chapter 34

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"So the great Harry Potter joins me tonight does he not? I had wanted to meet you for some time," A low, masculine voice filled the air of where he was. Here was a dark seemingly endless corridor with doors leading off into every direction, this was the physical representation of what Harry saw when he entered people's minds. This however was no mind, this was a soul and specifically a horcrux something dark and vile which didn't just turn his stomach, it riled it up and Harry knew that by being here he was risking a lot. The landscape was made up of a soul and he could devour it with a mere thought but he would risk emerging from the diary a monster and trapping himself down here
"Who are you?" Harry asked and his voice was echoed through the halls a thousand times before the noise ceased, it was a mind game whatever soul fragment in this place was playing and Harry was determined to win. So he took a step forward, and the force of a thousand winds threw him back, the twisting corridor grew longer and the doors became uncountable as he flew. He wondered if he would float here forever but even this mere thought was enough to pull him back to his feet, so thoughts controlled this place
"I have been hoping to meet you for some time; the girl was most useful in finding out about you and it seems you have a number of qualities a man of my position would find interesting," the silky smooth voice rang out again and Harry wondered what Ginny Weasley knew. She was obviously being tricked by this thing but she didn't know everything about him, meaning he had a slight advantage over his enemy, but it was not a major one.
"Who are you?" Harry demanded aloud knowing the voice could hear, the voice existed through this entire realm after all.
"You already know, a man who you have fought twice and yet each time you have come out on top, you know who I am and you don't even need to ask," the voice sounded almost angry.
"Voldemort," Harry confirmed to himself, it made sense, the heir of Slytherin. Voldemort was the person most into the pureblood crap in this world and he was obviously petrified of death. But to reduce yourself to horcruxes was something else entirely
"Is that arrogance I detected there?" Harry asked suddenly,
"I am not arrogant, I am the greatest wizard of all time and I will not stoop to your petty levels, you are a child and I am the heir of Salazar Slytherin," the voice rebuffed and Harry smiled to himself now he knew how to get this guy really wound up.
"Oh really? Because to be it seemed like Ginny Weasley was doing all the work, can anyone get into your chamber?" he asked suddenly. Then the endless corridor began to shake through Voldemort's rage
"She was in my possession, she was nothing but a host!" the voice cried with outrage echoing through the air, Harry say a golden opportunity.
"So you went willingly into the body of a Weasley, does that mean you have some blood traitor in you?" Harry demanded and the landscape really did explode them, the halls broke up and the door exploded into splinters. Harry was suddenly being hit from all directions and then he was falling, downwards and the endless corridor was gone, it had never even existed but now there was only light.
"You thought you could beat me with words? You abilities are obviously meaningless and you the weak minded child you will always be," the voice spat nastily as Harry fell, then he was hit by a mental jolt of pain and suddenly Harry felt himself falling in a much different sense.
"There is nothing for you now, you will exist in here with me for an eternity," the voice taunted gently but then a ripple of surprise went through the air. Something strange was happening to Harry, his eyes were now gently glowing with black and then he was gone. His body was gone
"What!" the voice began obviously confused but then a much darker voice filled the air and it made the voice of Tom Riddle seem friendly.
"You underestimated me! A mistake I think you will regret for the rest of your miserable existence!"
Draco, Crabbe and Goyle piled into the room once Lockhart worked out how to disarm the security around the girl's dormitory, they had found Harry gone and one girl gaping at a book lying on the bed.
"What happened?" Draco asked and for once there was no anti-Slytherin remarks from the girl but instead she turned to him
"He fell into that book!" she gave a senseless answer but then Draco felt a familiar cold coarse through him, it had been over a year but he recognised it.
"Boys out!" he ordered and Lockhart moved to question the but then he paled, the diary lying on the bed exploded in shining white light and a boy was thrown out of it, he looked sixteen and would have been handsome if not for the look of fear carved into his face.
