chapter 43

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Summer was slowly drifting away Harry found, the day he would return to Hogwarts grew closer and closer with each passing day. Bella and Sirius had not been caught, James Potter was refusing to talk and it seemed that now the shock was over that slowly; ever so slowly the world was calming down. The frenzy it had been thrown into was dying down and Harry was relieved that he would not be the centre of attention. He was not going back to Azkaban during the summer, the place was crawling with aurors and more so Lucy had told him he would stay with the Malfoy's until it had all blown over, all of it and not whatever calm the world had drifted into now. However he had kept a watchful eye for more assassins or thugs sent after his friends but neither he nor they had found anything, maybe they had given up? It was a hope filed thought which he doubted would come to fruition.
"They're here," Draco gestured to the two girls walking over, Cho and Hermione had just arrived and all of them had decided to meet up. Crabbe and Goyle were out and Luna decided not to come. Apparently today was something important to her or her family and Harry decided not to intrude, though she seemed sad in the days leading up.
"So do you know what's up with Luna?" Draco asked they had all been surprised to find the normally insane girl acting quiet over the last couple of days
"No, I considered mind breaking in but I think it would be better if she told us in her own time," Harry answered knowing how traumatic events could affected a person, he still remembered what happened before Lucy found him and he had not discussed the details with anyone except her.
"I suppose your right," Draco sighed sounding slightly dejected, they had all wanted to help her but Harry realised the best help was giving her the space she needed. If today was something Luna associated with sadness then she should be allowed to feel how she wished.
"Any luck on the journal?" Draco asked suddenly, Harry had spent some time in the Manor library looking for any information on languages, it seemed Lily had covered her tracks well and not a single book in the possession of an old pureblood family had any idea what the symbols were.
"Hi," Harry greeted once Lucius had finished greeting the girls, it was a custom apparently for guests but it did not take long
"Hey Harry, Hey Draco," Cho and Hermione said in sync, they quickly descended into conversation about how they were and what they were and weren't looking forward to when Hogwarts came. Dumbledore was the main factor against it turned out,
"Where's Luna?" Hermione asked, Harry knew she and Cho had no idea Luna had declined an invitation.
"She's not here," Cho answered suddenly, Harry frowned; how did she know that.
"Today's the day Luna's mum died, her dad told me when me and Hermione went over, I saw a picture. She died today, she had been making a spell that backfired about ten years ago," Cho explained,
"It's a long time ago," Draco commented not unkindly but it was untactful to say the least, Draco had never lost a parent and Harry knew that you still missed them; his time at the Dursley's had taught him that much. Harry could imagine how she felt, it explained a lot about why she had been sad the last couple of days and hopefully after today she would feel better. It was a vain hope in some ways but a hope none the less.
"It was her mum Draco," Cho scorned but she decided to cut him some slack. She realised he meant no malice by it, it was just a lack of understanding.
"So any update on the breakout?" Hermione wondered wanting to change the subject, she could sense upcoming tension. It was a good distraction seeing as Harry could understand Dementor talk and as there were so many around it was easy to work out what was going on. The press claimed the ministry was closing in but in reality they were getting further and further away from the suspects and despite all the sightings they had not found much. Their only lead was the sighing of Bellatrix by a man who claimed she attacked him, something Harry doubted judging by how much fame he was seeking from the account.
"Not really, I think a few Dementors are going to stop them getting near Hogwarts but I don't think it's going to work," Harry confessed knowing how Dementors sensed animals.
"Why?" Draco asked and Harry cursed as he realised he had given away that he knew something about how they escaped.
"They got out of Azkaban with hundreds of Dementors, If they can get past them they can past anything," Harry explained quickly, the explanation seemed to settle Draco and Hermione but he was sure he caught a flicker of disbelief in Cho's eyes but she did not question further.
"Ah well, if we wanted to worry about a murderer we could focus on the people who want to kill us," Draco pointed out, unease quickly spread through the group. Telling Harry that all of them had indeed been on the lookout for assassins,
"I've been watching my mum cook," Hermione mumbled
"And I bought a new lock," Cho announced.
"And I have a flying lunatic who can sense assassins," Draco smiled, Harry shot him an exasperated glare,
"Yeah well unless Harry clones himself or start's talking shifts we can't all have one," Cho remarked
"Not a bad idea," Draco muttered aloud "We could sell this as a protection to people,"
"Yeah we only have one and there may or may not be a law or two about selling people," Hermione pointed out and Harry didn't know whether or not to feel insulted that they were talking about selling him or thankful they were considering him as valued security. He decided with neither in the end.
