chapter 21

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The group moved quickly in the dark, the devil's snare wasn't going to be the only defence guarding the stone and it seemed like it was going to be a very long night. They had all been shaken by the plant; Harry especially, he had never been in a situation his powers couldn't help him or a situation when his fate relied on someone else. However as they moved down the twisted corridors and braved the chilling cold they suddenly heard what sounded like the jingling of metal and the flapping of wings.
"What's that?" Cho wondered aloud
"Dragon, Bird, Giant Flying Bumblebee , who knows," Draco responded casually, Cho just shook her head at his stab at humour.
"They sound almost like..." Hermione began listening to the sound as Harry opened a small wooden door, he stepped into a huge chamber, there was light which Harry welcomed but the sound was still confusing. At one end there was a door with a large lock but as far as he could tell there was no key, next to it was a two broomsticks, the chamber seemed to branch into passageways and Harry could see arches and pillars which would make it very difficult for someone to fly in.
"Oh look birds," Draco murmured pointing to a mass of silvery flying things; it was strange place to keep birds but if this was another obstacle then it was obviously going to have some meaning.
"They're not birds, they're keys," Harry realised looking closely at them; they were flying keys
"Could be worse," Draco supposed nodding in agreement as he observed the flock, they were flying around the room seemingly uncaring about the new arrivals.
"Alohomora ," Hermione had drawn her wand and tried the unlocking charm on the door. It didn't work and Harry didn't expect it too; obviously the keys were what was important. However there was a lot of them and it didn't take long for someone to voice what he was thinking.
So which one opens the door," Hermione wondered, they all studied the flock for a moment; they couldn't try every single one could they! it would take far to long and it would Quirrel more than enough time to get the stone.
"That one," Crabbe pointed it out; Harry and the group looked to where he was pointing and they could see a large old-fashioned silver key with bright blue wings standing out from the rest of them. It was surrounded by the others and flew much quicker;
"How are we going to get up there?" Cho asked
"No because its not like we have some magical flying boy who could zoom up there," Draco announced dryly; Cho glared at him looking exasperated.
"I mean how are we going to get the one we need; its a flock of birds and if Harry flies up there then they will attack him which will give the key we need time to fly away.
"Well I can only see two Quidditch players in this room and one's a seeker," Draco responded looking at Cho, she paled realising he was talking about her. Harry realised what Draco was getting at, he could distract the rest of the flock while Cho snuck in and snatched the one key they needed. It was a far from perfect plan but it was their best bet
"Ok, Cho get a broom," Harry ordered suddenly taking control of the situation; she complied but did not seem too pleased, Harry meanwhile ascended into the air until Cho pulled up alongside him. She seemed comfortable on the broom but not to pleased about flying so close to a flock of metal keys which could attack
"Ready?" he asked her, she nodded and Harry for some reason was reminded about the first time they played Quidditch and how she was a lot more nervous and yet without her they wouldn't have won.
"Ok then," Harry moved first and almost leisurely approached the flock; he didn't get more than a metre away before they zoomed off. Harry chased after them while Cho looked around; she had an idea
"Come on," Harry muttered as the keys zigzagged around the room, he had to dodge walls, pillars and a number of other things the keys flew around to escape him. He had no experience in bird catching and decided he would have to give it a go during the summer
"Thank you," Cho exclaimed suddenly, she had flown directly upwards and simply plucked the key from the flock, Harry had to hand it to her; it was a very good plan. The group were standing near the door but Harry noticed the flock start to band tighter together
"Open it!" he shouted realising being trapped in a room with fast-moving metal things was not a good idea, Cho seeing his urgency threw the key to Draco who plunged it into the lock. Cho looked ready to land but let out a slight squeak as Harry hoisted her off it and carried her to the ground.
