts, something dark," he began slowly, Harry frowned.
"What's going to happen Dobby?" Harry asked gently, the elf was clearly scared if his drooping ears and wide eyes were anything to go by. Then Dobby vanished and it was as if the conversation had never happened.
Arthur Weasley walked along a darkened alley, it was night and no one was around but this was not a normal walk. He was on his way to a meeting, a meeting that could shape the very future of the wizarding world, the meeting was run by Dumbledore. So when he arrived at what most would assume was a dark wall he tapped it with his wand three times and stepped through. He was in a dimly lit room, a number of people sat around a circular table in the centre and he could see Dumbledore and other members of the group.
"Arthur," Dumbledore greeted gesturing for him to sit on an empty seat, Arthur did and saw his wife across the table looking eager to begin. Then he reached into his pocket and withdrew a book, it was the same book they had been searching for a long time.
"Good," a voice announced lowly, Arthur turned to see a robed figure at one end of the room. He had no idea who it was and the only person who did was Dumbledore, Arthur nodded at the real head of the order.
"So what do we do with it now?" Molly asked, she had no idea of what the diary was and she was not the only one. Arthur thought it was only a key to the chamber, the truth only two people in this room knew.
"We use it open the chamber, then Harry Potter will be forced to go down there and he will find a connection with Ginny," Dumbledore replied as if it was obvious.
"Is this plan going to work as well as your other one?" someone asked from the table, Dumbledore chuckled.
"This plan I assure you cannot fail and once Harry meets Ginny we will have a direct link to him and he will play into our hands," the figure announced darkly.
"And what of his upbringing in Azkban?" someone else inquired with concern in their voice; the news had been disturbing to them all.
"What about it?" Dumbledore asked, the person spoke in an irritated voice.
"How will it affect us? he has played out of your hands this year. Ron Weasley did not make contact," they explained. Dumbledore smiled and raised a hand
"That was an oversight, one that cannot happen again," Dumbledore assured them all in a grandfatherly tone, then he looked at Molly. The figure then spoke
"And if this plan does not then as it was your idea Molly to have him rescue Ginny and get the sword of Gryffindor then your life will be the forfeit," the figure announced calmly. Molly Weasley shuddered slightly as the threat washed over her.
"Don't worry he will be friends with Ginny before the year is out and then we can work on their eventual marriage," Molly announced faithfully after taking a moment to regain herself; the threat was real and she knew it.
"He better," the figure replied darkly.

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