chapter 6

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The entire Ravenclaw table erupted in cheers and claps as the sorting hat spoke, most were shouting
"We got Potter" and others shouted on similar lines , Dumbledore looked angry as Harry sat down at the table and Harry wondered if he had put pressure on the hat to put him in another house. The red haired boy was scowling while Draco looked mildly amused, Hermione roughly pulled him into the seat next to her as Ravenclaw's shook his hand enthusiastically while others smiled at him
"So is it true you can fly?" one person asked
"and lived in Azkaban for your whole life" a girl asked a few seats away
"Ok leave the boy alone" a prefect shouted slightly annoyed,
"Hi" a girl greeted after the noise had died down, she was Chinese in origin and quite pretty and Harry smiled in response
"HI nice to meet you" the said to the first person who actually bothered with an introduction
"Funny you're in Ravenclaw " the girl said bluntly
"and why is that?" Harry wondered
"We all thought you'd be in Gryffindor but it just goes to show the bravest can be just as clever to, I'm Cho Chang by the way" The girl replied simply
"Perhaps it is, I'm Harry Potter and this is Hermione" Harry agreed before introducing himself "I know you already know who I am but it feels nicer to actually introduce yourself before the questions start flying". The girl tittered softly
"I suppose you get a lot?" she remarked, Harry nodded
"Never fly into a busy street" was his words of advice "to many people and reporters". He shuddered remembering the woman who wrote the article taking a snapshot of him when Lucy hugged him, that was going to make one hell of a front page
"Or hug your Dementor mum in the middle of a train station" Cho finished his sentence, before he could look surprised Cho explained
"I was on the platform and was behind you when you said goodbye, though I must say it's nice to know that even creatures people think to be evil can show they were wrongly judged". Harry was impressed by the girl's outlook
"I agree" Hermione began sheepishly "People judge other people in the muggle world and have no idea what they are really like, it's practically the same" . She seemed anxious as if Cho was going to snap and send her away but was visibly relieved when Cho agreed
"See everyone does it" she announced but was cut off when food began appearing on the tables
"Harry Snape's watching you" Cho commented looking surprised, Harry quickly delved inside the man's mind, his shields were strong but Harry managed to get a few glimpses of why he was glaring and was visibly disgusted
"What's wrong?" Hermione asked as she piled her plate with roast potatoes
"Let's just say arrogant children can cause a lot of damage" Harry replied cryptically tucking into a slice of lamb, the feast dragged on for Harry and quickly found a lot of rumours had been spread about him already and Ron Weasley wanted to try again to get Harry moved to Gryffindor, Harry shook his head, he wondered if things had been different if he had stayed with the Durslyes and how he would react to the world of magic, suddenly as quickly as it appeared to food vanished
"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts, now I have a few things to say before we get you all off to bed after you journey, firstly the forbidden forest is out of bounds to all first years unless on an academic trip and more importantly to some of our older students as well". the old man paused on the Weasley twins as he said this
"Also I would like to announce the third floor corridor is out of bounds to all those who do not which to die an painful death". A few people laughed at this but Harry had a feeling it was not a joke
"But apart from that I will bid you goodnight and remember to be up bright and early for the first day of learning, and I leave you with these final words Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!". Harry shook his head knowing the words had a deep meaning that he didn't particularly want to ponder at this late hour and instead followed the Ravenclaw prefect to the common room.
"Now to get in we need to answer a riddle first, if you get it wrong hope you're not the last one into the common room, he knocked and sure enough a voice came from the knocker
"Where does the end of magic lie?", a few of the prefects look confused but Harry piped up
"A place where there is no past or present but only to the future" he answered
"Good answer" the eagle knocker replied, some of the Ravenclaws looked appreciative while others annoyed he got the answer first
"Ok, boys up to the left and girls to the right" the head boy instructed "your luggage is ready for you". Harry bid goodnight to Cho and Hermione and walked along to find his dorm , he found it quickly and found two others in the room already
"Hi I'm Terry" one immediately greeted
"Hugh" another one announced as he changed behind the blue curtain that covered their four poster beds
"And I'm Grant" they last introduced, he was a taller and thinner then Harry but was overshadowed by a more muscular Terry and taller fatter Hugh. Hugh had a mop of blond hair while Grant had his short and spiked, Terry had sandy hair that was cut short
"I'm Harry nice to meet you" Harry responded warmly. The night passed a lot quicker after that and quickly the three tired boys drifter off to sleep, Harry thought of Lucy as he snuggled into his pillow sending her a quick mental message of what house he was in and briefly wondered how she was coping without him.