"You also have a girl you keep writing to," Harry commented remembering his conversation with Ginny the other day
"What?" Hermione asked sharply
"Oh dear," Draco commented realising what Harry knew and what he was suggesting
"What's going on? Do you have a girlfriend Draco?" Cho asked with an inquisitive tone and a slight smile
"NO!" Draco defended, Cho burst into giggles at this point and Draco just glared at Harry.
"Cho hits me, Hermione slaps me, Luna poisons me and now you're revealing things about me? Dear God what do Crabbe and Goyle have planned?" he asked himself
"Excessive mauling, they are bears," Hermione suggested lightly.
"Ok let's play a game, let's turn into our animal forms and find out who guests mauled first, reminder I happen to be a fox," Draco pointed out
"Better idea you turn into a fox and I make you into a scarf," Cho suggested in what Harry hoped was a joking way.
Kings Cross Station
"Out of interest do we have a new defence against the dark arts teacher this year? Because the last two have died in two us related situations," Draco wondered aloud thinking of Quirell and Lockhart
"Ok how about this year we try to not kill the teacher," Hermione suggested in all seriousness
"How does it get to the point where instead of agreeing not to get in trouble we agree to not try and kill teachers, how does it get to this point?" Cho demanded as the six of them approached the entrance to kings cross, their parents were behind well all of them except Lucy. She had been trying to get a chance to come and see Harry but she had been sent to northern France to scout the area and reluctantly she had asked the Malfoy's to do it instead. Suffice to say Harry was being quieter than normal, he felt strange inside. His last years at Hogwarts had always started with Lucy taking him to the station and seeing him off but without her it just felt odd,
"It isn't entirely normal," he commented wanting to still be involved in the conversation, he didn't know how to feel; it just seemed this summer had not been for him with the escape, a terrible assassination attempt and Lucy being called away. She had to work but it was a pity she couldn't be here.
"Anyway Draco does have a point, I mean Lockhart was eaten by a monster so I doubt it does much for advertising," Hermione pointed out
"We need to be on the lookout, our new teacher could be a woozle! They could be disguising themselves so they can take over Hogwarts and make us work in the honey industry," Luna warned looking genuinely concerned; she had perked up a bit now. The pain associated with the day her mother died had gone now but Harry knew better than anyone it would come back, however he was certain she was making these comments just to annoy Hermione.
"Luna I'm sure our new teacher will be a human," Hermione announced, Harry smirked and like always the group fell silent when they spoke, it was a spectacle to be observed and it was funny. Cho was trying to hide a smile, Crabbe and Goyle were openly chortling and Draco was just looking afar.
"That's what they want you to think," Luna announced darkly.
"Look while watching you two is funnier than walking into a wall we have a wall that needs walking into," Harry commented pointing to the entrance to platform nine and three quarters.
"Ok Harry can we leave the witty comments to me," Draco requested aloud
"I suppose no one making them is out of the question," Cho asked almost desperately; she got no answer.
The train
"How the hell can everywhere be full?" Draco asked sounding quite annoyed; once they had all got on the train it seemed every compartment was full.
"Are they shrinking the train?" Hermione wondered looking through the glass at packed compartments; the train did seem to be smaller than usual.
"If they wanted to make some changes to the school the train is not what I would pick, I would focus on the corrupt headmaster, the mental cases hired as teachers, the monsters literally living under our feet and the electric sadists walking the halls," Draco countered referencing the various things that had happened to them over the last two years; which was seriously saying something about how this one would turn out.
"What kind of school do we go to?" Crabbe questioned listening to Draco's comments for once
"The only one where you can go in each year and it's an achievement to come out alive," Draco answered.
"Here's one," Goyle pointed out
"There's someone in it, someone who looks too old to be a student," Hermione pointed out looking at a man in patched clothing with raggedy hair fast asleep on the seat.
"I have a policy of not going into enclosed spaces with older men," Draco announced and in response Harry pushed him in, the man was asleep after all and if he wanted them to move they could do so later.
"Maybe he's the new teacher," Harry commented studying the man for a few seconds
"See I told you he'd be a woozle, he's all thin and wearing clothing stitched together by paws," Luna announced, Hermione flushed a shade of red but instead of retorting she took a deep breath and settled down.
"No, nothing... a miracle ladies and gentleman Hermione Granger does not respond to something Luna Lovegood said!" Draco proclaimed in mock amazement
"Draco I don't care if a teacher is here, I will punch you!" Hermione warned
"Odds are he'd join in," Cho conceded.
"Hey I'm not that unlikable," Draco protested, he was met by silence from the others.

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