chapter 41

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James Potter moved through the crowd with a venomous smile on his masked face, a face that could belong to any middle-aged man and before Draco Malfoy died he would not be able to place it. By then the mask would have been burned and he would be gone, his only wish was there had been no antidotes. Two he had been given and one was under orders from his master, she had told him to never tell anyone and he only knew it was a she because of one accidental stutter. Something she had missed but he had not, he had served the organization for years and had taken it upon himself to marry their prime target during his first few years of both school and servitude. He had married Lily Potter to keep an eye on her but he could never have guessed it was actually her watching him, she was slowly digging up the conspiracy and putting it in that loathsome journal he could never understand. James was never the person he claimed, he had conspired with Pettigrew to make him the secret keeper knowing it would put Sirius out of action, he had helped set up an entire life that his supposed son would live and filled it with pain and suffering only for it to be brushed aside. He was a sadistic person and he had given the boy the antidote and that girl, apparently her living was essential. A shame but on the bright side the kids poisoned would die in agony, it was poison extracted from the bark of the acciatha tree, very rare but inside was a chemical that could be distilled into poison, poison that ate away the insides and took three days to kill but there was no cure or painkiller. He was supposed to kill five children, his colleagues thought six but they were wrong, in the corner of his eye he saw Snape, Snivellus! So he came to the party this year, obviously making up with Harry had led him to realise that he needed more of a social life. James however; well he thought of the many things he had lost out on the chance to inflict on the slimy git. The things he had done made Snape into the person he was but somehow the boy had broken through, however it made little difference in the end; soon he would have his chance but first he needed to escape. The door for some reason was hidden from view, but it made no odds
"Lucius its Draco help!" he heard the Malfoy bitch squeal and he let himself smile sadistically; he had wanted to hurt the brat Lily claimed was his son for years and now he would do it indirectly. Only two would survive, two who would grow close enough for one to be the perfect bargaining tool over the other.
"My God!" he heard Lucius cry before a blood curling scream followed, oh this had turned out so perfectly, he was going to be rewarded for this. Oh he would be the favoured prince of Dumbledore and the shady figure, oh indeed. Then James looked for the door, this time it was nowhere to be seen and for some reason the room seemed almost empty, people around him seemed false, like cardboard cut-outs designed to trick those who were not really looking.
"I take it you don't know who the figure is?" a voice demanded from above, when he looked again the room had become a prison, bars on every window and a strange grey fog filling the room.
"What the hell?" he demanded wondering that question indeed, how had he been found? How had his entire world changed,
"Look I know this is all serious and what not but this link between us is pretty cool, look I can interact with the world," another more comical voice said and James turned to the side and was punched by a red boxing glove that had appeared from nowhere.
"Draco this is no time for jokes," a girly voice hissed and James looked for the source, someone was tricking him and he needed to know why.
"Look mate everything you say is going through our minds as well, two things, one..." the first voice began
"See a healer about those thoughts I mean they are not normal, who the hell imagines something like that!" the other male voice interrupted as James's vision was clouded by the fog. James was looking for the person making the fog but his vision was now nothing but white, maybe this was much more than a simple trick.
"Ok three things, but anyway thank you for giving the details of your failed assassination attempt and also thank you for alleviating any guilt or betray I would have felt when you mentioned you're not actually my Dad," Harry Potter's voice crisp and cool filled the air.
"Your Dementor powers," James growled
"Actually I got this idea from the horcrux and thanks to a connection we all share all of your would be victims can now interact with the world, Luna no," James could swear Harry was smiling when he said this.
"Oh come just one hit, he has two and he's not going to use them again," The Lovegood girl James supposed answered.
"Thank God for that," another female voice shuddered.
"No, at least not yet," Harry had actually considered allowing the girl to torture him! He was not the victim he was the torturer, his head was brimming with what he would do to these kids if he ever found them.
"We can read your thoughts, for the love of God stop thinking before one of us gives you a heart attack!" The original girl growled angrily.
"I say kill him," someone suggested and James paled slightly, he couldn't die here, he was needed, he was the only person who could... then he saw what they were doing. They were trying to gain access to his thoughts, since the discovery of his Dementor Powers everyone he worked with had gone through extensive occlumency training to keep people out. So instead of prising the information out they had tried to trick him.
