chapter 39

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Dual Breakout from Azkaban
By Rita Skeeter
Today the wizardwing world recoiled in shock as Azkaban for the first time had an escapee, two in fact. Bellatrix Lestrange and Sirius Black, both known supporters of You-Know-Who and also both serving life sentences for multiple accounts of murder. The news was received with shock as it became apparent the most secure prison in the world was no longer secure and immediately the Dementors were given emergency powers. The ministry would like to remind you that as of now Dementors are able to search any vehicle or person if they suspect they have knowledge of the escapee's location, they will be patrolling any area they believe Lestrange and Black to be in and Fudge has also ordered them to guard Hogwarts during the term. Both Bellatrix Lestrange and Sirius Black have motive to attack the school and if they do it is likely to assume the effects would be devastating for anyone involved. Minister Fudge assured us the safety of the wizarding world was his top concern
"Off course we will do everything we can to bring these people to justice and we will guarantee the safety of anyone we believe to be at risk." Was what he said to the prophet and we can also tell you that even the muggle world have been informed of the attack, the prime minister of the muggles has been warned about Black and given an auror guard thanks to the fugitives hatred of muggles and also the people have been warned he is carrying a gun. This is some kind of muggle wand they use to kill people apparently and a number has been set up to ensure the two fugitives are found quickly and directly. Some people have wondered if this has anything to with Harry Potter's recent Order of Merlin third class award making him the youngest person to win one, some claim Black and Lestrange want to prove the Death Eaters are still strong and cannot be beaten by a boy.
For more on Azkaban- Page3
For information on the fugitives- page 4-5
For information on Harry Potter- page 6
Fudge sighed deeply as he moved through his office; his day had consisted of various press meetings and explanations to what seemed like a hundred different people. Each one had something they thought was different but at the end of the day it boiled down to the same things,
how did Sirius Black escape? How did Bellatrix Lestrange escape with him, were they together? On and on the questions came but the answers were never there for Fudge to mention. He had no idea how it had happened nor did he know where they were. He had spent the morning ensuring Harry was safe because the aurors could potentially see him but luckily Lucy had taken him out once she realised how serious the situation had got. Obviously she had mixed feelings on Black as did Fudge, he knew Harry and his godfather knew each other and well by the sounds of it but he decided not to interfere. He decided that if Harry could make a murderer repent then he could reach someone like Black, it had eaten him up with guilt when he decided but suddenly he doubted himself. Black had a chance to kill Harry, he could have done it the moment he broke out and yet he chose not to, Lestrange was devoted to the dark lord and yet she did nothing.
No something else was going on here and Fudge realised that perhaps he was not seeing the full picture, maybe he should review the files but... no there were no files on Black; he was never charged or given a chance to explain so no evidence was collected. Lestrange was a different case but getting your head round her actions was near impossible, no the only remedy for this was strong brandy and he kept a bottle around just in case of an emergency. Speaking of Harry did he seem slightly down today? They bumped into each other once and it was a quick conversation despite the boy winning an order of Merlin less than twenty four hours before, no maybe Harry knew something about all this. The more Fudge thought about it the more obvious it became Harry knew a lot more than anyone would guess but Fudge decided not to guess. For now, first he wanted to work out Black's actions and then he would talk to the boy and only if it was necessary.
He needed to find out why Black and Lestrange passed up a golden opportunity, did they fear the Dementors? Well of course they did but they still escaped, did they go a different way but Harry's room was close, if they could slip out of their cells they would have passed him. So why did they ignore him? They weren't pressed for time evidently so why? It made no sense to Fudge whatsoever and yet he detected something else was going on. Maybe Black and Harry were in on it together but that theory fell apart in an instant, Harry was close to his Dementor family and nothing could get between them. Black had no way of manipulating the boy or hurting him due to the cells and Dementors draining his thoughts so what was going on? Was it possible that they had come to like Harry?
"Do you need anything minister?" Dolores asked suddenly and Fudge jumped; spilling some of his brandy in the process, he cursed lowly but said nothing further on the topic.