"Slytherin" Bellatrix taunted
"Gryffindor!" Sirius argued as they yelled back and forth, they had been saying the same words for over an hour and were starting to annoy the other prisoners
"Shut up" Crouch screamed from a cell
"Shut up Crouch" Bella and Sirius said together annoyed with the man
"Shut up all of you" Lucy placed into their minds, she swooped in feeling a mixture of pride and loss as she received the mental message, Bella ignored the pain of Lucy's mind talk and asked
"Which one, tell me it was Slytherin" she squealed excitedly
"No Gryffindor" Sirius shouted
"It was Ravenclaw" Lucy sighed desperate to shut the two up, Bella and Sirius looked at each other
"Well she was the bride of Slytherin" Bella decided
"And she was a brave person so it's a bit of both" Sirius conceded
"And he's clever" Bella announced
"At least he's not too close to Dumbledore" Sirius said loudly
"Here we go again" Lucy said to herself putting some distance between her and the two cousins
Flying class
"Ok Ravenclaws and Gryffindors have been put together for this exercise so maybe we can have a lesson without the petty rivalry" Madam Hooch began, Harry stood next to Hermione and knew the red haired boy was watching him waiting for a chance ,
"Now please grab your broomstick" she ordered as the group of eager first years picked their brooms up, Harry left his on the ground
"Did you hear me Mr Potter?" Madam Hooch asked, Harry was about to reply when he saw Neville clumsily grabbing his broom
"Neville wait.." he warned as the boy crashed into a wall, the class looked horrified as he fell back down to the ground, Ron was laughing hysterically as Madam Hooch rushed over
"Oh dear.. come on we better go to see Poppy" Madam Hooch was saying as Ron picked up Neville's Remembrall and pocketed it as Neville was led away
"Give it back" Harry hissed at Ron
"Why fatso will forgot he lost it" he shrugged prompting a laugh from his friends
"You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you or things people smarter than you own" Harry retorted, Ron turned red
"I'm smarter than him" he growled
"Doubtful" Harry remarked angrily, Ron obviously couldn't win a fight and jumped on his broom
"Come get in then" Ron taunted levitating in the air, Harry smirked and flew to the same height, a collective gasp ran through the class and Ron paled.
"You see Weasley, there is a something you should realise, you are on a broom holding a ball of glass and I am flying unaided and wondering if I can get away with pushing you off" Harry threatened, the class was watching the pair in awe as Ron looked down, He didn't want to seem weak so instead threw the glass ball as hard as he could in the other direction,
"If you're on that broom when I get back your coming off it!" Harry growled, then he relaxed slightly then with intense speed he zoomed after the ball, it was about to enter the charms classroom when Harry lunged for it, luckily the window was open slightly and Harry braked just as he entered Flitwick's room, he grabbed the Remembrall and looked pleased with himself, that was until some very surprised foul words hit his ear, he was in a class full of second years, he saw Cho
"Hi Cho" he greeted awkwardly as he saw Professor Flitwick's stunned face at the flying boy
"Well I better get back so see you later" he smiled quickly rushing out the window and diving towards the ground, the class ran to the window in time to see him glide away and land in the middle of the first year class. Ron was looking amazed while a few of the students cheered,
"I've had enough Potter, I challenge you to a wizards duel" another gasp ran through the students
"No I'm fine" Harry answered
"What!" Ron asked open mouthed "Your too weak"?
"No I'm not going to waste time or energy while you send sparks at me" was Harry's answer
"You have to accept" Seamus announced
"No I don't plus" Harry began flicking his hand towards the two boys, as if an invisible hand pushed them they fell to the ground
"I can call that a win" Harry coolly replied as two teachers emerged from the castle
"Fillus what do you mean flew, he manoeuvred a broom through your window?" Madam Hooch was asking shocked
"No Rolanda he flew no broom no charm, he flew into my class grabbed a glass ball and left" the half goblin squeaked excitedly as they walked over, Madam Hooch looked a lot sterner when she approached the class
"Harry flew" Ron shouted suddenly, before Harry could protest a floor of students began defending him
"Miss Weasley threw Neville's..."
"No Miss Harry was only helping"
"But Miss it wasn't his fault" The group babbled as Madam Hooch help up a hand
"Quiet, Fillus would you like to talk to Mr Potter?" she asked, the man quickly rushed towards him
"Hello Mr Potter I'm head of Ravenclaw now was it you who just flew into my classroom?" he squeaked , Harry nodded nervously
"How?" Flitwick asked amazed, Harry shrugged and rose himself a few meters off the ground, Madam Hooch looked amazed while Flitwick smiled in pride and astonishment
"Can you come with me Mr Potter?" he asked when Harry landed "I have a captain that you might want to meet, oh I better ask the headmaster about bending a rule and also if you can fly without a broom in Quidditch, this year might be the year of the Ravenclaw" Flitwick spoke to himself as he looked at Harry
"Ok Professor" Harry agreed hoping he wasn't in trouble, then Flitwick grabbed him by the arm and Harry half walked, was half pulled in the direction of the castle.

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