chapter 9

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The feeling was euphoric, a cloud of black smoke swirling around his legs faced the beast in front. Harry saw its soul and life force pulsing through its form creating the feelings of fear and wonder, it raised its club and swung towards him but Harry was already gone. He moved as a blur between the troll's strikes and flew with grace as he began working out his next move, his friends were looking horrified and confused but Harry had no thought for them as his clawed skeletal hand reached out and stopped the club half way, the beast made a strange inconsistent noise as a wave of telekinetic energy send it crashing to the floor, the wall shuddered as the monster's head slammed into it, the sinks broke as one and the window smashed into shards, then like silky tendrils the black smoke surrounding him began reaching for the creature, gripping it and piercing into its flesh. It cried out in pain as they punctured muscle and fat tissue and howled when the tendrils leeched into its veins and without knowing it began draining it, Harry felt like liquid gold was poured inside him as the monster's life force; not soul was pumped into him. The troll's eyes clouded as its soul began looking for an escape before it was tied down by the darkness only to be savoured once the beast was dead
"Harry" came a voice, it seemed both close and far at the same time and from somewhere Harry's sense urged him to listen. The life force of the troll was nearly depleted and in a few moments it would breath no more
"Harry" the voice was louder, more urgent and Harry turned to see the shocked faces of Cho and Draco, the tearful terrified face of Hermione and amazed faces of Crabbe and Goyle. No I will not lose control Harry told himself as his sense began overpowering his urge to feed of his victim, the smoky tendril recoiled and with great effort Harry detached himself from its life force. The effort took every ounce of power in his body and he felt some relief when he saw the creature was not dead, he had not killed it, then his eyes began to flicker and like a damaged missile he crashed to the ground
"Harry?" Cho asked a mixture of concerned and shocked as he began to lose consciousness
" Sorry, shouldn't" Harry mumbled as his body went limp. He faintly heard the noise of the teachers charging into the room but he quickly fell into a deep sleep
"What happened here?" McGonagall demanded seeing the exhausted, defeated troll and an unconscious Harry. Draco and Cho looked unsure of what to say when Hermione stepped forward
"It was Harry miss" she began quickly "I was in the bathroom when Harry realised I was missing and got some friends to come and help me, he flew around the Troll to distract it and we hit it with jinxes from down here, Cho and Draco accidently mixed two jinxes up which caused the Troll to collapse and it hit Harry with its club in the process". Her lie was far from perfect but it was the best she could come up with in such a short amount of time
"Yes that's what happened" Cho agreed quickly
"Exactly what happened" Draco confirmed, Crabbe and Goyle nodded in response. McGonagall looked sceptical
"Why were you in here Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked, Cho stepped forward and summarised the day's events to the teachers, Flitwick suddenly piped up
"Why was I not informed?" he asked annoyed "If a Gryffindor attempts to bully one of my students then I need to deal with it, Minerva I am disappointed you did not tell me this". Minerva muttered something in response and looked slightly abashed
"Well done you lot, you managed to save a student and take down a mountain troll and for that I think we should give sixty points to Ravenclaw and Slytherin for their equal part in this rescue" he beamed at his students, Dumbledore was glaring at them trying to dig into their minds but for some reason was repelled, no student of this age could learn Occlumency so something much different happened here but without proof he had to let them go
"Well you five need to return to your dormitories while we will escort Mr Potter to the hospital wing" he sighed feeling defeated.
The next day
Harry's eyes flickered open, he felt drained both physically and mentally which was accompanied by a painful headache. He had no idea where he was but he was lying on soft sheets and was feeling rather comfortable
"Ahh your awake" a woman noticed walking over to him "You Potters can never do things simply can you? a direct hit from a troll should have knocked you out for a week but it took you less than twenty four hours". Harry looked confused before remembering the events of the previous night , oh god he almost lost control. Lucy had warned him time and time again that he shouldn't experiment with his other form so young, though the ability to rein himself in was astounding then again knowing Lucy and his mind link with her...
Your awake her voice was concerned but Harry could sense she was annoyed
I'm so sorry Lucy it's just he began worried as she searched through his memoires
Shhh Harry, Shh I felt your transformation and I was worried you did it to show off to your friends but instead you did it to save a friend then its fine, but you were almost discovered she soothed him, the nurse was looking at him; wondering why he was staring into space but Harry ignored her
I know Harry agreed shuddering at the thought
Though I must commend you for being able to control it, I was worried you would of done a lot of damage to the school and students and it took a lot of doing for me not to fly to the school, you should thank Dora Lucy told him
Though my friends saw and I don't know what they going to think Harry confessed miserably,
It will all be fine trust me, just tell them the truth they will understand Lucy comforted him I need to go and serve food to the east wing but if you need be just send a message . Harry sighed deeply as he felt the connection sever
"Are you ok Mr Potter" Madam Pomfrey asked
"Yes" Harry assured her "When can I leave". The woman tittered in response
"Not today you can bank on that, a troll attacked you Mr Potter so the odds of you getting out of here this week are around nil, your father was the same you know. Jumping of brooms, crashing into cabinets all sorts and yet he expected me to let him waltz out of here with a plaster and a pain relief potion" she told him shaking her head, Harry groaned: a week how was he going to survive a week in this place, the Quidditch game was on Saturday so he should be ok but if this woman was anything to go by she was not someone to mess with.
