chapter 12

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Lies, Treachery and Illegal Blood wards; the truth about Albus Dumbledore
By Rita Skeeter
Since the boy who lived literally flew into our lives the whole wizarding world has been wondering the same thing; what happened to him after his legendary defeat of You-Know- Who. We assumed he was living safely with a good caring home but it looks like we were wrong, as of today the Wizengamot have charged Vernon and Petunia Dursley with crimes relating to child abuse and assault. Are these the people Dumbledore entrusted our saviour with? and more importantly later it emerged that Albus Dumbledore himself was set a hefty fine and a suspended sentence for Finical manipulation and taking part in an illegal blood wards which is a form of dark magic. Is this the man we look up to? the man we entrust with our children. Well this reporter for one certainly disagrees with allowing him to keep his Hogwarts position or who knows what he could do: he could try making more blood wards or do much worse to our children, well I for one want to see him explain these illegal actions and am requesting he agree to an interview to ensure us all of the safety involving every single Hogwarts child
For more information on Harry Potter: Page 2
Blood wards and dark magic: page 5
For the Wizengamot proceedings: Page 7
"Ok what we know is... a giant three headed dog occupies the third floor corridor, Professor Quirrel wants whatever it's guarding and... that's it, either we need to brush up on our detective skills or we have just won the world's worst investigator award for this year" Draco announced smiling. The group was in the library and with a helpful nudge in her mind Madam Pince left them alone; the topic of this meeting was to work out what the hell was going in their school
"Funny" Hermione remarked sarcastically shaking her head slightly, the group had become accustomed to Draco's dry, witty and very only occasionally funny remarks
"I aim to please" the blond haired boy smiled with equal sarcasm,
"So the question is why, why is a Cerberus here? why is Quirrel doing this? and why is Dumbledore allowing this to happen? he must know something I mean a man led a troll into the castle and no one noticed" Harry interrupted before the two could continue their sarcasm filled banter
"Good question, maybe their minds?" Hermione suggested refereeing to Harry's Dementor powers
"No I tried, Every time I reach out I'm can feel two different things, one is dark and my inner Dementor tires to unleash itself to protect me and the other is blank, like someone is using Quirrel's mind or attached to it" Harry answered recalling the strange feeling that emerged every time he tried to approach Quirrel's mind.
"Were idiots!" Cho suddenly announced jumping up, she was flustered and was rubbing her forehead
"Well you might be but the rest of us" Draco began, Cho shook her head before he could finish the comment
"Think about it, when that troll Quirrel fainted and obviously legged it to the third floor corridor but why didn't he finish the job? he couldn't have done it because he's still here and looked pretty angry about us defeating the troll, so why didn't he get past the three headed dog? the man can control a troll I think a Cerberus would be like taking candy from a baby. Someone must have stopped him!" Cho explained pacing up and down in front of the group as she racked her brain
"She's right" Harry agreed also connecting the dots "But who?"
"Well um" Crabbe began awkwardly, the whole group turned to face him
"Well Snape's been walking with a limp this week" he pointed out, Draco's face lit up
"Look at these two, first Goyle works out Professor Quirrel is the one cursing and translates a Latin phrase that makes no sense to anyone else in the world and now Crabbe is solving one of the major mysteries of this case... see we have two smart ones, one powerful one, one genius, witty cool one and two problem solvers I think this is going to work out just fine" Draco remarked beaming at his two friends who sheepishly looked away.
"So Snape's involved what do we do?" Hermione interrupted suddenly, Draco tutted loudly
"It's obvious isn't it, we confront him and see what he knows" he smirked sending a jolt of fear through the group's spines as they envisioned confronting the man
"Or we spend the entire year shyly hiding in the shadows following him and accidentally giving Quirrel a chance to steal this thing" Draco offered up knowing which option made reasonable sense.