"Nice try Crabbe," Harry sighed as James stopped thinking about his plans.
"Seriously though, what are we going to do with him?" Luna Lovegood asked, he recognised her voice this time
"I say send him to Azkaban and let Lucy interrogate him," someone else suggested, obviously Harry's friends knew a lot about his identity, if he could tell Dumbledore this information.
"Not a chance in hell," Harry scoffed; this guy was never seeing Dumbledore again
"You know Minister Fudge is over there and his guard is too, what if we knock this guy out, tell Fudge who he is and what he tried to do, then he spends the rest of his life in Azkban with a few hundred Dementors who despise his very existence," the comical one suggested and James did feel a slight pinch of unease. He had felt the Dementors once or twice and he was not...
"Well he hates the idea so let's do that," Harry decided finally, "Luna can you please knock him out?"
James did pale when Luna enthusiastically confirmed.
Dementors were swarming Malfoy Manor, the moment Harry had torn of the mask and told Fudge who had decided on a show of force, or more truthfully he decided to ensure every Dementor knew what the man had tried to do. When Harry approached him he recognised the man and nearly fainted, James Potter was dead or so Fudge thought and then Harry calmly walked over and explained. His bodyguards had found a few miniscule drops of a very rare poison and Harry explained he and his friends combined their efforts to perform Legilimency on him. Fudge at first had been doubtful but when Harry had managed to read every one of his bodyguard's minds he had been forced to believe him. How had he learned it? But that was not what Fudge was concerned with, no it was how Harry was so calm when talking about his father; a father who had tried to kill him! Why the hell would a supposed hero like James Potter do that? However he had listened to Harry and ordered the arrest, and now Harry was being spoken too by every Dementor, Lucy had not been around which was lucky for James Potter. At least for now and Fudge was trying to comprehend how it happened, he was supposed to be dead; was Lily alive? Also he did wonder why James Potter had a look of pain when he was approached, like he had been attacked by a wild animal that had left no scars, the Lovegood girl had been standing next to him smiling and almost dancing. They were defiantly a weird bunch.
So what had happened? How had James survived? Why did he try and kill Harry? And what was really going on here? Harry seemed reluctant to speculate but Fudge already knew the answer, it went back to the file on Sirius Black, it was so short and yet every attempt to have it reviewed had been blocked by Dumbledore, this had to relate to the conspiracy he had found. It had to, he just wondered why Harry Potter was in the middle of it; had the boy latched on to it as well and was now a target; maybe he needed protection.
Harry was up, the party had finished on a cold note as James Potter was led away and people had been kicked out after either being too drunk to question what was going on or sober enough to question. Harry surprisingly just felt a little deflated; he had been shocked beyond all wits when he and his friends found James Potter. Draco had directed them to the man who when he was walking didn't notice his transgression from the real to the mental world, the name had left him breathless but when it turned out the man wasn't his father Harry began to question. So he knew Lily Potter his mother married him to unravel the conspiracy she had been following if her journal was anything to go by and he had been sent to keep an eye on her and well something happened and Harry for the first time wondered who actually killed her.
"So whose my father?" he muttered to himself, he had assumed it was James but a single thought in the man's mind changed everything, he never knew the man so disconnected him once he realised there was no need to even acknowledge him as anything other than an assassin. A twisted one at that who had plotted to do something amazingly terrible but Harry knew something else. Snape had been planned from the start, so how did whoever James served know he was going to be born ten, fifteen years into the future? How could someone know that and if Lily Potter was the rebellious one at least to this plan then how could they predict her? No while his personal feelings were strange to say the least they were nothing compared to the shady organization which he knew existed now and the shady figure he had fought was in control. So who was his father? Why did he look so much like James? Maybe Lily had done something to stop him suspecting but either way Harry wanted to know his father actually was, maybe the journal was a clue? Obviously Lily Potter was a very different person to the one had heard about it and did ask the question if she was still alive. Though Harry knew it was false, Lily had been living with James Potter and after dipping his feet in the man's mind he knew either Voldemort killed her or James did and Harry now knowing James prayed to God it was the former.

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