It was just after lessons when Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Cho and Hermione walked in, Harry was expecting them and luckily Madam Pomfrey did nothing but glare at them disapprovingly. Harry quickly entered her mind and put a block to ensure if she overheard any of this conversation she would not remembers it
"Explain" Draco began curtly "We all told the teachers it was a joint effort but I'm quite sure I saw you try to rip the soul out of a mountain troll". His voice was slightly harder than normal
"Ok" Harry accepted "You all know I was raised by Dementors right". Cho who had only seen a Dementor hug Harry recoiled open mouthed while Hermione looked taken aback
"They do now!" Draco remarked his voice more inviting
"Raised? I thought she a bodyguard or something when I said Mum I was being ironic but you weren't obviously, well I do agree with the equality stuff but really?" Cho questioned shocked
"No raised, I spent four years in Azkaban, I was raised there and have some good memories of the place but no I was raised by Lucy who is a Dementor. For some reason I was also born with the gift to talk Dementors" Harry elaborated "Anyway I also have other traits for reasons I cannot explain, I can fly like one, manipulate emotions, read minds and turn into the hybrid form" his friends shuddered remembering what he had looked like last night
"Which was the black creepy thing" Draco simplified to Crabbe and Goyle
"I found out in a playground a few years ago when a group of bullies were picking on a young girl I was furious at them and turned into a lesser form of what you say and ended up throwing them across the playground, Lucy had to rein me in before I ate them" Harry continued
"So it's hard to control" Cho realised
"Very, I feel an urge to drain the life force from everyone and it is very hard to ignore; though you lot managed to help last night" Harry pointed out
"Yes we are brilliant please carry on" Draco commented smiling slightly
"Anyway I was told never to use that power unless there was no other choice and I have spoken to Lucy who agrees a troll attack does justify using it" Harry finished
"So you did it to save me, I mean us?" Hermione asked,
"Yes, I would not have done it for any other reason though thank you so much for not telling anyone" Harry addressed them all,
"I suppose we can forgive you" Draco decided dramatically,
"Though we don't want any more secrets, we are your friends and we want to trust you" Hermione told him sternly
"Well by secrets I think Hermione means if there is anything else you turn into um: Sphinx, Basilisk, Dragon then just give us a heads up. Though lesser secrets you know crushes and stuff you can keep to yourself" Cho corrected
"There are no big more secrets" Harry assured her
"Good" Cho smiled "Though Michal told me to tell you that you need to be at the game, were facing Gryffindor and he wants his new star chaser and seeker, yes I made the team".
"Well done" Harry congratulated beaming at her
"A round of applause for miss Chang" Draco announced, Cho blushed slightly as her five friends clapped to her achievement
"Thanks" Cho mumbled,
"Ok visiting hours are over kids" Madam Pomfrey began ushering them out of the room
"Bye Harry" they shouted waving as the door to the hospital wing slammed shut.
Harry felt a mixture of things as he looked out on the pitch, firstly he was anxious about flying in front of so many people, also he was angry how the Gryffindor seemed to regard him as a dark wizards since Ron began telling people he used dark magic to defeat the troll, also he felt pressured knowing how much faith Michal had placed in him. Cho obviously seeing his distress squeezed his arm gently, Harry took her hand seeing she looked just as nervous as him
"You ok?" he asked quietly
"Fine" she assured him taking a breath to calm herself, Harry let the second year lean on him for a moment as they prepared for the game
"Ok people" Michal announced causing Harry and Cho to leap apart , the team turned to their captain
"Ok, before today Wood has always had a good chance, but he doesn't have what we have, I've been training with Harry privately because he has a secret skill they don't have, I'm not going to tell you but if someone can get a picture of Wood's face then I will pay big money anyway we also have our new seeker the lovely Cho Chang whom excelled in the trials and I know with the strong support of this team we can win this game and the cup" he began his monologue pointing to the new team members respectively
"Sorry cap" Someone interrupted "But Harry doesn't have a broomstick". A few of the team murmured at this causing Michal to break into a smile
"Let me worry about that" he grinned at them as the curtains to the pitch were opened, with a confident aura Michal walked out to meet Oliver Wood who was standing in the middle of the pitch next to Madam Hooch, ready to shake hands
"Don't know why you bother Davis, you have no chance of beating my team this year" he laughed cockily roughly shaking Michal's hand
"Maybe, Maybe not" Michal replied causing Wood to laugh loudly
"It would take a miracle" he retorted, Michal suddenly smiled devilishly
"I might just have one up my sleeve" he taunted knowingly

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