"You have got to stop doing that," she smiled remembering he had done the exact same thing during the quidditch game, then she looked up. The flock was coming towards them and they didn't look friendly
"Quickly," Cho encouraged running to the door with Harry just trailing behind, Draco had somehow managed to get the key stuck
"It won't turn," he protested worried. Hermione sighed and turned it the other way.
"No it turns the other way," she scolded but there was no time for him to reply as they sped through the door and Harry pulled it shut. A second later a thousand keys impaled the wood and if they had been standing there then they would be in the same position.
"That was close," Harry murmured looking concerned.
"Nothing like certain death to keep you alert," Draco suggested as Hermione pretended to hit him for not knowing how to operate a lock. Harry and the others regained their breath
"Ready to go?" he asked them eventually deciding that they needed to move on, everyone nodded.
"Come on then."
It didn't take long to reach then next chamber but it was not a light as the key one, though not as dark as the Devil's snare room. This chamber resembled a huge graveyard with a checkered surface, a number of strange statues dotted it and it took a few moments for Harry to realise what was going on. It was a huge chess board and the pieces on the other side were the enemy and would not let them pass; his theory proved right when they banded together to stop Draco moving forward.
"It's a chess game," Harry announced; Draco looked at him oddly.
"A chess game you say," Harry nodded. The moment the words left his lips the entire room exploded in light; torches based around the board formed a wall of fire to stop anyone leaving
"A chess game with us as the pieces," Harry finished realising what this challenge actually was.
"Well then let me introduce you to Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle both experts in their field of... chess," Draco beamed pointing to the two who had already begun studying the board.
"You play chess?" Cho asked the two
"Both of them have won the chess championship at some point in their life," Draco explained knowing the two did not want to talk when they were about to play a game. Harry watched with interest; he didn't play chess much.
"Ok, Hermione and Cho you two take the place of the rook's" Crabbe decided; seeing no reason to argue the two approached the pieces who slid away so the girl's could replace them.
"Draco, you a bishop," Goyle announced, Draco complied leaving only Harry.
"And your the queen," Goyle decided realising it would be the best position for him,
"Well he is a..." Draco began,
"Shut up," Cho ordered still annoyed with his previous comments, Harry decided he was thankful for her interjection. Crabbe and Goyle then took the place of the knights.
"Let's do this," Draco decided wondering if his prediction of this not ending well would come true.
"Well that was a genius move," Draco sighed, he was in the middle of the board by now and the only one who seemed completely fine with the risk of getting decapitated by a giant chess figure. The first time they had seen it, the girls had jumped slightly and everyone seemed a little unnerved; except Draco who seemed unmoved.
"Do you want to do this?" Crabbe asked; they were doing well; only a few knights and queen remained on the other side but they were focusing more on not using their friend in case they were taken. Being taken in this game was a life and death situation
"Wait a moment," Draco suggested suddenly; he was looking at the game "There's a way you can win,"
"We can't do that one," Goyle responded quickly
"Why?" Harry wondered
"Because the bishop needs to be taken," Crabbe responded; Harry saw it now. If Draco moved a few paces to the right diagonally then the Queen on the other side could take him. He could then take the Queen which would put the king in checkmate. Draco's mind was already alert
"Well it's my move," Draco sighed suddenly
"Don't do it," Harry ordered unwilling to allow his friend to be hurt
"Harry, the stone we need to protect like you said, everyone has played their part in this; except you but you know your the one going to beat the hell out of Qurrel but if we delay any longer he's gonna get it." Draco responded calmly
"No," Harry protested but it was too late, Draco moved several steps diagonally until he was on the same row as the Queen. Before anyone could say anything she moved quickly to his spot
"Can you get on with it?" Draco wondered sarcastically; her response was to backhand him, normally it would only sting but she was made of white marble. It was rock hand and Draco went flying across the room, Harry gasped as did everyone else
"I'm fine, well not fine but I'm alive, so can you end the game now," even injured he was somehow sarcastic, Harry knowing he was right walked forward. His steps echoed around the room as he approached. The Queen seemed to look down on him, then he tapped the base, she still needed to obey the rules and walked off the board,
"Checkmate," Harry announced simply, the king at the other end dropped a sword, the clang echoed around the chamber. The moment it did he rushed over to Draco
"Are you ok?" Cho asked first
"No, No getting thrown across a room feels great," Draco murmured, Cho decided to save slapping him until later.
