chapter 13

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The school had gone through a surprising change over the last few days, firstly Ronald Weasley had managed to convince almost all of the first, second and third year Gryffindors that Harry was a dark wizard. Secondly Snape true to his word had completely changed his way of teaching, gone were the snide remarks and hate filled glares, now he gave actual help to people who needed it and even dished out a few compliments every now and then, he had ignored Dumbledore's existence entirely and the old man could do nothing to win back his trust. Harry had noticed the change more than anyone else as Snape had not spoken to him since the confrontation; he was scared that Harry knew so much about him but also saw the boy in a new light. Snape didn't want to speak because he had no idea what he would say, he had loved Lily Potter to her last breath but Harry was right . Her death, her choosing James had nothing to do with Harry. Another thing the school had noticed was Oliver Wood's numerous attempts to have Harry removed from the team as he was flying unaided, but even after contacting major officials he was forced to accept it did not violate the rulebook in any way as they had not planned for unaided flight. Quirrel was being watched by Harry and his friends but he made no move towards the third floor corridor or even show any sign he was up to something, so school work had taken priority and as Christmas approached Harry realised they would be more and more distracted. He was going home for Christmas, no doubt about it but he needed to make sure Quirrel would not make his move while he was gone and needed to find a solution and fast. It was this reason he was in the library on this night as he was looking for books on wards or protective enchantments, his friends were in bed and Harry had no intention of waking them up for something so trivial as a trip to the library. Then out of nowhere he heard a voice, it was low and obviously someone was whispering but his heightened Dementor-like senses picked it up.
"It's the perfect trap, the boy will find the mirror and like so many before him will be entranced by it, I will be able to use it as a bargaining tool and he will be under our control before he even knows it" Albus Dumbledore was saying.
"I hope so Albus, we have a lot riding on him being your puppet in this and I need your assurance that it will work" came a reply. This voice Harry didn't recognise but it was deep and mysterious
"Don't worry, him not befriending the boy is only a minor setback, I am confident that once he looks into this mirror then he will be addicted. I've mixed in a spell so I know when someone approaches it" Dumbledore bragged with arrogance flooding into his voice. Harry considered reaching into this mysterious other man's mind but decided against as if he encountered any Legilimency shields then they may find him.
"Good, your plan needs to work Albus, we have waited too long for our comeback and you need the boy to be a pawn for the rise to begin" The other man remarked darkly
"Trust me, with him under our thumb then no one will oppose our plans" Dumbledore assured the man with a chuckle "Now let us get drink it has been a long while since we last spoke...". Harry waited for a few moments until he was sure they were gone, then he slowly entered the room. It was ordinary enough; with stone steps, windows and all the normal apparatus you would see in a castle such as Hogwarts but in the centre of the room stood a large mirror. Harry concentrated and used his powers to devour the enchantment placed around the mirror and slowly he approached it. It was large and framed in some kind of dark metal with the words Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi carved into it. Harry marvelled at its beauty for a few moments before looking into it, then he took a step back, he understood why it could be used as a controlling device. He could not see into it for he did not have a human soul, no he saw the enchantment of the mirror, a thousand colours mixing into one orb at the centre, it would reach out into the minds of others and show them their hearts desire. Disgusting Harry thought, an object designed for beauty to be used for oppression and he had no doubt he was the target.
"Your quite easy to follow" came a voice, Harry spun round to see the pale face of Draco Malfoy behind him
"How did you know I was here?" Harry asked suspiciously
"Easy, I know you and the moment you realised the stone might be at risk then you would have gone to the one place in this school that could give you some tips on how to protect it and..." Draco began. Then his eyes fell upon the mirror, Harry could see the enchantment work as a colourful tendril reached into his friend's mind and pulled out what he most desired
"My father?" Draco murmured suddenly slightly confused "I can see... wow. He's looking so proud". He was in a trance no doubt and Harry shook his shoulder
"What the?" he questioned turning to Harry
"The mirror shows you your heart's desire, it can drive men to madness. Dumbledore was here, he thought he could control me with it" Harry explained
"What you do you see?" Draco asked suddenly. Harry sighed
"Nothing, whatever I am, whatever gives me these powers prevents it from working. I suppose I should be grateful" Harry answered with slight bitterness.
"Least they can't control you" Draco remarked looking longingly at the mirror
"We should leave it alone I think, it's here for a reason and that reason is control, it's not worth losing your mind over" he instructed sternly knowing the mirror would be appealing to Draco and anyone else who wandered by.
"I suppose" he conceded with a sigh turning his back on the object. As the two walked out of the room neither noticed golden lines of text embed themselves into the mirror
For Blood and Hate; his heart remains closed
For Darkness for Light; evil never grows
For the end to be met the truth must unveil
With terrible loss and terrible betrayal.