"NO!" he cried and then a dark cloud erupted from the diary and swarmed him, he was gone before he could even blink
"Run!" Draco advised and for the first time Lockhart shut and followed his student from the room as a swarm of darkness gathered. They were at the bottom of the stairs when it broke through, it passed through the gaps in the door like smoke and as Draco led the group into the common room it followed. Draco knew that was Harry but he also knew that his friend had no control over this and was not thinking of how to stop it but more thinking of how to get the hell away from it
"Ok everyone out! You're all in danger!" he cried to the Gyfindors who looked at him blankly,
"Oh please, the only danger here is you slimy snakes!" Ron Weasley snorted a few seconds before the black swarm burst through the doors and cries filled the air.
"RUN!" Draco ordered, the swarm was not targeting anyone but when it spread out and touched the students they fell to the floor, they were acting as lifelines to the monster and while inside Harry was fighting for control he was not in a good position. Then a monster's eye looked over the fleeing students and surged forward.
Hospital Wing
Madam Pomfrey could not explain it but Cho Chang had started twitching, it was as if her mind was demanding she do something but her body was refusing. A few seconds after she stared miss Lovegood followed and eventually Miss Granger did the same, she could feel a certain warmth in the air as they moved and it was unlike the strange coursing ice that was in the air moments before. No it was a happier feeling, the opposite of a Dementor in a way
"," Cho murmured to herself, she had strength but from where? Madam Pomfrey could not say and she did not have time to query further for suddenly she heard screams from outside. Cho suddenly started convulsing violently and while she had a duty of care Pomfrey was more focused on the screaming and promptly left the room.
"Stop, Harry," Cho begged suddenly and her voice was joined by two others as warmth combated the cold.
Second floor
How had he become this? This was a new form to him and never had his inner Dementor self changed or made decisions against his will. This was new and it took the form of this giant swarm of black which was slicing through the air knocking out everyone it touched. A hundred students were on the floor, they were not dead or soulless and Harry found himself wondering not for the first time if this other self was conscious. It would explain a lot and he had already devoured Tom Riddle's soul and taken on all that he knew but his desire around ghost and souls could be explained by him literally having two sides. One built on reason which was him and the only on instinct and it was fighting against his control every step of the way. Each students was a lifeline and each lifeline was a barrier to him regaining control and he felt helpless for the first time, maybe he was a monster, he would have dwelled on this for a long time if not for the sudden surge of power ripping through his body. His true form rebelled but Harry cut the students free and each awoke with nothing more than a headache the feeling they had been plunged into icy water, it was a miscalculation as the fight for dominance caused his true form to lose all grace, agility and flight. Harry had no idea why but knew he crashed into his friends and Lockhart and they somehow became attached to this body which went crashing into a corridor and towards the place this entire adventure started. His last memory before passing out was smashing through some sinks and seeing a long tunnel below, Lockhart was screaming as he fell down the hole and Draco was hanging on to the edge with Crabbe and Goyle already falling down into what he now knew was the Chamber of Secrets.
Harry had no idea when he awoke, but Draco was gone and the bathroom was exactly the same other than his friends being gone and it was unlikely they would search for him. He felt like crying, he had gone on a rampage through the school and while no one was hurt he almost killed hundreds of people.
You can't give up! A voice appeared in his mind and at first he thought it was Lucy who must have felt him change
You can't Harry! It was not her voice, but he knew the voice
Cho? Harry questioned wondering if this was an illusion of the mind, Luna answered his question
Ands us but we are currently... nowhere to be honest and... somehow she even rambled while in a coma.
Harry we know, it wasn't your fault, no one can blame you and no one saw you, no one saw you change and people will think that it is the monster of the chamber but we both know that the real monster is down there with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Only you can do this Harry, Hermione told him gently and he felt somewhat reassured.
You can do it, I know how you must feel but you have to! I believe in you, Luna and Hermione believe in you and currently Draco, Crabbe and Goyle believe in you! Go on! Cho told him and Harry took a breath, they were right this was no time for regret he had to save them and maybe there was something else. The Basilisk knew Parsletongue and maybe if it was down there then maybe it could be reasoned with, it was a chance and the odds were stacked firmly against them but sometimes in life you don't have much of a choice.
I believe in you another voice gently whispered and he knew who it was, Lucy was with him every step of the way and at the moment there was nothing else she could do but support him and then he looked down at the hole. The tunnel to the Chamber of Secrets and then without pausing to think twice he leapt into the great unknown once more.

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