chapter 5

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Harry briskly walked through the train, each compartment was full of students and he had no wish to be started at or interrogated about his defeat of Voldemort,
"Harry!" called a voice, Harry spun around
"Draco, I was looking for you" he exclaimed happily, Crabbe and Goyle nodded at him as he entered their compartment
"So is it true?" Goyle asked immediately, Harry frowned
"What?" he asked, Draco laughed
"A Dementor hugged you" he explained,
"Yeah" Harry confirmed, the two boys looked shocked
"Why!" Crabbe asked, Harry looked thoughtful
"Why does your mum hug you?" he asked, Crabbe and Goyle had limited knowledge on his upbringing and only saw him at Draco's
"Your Mum's a Dementor" Crabbe spluttered, Harry nodded
"How did that not get in the daily Prophet" Draco remarked, Harry smiled
"Everyone thinks Dumbledore hid me in Azkaban and Fudge is saying nothing" he told them "I know the governors are not happy". Draco laughed as did Crabbe and Goyle when a small squeak caused them to turn to the door
"Can I sit here?" Hermione asked
"Of course" Harry said, the girl sheepishly sat next to him, Draco gave her a smile while Crabbe and Goyle remained indifferent
"I'm Draco" the pale boy introduced, Hermione shook his extended hands and the two other boys gave her a nod, then the door slid open again, Harry sighed it was the red haired boy from the shop with two friends
"Hello Harry" the boy greeted, Harry frowned
"Yes?" he asked annoyed
"Well we found a compartment so you don't have to sit next to those Slytherins" the boy remarked "I'm Ron Weasley, this is Seamus and Dean". Draco snorted
"Why would I want to sit with you?" Harry demanded angrily, Ron frowned
"Because you're a Gryffindor, you killed You-Know-Who" he stated as if Harry was simple
"These are my friends" Harry said coldly "and If you can't accept it please leave". Ron's ears turned red
"You are a Gryffindor and will act as one" he ordered, Harry took one look at him and knew what to do, he raised his hand and opened it. The door slammed shut and locked
"Idiot" Harry remarked as the boy banged on the glass
"How did you do that?" Draco asked not knowing of Harry's Telekinetic abilities,
"Dementor magic" Harry told him, Lucy had told him not to reveal to much but Harry guessed that using some magic didn't matter much
"Who was that?" Hermione asked confused
"He was paid a lot to befriend me but it looks like the pay check won't be coming any time soon" Harry told her. The next few hours was spent talking and joking with each other, Hermione became more confident and got more and more involved in the conversation, Draco took a shine to the obviously smart witch and Crabbe and Goyle (who Harry and Draco spent a long time convincing them blood wasn't as important) enjoyed the conversation. The topic suddenly came to houses
"Slytherin my whole family was in it" Draco informed them, Crabbe and Goyle said the same
"As long as it's not Gryffindor I'm fine" Harry commented
"Why not, I thought Dumbledore was a Gryffindor" Hermione pointed out
" Exactly, and I have a feeling he needs me for something but I have no idea what" Harry announced,
"Well Ravenclaw might be alright" Hermione decided sheepishly, Draco smiled
"Ravenclaw, bride of Slytherin, for those intelligent enough to succeed but not cunning enough to be in her husband's house" Draco beamed, Hermione smiled at this and spent the next hour discussing the founders with Draco. Then came a shout
"First years!". The voice was gruff and the five of them quickly exited the train, a giant of a man stood with a lamp gesturing the first years onward, a forest could be seen in the background as could a black lake. Harry quickly took a look inside the Giant's head, his name was Hagrid and was the gamekeeper here at Hogwarts, he had been expelled for something he did not do and was loyal to Dumbledore. He led them to the edge of the lake
"No more than four to a boat" he called, Harry, Draco and Hermione entered a boat as did a boy Harry did not know.
"Hi I'm Neville Longbottom" he said, Harry's blood went cold. He had looked into Bellatrix's mind enough to know who this was
"Hello, I'm Harry" he began
"Harry Potter?" Neville finished
"Yes, it's nice to meet you" greeted shaking the boy's hand, he felt awkward knowing what had happened to his parents but knew he could not mention it, a look inside the boy's mind was enough to confirm he was deeply affected by what happened to his mum and dad. Luckily the boat ride was not long and Harry helped Neville out of the boat as Hagrid led them to the castle entrance, his huge fist pounded on the door and Professor McGonagall appeared, she looked at Harry briefly before turning away. She led them now to a door and told them to wait,
"My brother said we had to face a troll"
"No we need to prove what magic we have"
"No we have to..." the whispers got to Harry, he had no idea what he would face and without the professor he couldn't read any minds, then Ron came up to them.
"So Harry Potter" he began, "You have made friends with the wrong type of people and I feel it is my duty to help you". The boy spoke sincerely
" No it is not and I encourage you to leave me alone" Harry hissed angrily, Ron frowned
"You will accept my help" he encouraged, Harry reached into his mind
"No I will not, now before I reveal to the whole school about the time you proposed to your sister" Harry growled. Ron's ears turned red
"I was six" he argued, Harry smiled
"See what the school thinks of that Ronnikins" he told the boy as he found his nickname
"How do you..." Ron asked shocked as Professor McGonagall appeared,
"Follow me" she said curtly leading them into the great hall. Harry noticed a hat and he worked out what was going to happen.
"Longbottom Neville"
"Crabbe Vincent"
"Granger Hermione"
The names went on, Draco was in Slytherin as was Pansy and Goyle. Ron and his cronies ended up in Gryffindor when his name was called
"Potter Harry". The hall went silent, he walked slowly towards the sorting hat, he sat on the stool and raised his mind shields
Interesting came a voice, Harry smiled
Would you lower you shields, so I may sort you?
asked the voice, Harry complied
Amazing, simply amazing, You have the traits of all the founders, intelligence, wit, bravery, loyalty.. I have no idea where to put you, not Gryffindor you are too cunning while you are to loyal for Slytherin, To intelligent for Hufflepuff... well I suppose Ravenclaw but I'm not sure... Well a choice is a choice
"RAVENCLAW" The hat bellowed,

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