"Anyway you need to get going," Draco decided;
"We can't leave you here," Harry told him,
"We'll stay," Crabbe and Goyle announced; Slytherins had to stick together after all,
"Me too," Hermione decided knowing they would be lost without any guidance.
"Fine, we'll go on, you get to the hospital wing and get Snape. Not Dumbledore ok?" Harry requested
"Sure thing," Draco responded being gently helped to his feet, Harry and Cho turned to leave.
"Say hi to Quirrel for me," Draco yelled. Cho rolled her eyes.
Harry moved alone now, the potion chamber had proved very easy and Cho had solved it quickly very quickly. He had never been more grateful for the assistance he was getting from his friends; their help had proved invaluable; without Hermione they would have been crushed by the plant, without Crabbe and Goyle they couldn't have won the game, without Draco they would have given Quirrel too much of a head start. Cho had gotten the key and he doubted he could have done it so quickly and she had solved the potion puzzle first as she had been in a rush to get out of the troll room; Quirrel had a way with trolls it seemed.
"Come on," Cho encouraged; she had refused to turn back and had taken the icy potion with them so they could get back. She seemed confident but he knew she was a little afraid; he was grateful she was here, she managed to pull him away from his Dementor form before and if he needed to use it then maybe she could again. He wasn't actually intending to use his form but it was just in case scenario.
"Should I break the mirror?" He heard Quirrel's voice first, Harry moved silently until he reached his destination. He was slightly surprised to see the mirror of Erised in the centre of a large chamber will Quirrel murmuring. Who was he talking to? Harry decided it wasn't his concern and instead loudly walked into the room, Cho followed behind and seemed slightly worried but tried to remain strong.
"It's over Quirrel," was all he said and the man spun around. He seemed surprised and caught off guard
"Harry Potter and... Cho Chang? interesting choice of companion," he announced, Cho was suddenly staring intensely into the mirror but Harry was not focused on her. If he was then he would have noticed her pocket grow in size
"What are you doing here?" Quirrel demanded but he already knew the answer no matter how much he pretended not to
"I'm here to stop you," Harry responded icily ignoring the mass of colours in the mirror he was immune and that may prove to be an advantage
"Let me see him !" a voice called. Harry realised this was the second mind he thought Quirrel had but where was it coming from?
"Master you're not strong enough," Quirrel responded, he seemed afraid and Harry wondered again who he was speaking to
"Let me see him now !" the voice demanded and Harry felt like he was meeting an old enemy,
Quirrel looked ready to protest but instead he unwound his turban and spun around. Harry recoiled; he had seen the glowing red eyes before, he was staring into the face of Lord Voldemort. Harry raised his hands
"You," Harry spat at Bella's former master. She had spoken highly of him in the past but he could see now how wrong she was. This man was evil and there was no doubt about that, while he prepared for battle he failed to notice Cho put her hand in her pocket, unlike Harry she could use this mirror and she had the stone. She had the one thing the dark wizard wanted and as his attention turned to her; she realised he knew it.
"Give me the stone," he demanded coolly
"Good luck with that," Cho spat wondering where this new found courage was coming from; this was Voldemort after all. Quirrel looked ready to lunge but Harry blasted him back with a wave of energy
"Leave her alone," Harry demanded.
"Well then it looks like we have a hero," Voldemort hissed angrily, Quirrel drew his wand and Harry extended his arm.
"Cho go," he ordered to his friend; Quirrel was distracted and he couldn't stop her leaving.
"If you want the stone you have to go through me," Harry offered, Quirrel and Voldemort smiled sickeningly
"I was counting on it,"

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