"Could you bring up the files on Bellatrix Lestrange and the records of Sirius Black please?" he asked her and the woman gave a quick nod before speeding off. She was efficient but only trying to please him which was fine with Fudge until the time came when she expected a reward in return. However something was bothering Fudge when he received the imprisonment records of Black, the entire file was no more than two inches thick, there was only one image and the witness statements were faded, there was very little evidence here, it wasn't even evidence most of it. There had been a file restoration a few weeks ago so why had it been left out? Suddenly Fudge realised that in his hands he may have proof of the conspiracy he had suspected ever since Harry Potter had been brought to his attention, maybe if he followed it then the whole thing would unravel. Little did he know that these thoughts alone had set in motion the next part of the great prophecy.
Dumbledore walked into the meeting room, the secretive order had once again been forced to meet outside of their schedule but this time he had nothing to do with its meeting. He had been summoned like everyone else
"Good evening," the figure announced glancing up at him, Dumbledore hastily took his seat.
"Why have you called us here?" the old man asked looking at his co-leader with some concern, only the gravest matter could have brought them here tonight.
"Ladies and gentleman it appears we have a problem, a problem unlike any we have encountered before and this includes the assassination of Lily Potter, it appears that despite all our efforts Harry Potter has joined forced with those we needed him to hate, to despise and fight against. This alliance must end, we must ensure our control over him is absolute and it is time to do this through more direct means, he has evaded our shadowed movements but latched on to tail ends and now he knows more than we wanted him to. So we have only one way forward, we must assassinate Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood along with both Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle," the figure explained quickly.
"Excuse me!" one of the congregation stood up, he was an auror and one that kept the group informed on the ministry's movements
"What is it?" the figure snarled menacingly not wanting to be interrupted,
"Look when I signed up to this no one mentioned anything about murdering children, it's not something we can do I mean they're children can't we find some other way to get to them?" he asked looking shocked that his order would do something like that.
"Evidently you have no understanding of the greater good, goodbye," the figure replied crisply and suddenly a jet of black lightning hit the man in a flood. Everyone at the table leapt back as he screamed and only when his skin blackened and the man died did the light stop.
"Do we understand each other? The figure asked in a plain businesslike tone, the group was stunned. Never had this happened during a meeting; sure they heard of their colleagues vanishing and they knew what happened but never had someone been killed in front of them.
"Good, make the arrangements those six must die," the figure explained calmly before vanishing into black smoke.
The next day
Harry did feel down about the escape but he filled his day with Quidditch and anything to take his mind of what happened, he expected to see a big black dog any second but never did it happen. It would be foolish to appear here anyway, only Draco knew of Harry's bond with him. If Bella appeared she would be welcomed perhaps but it would be something of a stretch, and a crime.
"So where do you think they went?" Draco asked eventually wanting to know something about his aunt, they were both in the garden of Malfoy Manor, sitting on the grass after a long game.
"I want to say somewhere they'll never be found but knowing both of them I'm guessing their heading straight for Hogwarts," Harry confessed, he had told Draco a long time ago about what Sirius had told him. He hadn't told anyone else about it though.
"Why would they go there?" Draco asked looking bewildered, Harry sighed
"Because they both have something against Dumbledore, for some reason the old man framed Sirius; well he tried to do the same thing to me last year. Anyway to prove his innocence Sirius is going to try and find Pettigrew and he thinks Dumbledore knows where the rat is, "Harry explained, he had worked it out very quickly after the escape.
"Still if they're looking for a rat why are they jumping into the jaws of a Lion, Dumbledore isn't exactly going to welcome them in," Draco pointed out, Harry for a moment looked around. He needed to make sure no one was listening and luckily despite the heat of the day both Lucius and Narcissa were inside.
"He's not going to know, I know how they escaped," Harry murmured and Draco looked up
"Dementors can't sense animals as well as humans, Sirius was an animagus. I think he taught Bella over the years and they both legged it. I think Dumbledore knows how they did it and he also knows Sirius takes the form of a dog but not Bella's form. He has no idea what she is and unless he starts searching every animal he won't find out easily," He pointed out. Draco gave a slight laugh
"So the seven permanent animagus residents may need to watch out,"
"Nothing we don't do anyway," Harry smiled at the vague reference. He wondered briefly if they would show up at the summer party the Malfoy's were throwing next week and were already getting ready for; Dobby was running here there and everywhere getting all the wine and food orders ready. Harry often felt sorry for the elf around party time and wondered if he could somehow get the Malfoy's to free him, then again the elf seemed to know a lot of things. Perhaps Harry should have a long conversation with him and find out the extent of his knowledge.
"Anyway as much fun as getting heatstroke with you is, fancy another game?" Draco offered breaking Harry's train of thought.

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