chapter 28

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"Ok Class listen up today I have a treat for you," Lockhart was ranting on but this time Harry was made to listen as the "teacher" paced up and down the room. A rattling cage which Harry knew to be Cornish Pixies was sat on his desk and Harry wondered how long the insufferable man was going to drag this out, Draco had his head on his desk and Harry was slowly beginning to wonder if he was asleep. He felt like sleeping to; Luna's many stories and ideas were far more interesting than this guy whose only qualification was he could pick up a quill. He had already spent half the lesson on himself and that test
What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite food
What is his favourite colour
What is his... it just went on and on but Harry had to admit Draco had actually been able to make a joke. When Lockhart came to collect the papers he had looked at his work with slight surprise
"No Incompetence is not my favourite hobby," he mumbled aloud as he read through the paper.
"My favourite colour is not who the hell cares, nor is my favourite food Brain Damaging pills and my proudest achievement is not graduating from Pre-school,"
"Not even they could pass him," Draco had commented before the man had started this pacing up and down for dramatic effect. Though Lockhart was an idiot it would have been harder for him not to notice Draco almost asleep now, Harry could enter this guy's mind like a twenty four hour cafe. It was always wide open and he had no defences, though there was a lot of interesting things inside which he may need to alert some officials. Something involving one hell of a lot of fraud
"I don't think you should be sleeping right now Mr Malfoy for there are dark things in this room that prey on the unaware," Lockhart yelled suddenly seeing Draco on the edge of falling asleep, the blond haired boy looked up and Harry decided if he made a comment then he wouldn't really care.
"Out of interest what OWL's do you have?" Draco asked suddenly but he was ignored.
"You are going to face the darkest, most terrifying creature known to wizard kind," the man suddenly announced darkly and most of the girls in the room swooned as his eyes met theirs. Some looked worried and slowly as his hand closed around the cage's covering and pulled it off. For some unknown reason a slight scream went through the room and then silence as the blue pixies chewed on the bars of the cage.
"Does Gilderoy Lockhart have A brain damage, B mental issues or C is a cu..." Draco trailed off as Hermione stamped on his foot before he could swear, she looked tired and she had the right to be. Apparently her and Luna had been up most of the night arguing about the existence of heffalumps and their honey stealing ways, so she wasn't really in the mood for Draco today. Though she did laugh at his first comments
"Cornish Pixies?" someone questioned suddenly and the man nodded.
"Sure they might seem harmless but let's see how much trouble they'll be... now!" he yelled flinging the cage open and releasing hundreds of the little things into the class.
"Dive!" Draco ordered to Harry and Hermione who just dodged the oncoming swarm with seconds to spare by hiding under their desks.
"What do we do?" Draco wondered aloud not wanting to say he had no idea.
"Their pixies, we just need to get them back in the cage," Hermione explained rolling her eyes at him
"I'll leave that to you two then and hey look its Crabbe and Goyle," Draco pointed to the two who were now in the air as the pixies lifted them higher and higher.
"Good to see their making friends anyway I'll leave the whole saving us thing to you," Draco nodded suddenly looking to turn away, Hermione however grabbed him and pulled him back.
"I just knew that wouldn't work," he sighed as Hermione glared at him, she looked thoughtful for a moment then looked at Harry and back at Draco.
"I could immobilise them but one of those pixies grabbed my wand," she confessed pointed to one of the many creatures zooming around, Draco looked at the wand and at Harry.
"Well only one of us can fly," he began
"But he'll need a distraction," Hermione decided darkly pushing Draco towards Harry who grabbed him but the back
"Ok the plan is, I'll throw you at them while I grab the wand any issues?" Harry wondered knowing that he was mainly doing this for his own amusement but pixies weren't dangerous enough to not be funny right now.
"Yes I have a few..." Draco began as Harry zoomed into the air dragging Draco along with him, he yelped slightly but the pixies moved as a swarm to combat these two new entities flying through the air.
"Ok now I'm going to throw you at them," Harry pointed out and before Draco could protest he was flung towards the pixies who were actually a pretty good cushion but when they grabbed him he was less sure this was a good idea. Though Harry was able to snatch Hermione's wand as the pixies tried to hang him from the roof in the same way they hung Crabbe and Goyle.
"Remind me what the hell just happened," Draco requested as he heard a cry from behind and the pixies froze.
"Wait a moment," Draco muttered as he realised if the pixies froze then he would be dropped but it was too late as in that moment he fell from the ceiling as was only saved by Harry grabbing him just before he smashed into the floor. Lockhart was now studying his destroyed classroom and smiled
"See with my help you can take on anything," he announced trying to take credit for their work.
"You're throwing him next time," Draco growled looking at the professor darkly.
"Deal," Harry replied.
"They do,"
"They don't!"
"They do!"