Harry wanted to do this alone, Snape had been going out of his way too much lately to show Harry up and it was becoming ridiculous, Harry understood the man's original dislike of him but to bully a dead man's son in some bizarre effort to get some poetic justice was pathetic. Harry was going to ask him what he knew and try to sort this thing out. And so as the lesson ended and the class went to lunch Harry slowly approached the teacher's desk
"The door is that way Mr Potter, you may be thick but not that thick" was the first thing the greasy haired man spat
"Professor" Harry began respectively
"Potter the door is that way... ten points from Ravenclaw for stupidity...". Harry's anger boiled through, the nerve of the man to refuse a student help or even the benefit of a conversation over what a dead man did over twenty years ago, every light source was suddenly sucked out the room and an icy chill lingered in the air. Snape looked alarmed by Harry spoke first
"Enough!" he demanded the air getting colder with every syllable
"Potter?" Snape began shocked but Harry cut him off
"This has gone on too far professor! what my father did as a teenager has nothing to do with me, I never said I supported it or condoned it in fact I had no idea until recently" Harry shouted angrily as Snape's face dropped in shock as Harry recited some of his oldest and most protected secrets
"You fell in with the wrong crowd that's your fault and you turned your back on my mother, it was your choices that led to her loving him instead of you and if you had been friendly to her or even civil then she wouldn't have pushed you away. I had nothing to do with her loving him and not you so stop taking out your issues on other people, you repented I'll give you that and you tried to turn it around and that is commendable but enough is enough!" Harry continued brimming with anger as he spilled out all the teacher's secrets and truths he couldn't bear to face, As for Snape there was no hatred in his face or eyes but instead shock and hurt. A tear welled up behind his eye but Harry steamed on
"You need to stop living in the past and face your problems instead of using them to justify what you force on students, you are becoming so much like the teenage bully you faced its unreal" Harry ended and his anger subsided as he saw the man face what he had done over the years for the first time. Warmth and light re-entered the room as Harry stormed out, leaving a shocked and terrified Snape behind.
Albus Dumbledore was sat sulking at his desk, his vault had been frozen now and the goblins were leeching from his fortune that rightly belonged to him. Harry had no need of it but apparently the ministry didn't like him taking it so they began draining him of what he had apparently stolen, his reputation was going to be in tatters and nothing could make this day worse; or so he thought.
"WHAT DID YOU TELL HIM" came the enraged voice of Severus Snape as the potions professor burst through the door to the headmasters office
"Severus?" Dumbledore questioned completely stunned by the man's entrance
"Oh don't Severus me what did you tell Harry Potter! you promised you would tell no one!" was the angered response that left Dumbledore even more confused
"What are you talking about" the old man practically shouted , Snape quickly summarised the events of the day.
"What?" Dumbledore mouthed wondering how the boy could no anything at all about his parents
"Yes, he knew about my past with James and Lily and also said it was my fault for losing her! but the worst thing is..." Snape hissed angrily, then his entire persona changed. The angry ex death eater was gone replaced by a teary eyed broken man who had just come to terms with his life
"He's right!" he continued sobbing slightly, his entire life so far had been nothing more than petty revenge and what made it so much worse was that an eleven year old had seen through it. Dumbledore looked at the normally cold and sarcastic teacher with his mouth forming a perfect O, he never could have even imagined the man would break down like this and more to the point would ever feel remorse over what he had inflicted on students over the years
"I made so many lives hell during my time as a teacher and it was all because of what someone else did to me, I was just trying to make people feel like I did when I was fifteen! and you knew. You let me teach" His last note was one of accusation
"You were coming over to the light and we needed you close to ..." Dumbledore began quickly trying to explain his actions once more
"No Albus you can't spin that on me, no. I don't know how Harry knew this but I already know you wouldn't tell him, I thought you did but your surprise is just to evident. And I know why, you wanted me to bully him didn't you , you wanted to give the boy someone at Hogwarts he would dread. I have no idea why but I can tell you I'm done being your pawn, I will teach but I am going to change, the bullying, hatred and everything else I've pumped my classes full of over the years, no and if you want to ever regain my trust, if you want to explain why you allowed me to teach knowing I would bully then it might help, but I know if you do that then it will lead me straight to whatever you've been plotting over the years concerning Harry Potter and I have no idea what that is and to be honest just so can look you in the eye I never want to" Snape proclaimed glaring coldly at the man he had entrusted so much with, and with that he stormed out of the room.
"A philosopher's stone!" Cho was gobsmacked as Harry explained what he had seen in Snape's mind
"Yes" Harry answered gravely,
"Sorry are they trying to kill us? what is Dumbledore thinking? is his mind like; hey I've got a great idea, why don't I put a dangerous powerful magical artefact in the middle of a school which practically every Dark wizard would want and also hire a man I've never met before because I get a new defence teacher every year and then entrust this man with the secret. What a genius" Draco exclaimed amazed
"He has a point, why the hell would Dumbledore trust Quirrel a new professor with this secret, and more to the point why hasn't he put more defences up. A giant guard dog fair enough but open a book about a Cerberus and you have all the information you need to get pas them" Hermione interjected sharing Draco's feelings.
"A very good point but if it's in this school then we need to be careful, imagine what would happen if Quirrel gets his hands on it, and remember where first on his hit list" Harry warned suddenly realising the magnitude of the situation. If they weren't careful then Quirrel would enact some kind of revenge and they were in a school where he taught and that could only mean he had the advantage. He could make his move any time and the only defence they had could lead the total annihilation of the entire school.

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