The darkness falls and recoils
And in that one moment the currents of time were forever inscribed with the next great prophecy.
The next day
It came to Harry in the very early hours of the morning, the solution to his problem had been staring him in the face the whole time and he had not even realised, the stone needed protection obviously and Harry knew only one man who could do the job. Snape, the man had being doing it before Harry had even known about the stone and while they were away he would be on the lookout, at least he hoped and that is why at lunch he sat with his back to the isle where Snape would walk down.
"Are you ok Harry?" Cho enquired noticing he was on edge
"Yeah... well no you see" Harry began explaining the events of the previous night
"Why would Dumbledore want to control you?" Cho wondered quietly knowing the need for secrecy
"And who was helping him, he has a hidden agenda and his mind is complex enough to keep me out, he has a vast knowledge and his mind is a maze of information" Harry sighed realising there was a lot more going on around this school than me the eye and worse of all it seemed to centre on him. Why he didn't know but he knew he needed to be careful or he might end up falling into their hands but then again it wasn't his biggest concern now.
"So Cho, any plans for Christmas?" he asked changing the subject
"You bet she does" Draco announced practically dancing over from the Slytherin table
"I do?" she questioned bewildered
"No you're not getting married" Draco commented on her choice of words "No you are invited to the annual Malfoy Manor Christmas party". Harry sighed, every year on Christmas eve the Malfoy's threw a huge party and spared no expense . Giant Ice sculptures and fountains of wine and butter beer, food to feed an army and some of the most bizarre entertainment. Harry had attended one last year and had left when a very (very, very) drunk Lucius Malfoy tired to suggest that Lucy and his wife have a private moment with him (In a cupboard). Harry's only response was thank God Dementors can't get drunk, Draco's was how would that work?
"Am I?" Cho murmured as an invitation was forced into her hand, it had the image of a peaceful looking manor which suddenly became draped with ribbons and balloons which flew around the invite.
"Still hanging around with dark wizards Potter?" Came a sneer, Harry didn't even need to turn to know it was Ron Weasley
"And the IQ levels plummet" Draco remarked dryly causing a few students nearby to chuckle
"Are you still doing this?" Harry asked bluntly turning to the boy
"What?" the red head queried
"I have made it clear many times over the last term that firstly I don't like you, and also that my friends are my business so in other words... get lost" Harry retorted angrily.
"Not until you accept the fact you belong with Gryffindor "Ron snarled.
"Tell me how that works out for you" Harry remarked dryly turning away, Ron looked ready to say something but he was cut off
"Mr Weasley, I believe your house is on the other side of the hall" Snape hissed suddenly. Ron turned to the professor and mumbled an apology of some kind before legging it
"Mr Potter" Snape greeted quickly before walking off, as he walked his pocket suddenly felt a bit heavier. Intrigued he found a note, which must have been slipped into his pocket. His eyes paused on Harry for a moment as he examined the parchment; it simply said
Watch Quirrel
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
Lucy always had a distaste for crowds, and other than Azkaban the group of parents eyeing her with suspicion were one of the largest. She had not expected much else as her kind we seen as evil in the eyes of wizards as apparently they were cold and unfeeling; they were wrong. Dementors had personalities, feelings and Lucy still remembered the day when Harry Potter had entered her heart. Regardless of species he was her son and in one term alone he had accumulated enough trouble to last a lifetime, they shared a bond which meant she could contact him whenever she wished but chose not to. He needed to learn to live without her but a few times she knew he needed her; in this one term alone he had managed to end up fighting a troll, ending a twenty year grudge, saving a girl's life and knowing Harry he did lot more. She was worried about him as any mother would be but at the same time she was proud, he had been able to stand against forces much more powerful than him in the name of justice and righteousness, from saving a girl from a troll, to defying bullies. Harry had been able to change a Malofy's mind about blood purity and even Lucius Malfoy accepted a Dementor as Harry's family. Well when he was sober other than that things got a little out of hand... but even the crowd could not dampen her mood as Harry was almost home. She could sense the train in the distance and she knew that Sirius and Bella could not contain their excitement and not even the Dementor's chill could take away their feelings. Bella had been a shock to Lucy as she was the last person Lucy would think of to accept Harry, he had killed Voldemort and yet she treated him like a nephew , though she saw Tom Riddle in him no doubt and Lucy hoped that whatever similarity she saw would disappear long before Harry became an adult. Suddenly she was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of a horn and before she could even register it Harry was pulling her into a hug
"Hi mum" was all he said as he clutched her tightly.
"Hello Harry" she replied with love and warmth

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