"Shut up!" Cho demanded eventually in the Great Hall, both Hermione and Luna looked at her; they had been arguing on/off for the last two days and it was getting really irritating. Cho and Hermione both liked Luna but whenever she spouted some of her theories Cho would ignore her pretty much but Hermione would argue to the death which for some reason ended up irritating the third year.
"Woozles? Cho really, I just," Hermione began, Cho just rolled her eyes. Crabbe and Goyle just looked away; not really wanting to be part of the conversation. Well at least not this one and Cho really couldn't blame them
"Look I don't care if what Winne the Pooh says is real or not let me just concentrate on the three page essay I have and we can argue with Luna afterwards, well I don't really want to argue but I do want to do this essay so shhh!" Cho requested in the calmest voice she could manage. Hermione nodded and reluctantly went back to reading
"So Luna your dad makes the Quibber," Goyle began slightly awkwardly but Luan nodded
"Daddy says it's the most accurate magazine now," she replied looking slightly proud
"That's good," Crabbe hoped not knowing if it was or not, Luna for her part just beamed at them
"He wants to do a story on Harry and use it to prove that the Crumple Horned Snorack helped him learn to fly," Luna commented as Harry and Draco walked over.
"Good Luck with that," Cho sighed sarcastically
"Thank you! statically you are more likely to succeed when someone tries to damper your plans " Luna beamed in her dreamy voice. Cho said nothing
"Hi people," Draco greeted, Cho put the essay down; she wasn't going to finish her homework tonight it seemed, then she noticed Harry frown for a moment. Then he relaxed but before she could ask him what was wrong Draco spoke up
"So how's things here? no one 's dead yet which is a plus," he remarked, Cho looked at him and wondered if she could get away with punching him, unfortunately McGonagall was nearby so the answer was no.
"Can you hear something?" Harry suddenly asked out of the blue, Cho looked around but could hear nothing except the other student's chatter and just general noises.
"I think someone's lost it," Draco whispered as Harry looked around again, it was like they were being watched or something but Harry was acting as if someone was talking to him.
"So what are you three doing?" Goyle asked trying to diffuse the tension around Harry who was acting slightly strange.
"Oh I think Hermione was hit by a mindathor," Luna confessed looking at the bushy haired girl warily, Hermione rolled her eyes and turned to Luna. Luckily any argument that would have taken place was halted by Harry who suddenly looked worried .
"One moment," he suddenly decided before turning around and practically sprinting away, Draco looked at Cho who nodded.
"Fine let's go," Draco sighed.
Let me Rip, Let me tear, Let me kill the voice was saying over and over in Harry's ear and he had already worked out it wasn't Lucy on any Dementor. Firstly it was a much deeper voice and Dementors did not physically eat anything but only fed on positive emotions ; so what was this voice he was hearing and why was he hearing it. So he had followed the sound of the voice up the grand staircase and suddenly he found himself in a very wet corridor, it had been flooded by someone and Harry was vaguely reminded of a ghost he had heard about haunting one of the bathrooms or something. Great so this dark mysterious voice had targeted a flooded corridor
"Harry!" Cho's voice was the first I heard but was followed very quickly by another
"Oh your ok! I was worried the Nargles got to you," Luna shouted and once again Harry found himself confused by her,
"I'm fine thanks Luna," he assured her as Hermione appeared and was about to say something.
"Are you sure? people saying their fine are twice as likely to die of shock or disease, should we check,"
"Luna..." Herminie began
"Not now!" Cho ordered not wanting to be stuck in another argument between Luna and Hermione then she turned to Harry and was obviously worried.
"Are you ok? what happened? you just ran out," she asked obviously concerned, Harry for his part had no idea. All he knew was the voice he was hearing was close by
"People I think we're in trouble," Hermione sighed suddenly, Draco moved first and suddenly he looked at one of the walls.
"Not again," Draco sulked realising that this was the start of another adventure.
"What?" Luna wondered not sure why he was so annoyed
"Luna remember when I said you needed to be mental to join this group?" Draco wondered aloud and the girl nodded.
"Well there was a reason and it involves this group being roped into things, you know. Giant Chess Games, fighting Dark Lords and the like and it looks like we are at the start of another grand adventure," he announced sarcastically
"Am I not going to like this?" Luna asked Draco who considered her question..
"Depends because at some point this year we will be fighting another dark force and it seems to be the one right behind me now," Draco replied as he turned to see the wall.
The Chamber of Secrets Has been Opened, Enemies of the Heir beware was all it said,
"Is that blood?" Cho wondered
"Oh yes, blood sticks really well to walls and is very good at making messages," Luna confirmed not caring either way. Harry for his part looked at the message, whatever this was it was connected to the voice which meant this was another thing designed perfectly for him.
"I think we should be careful," Harry advised, Draco smirked.
"So do I," he announced pointing towards the wall, Harry turned and his blood went cold as he saw Mrs Norris hanging upside down from the wall and by the sounds of it the man himself was coming towards them. This was not going to end well
"Damn it," Crabbe and Goyle said as one.

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