chapter 3

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Two Years Later
"He's growing up" Lucy and a fellow Dementor flew side by side, the boy in question was tucked up asleep in bed while the Dementors patrolled
"I know" Lucy replied with what sounded like sadness " But he's almost eleven and I expect and owl soon" . The other Dementor stopped and looked inside his room
"I can't believe its the same confused boy you brought here four years ago, and by the next year despite all the influence from the Death Eaters" it said
"I still remember when I first met him Dora, that poor boy in the forest, scared and confused. I always wonder if I did the right thing" Lucy replied, the other Dementor stopped
"And what was the alternative, grow up in fear and be someone so desperate for love they can be moulded by anyone, No Lucy no matter the problems with growing up in a prison, you made him stronger he found out about the Dementor within, he can fly, manipulate emotions, sense minds and read them at eleven, think of him in ten years or twenty" The Dementor named Dora told her sternly,
"I suppose, but who would need to place him with abusers and more importantly why would they do it? he saved us all from Voldemort including us, we only supported him because of the way we were regarded" Lucy questioned. Dora shook her head
"We will know soon, and anyway today you and Harry need to get to Diagon Alley as they call it and buy him his school supplies I can only imagine the reaction when they find out Harry Potter was raised by Dementors" she remarked, Lucy made a deep noise which could only be described as the Dementor equivalent to chuckling
"Oh I can see Dumbledore now" she whispered, suddenly the two sensed something,
"What is that" Dora questioned, Lucy looked around
"I sense low emotion and no thought what is that?"
she wondered briefly, then came the squawk of an owl. The noise was far off and it pecked furiously at the glass window of Harry's cell, an annoyed Lucy opened it with a wave of her hand
"Useless things it could have woken him " she complained angrily,
"You sound more and more like a human mother everyday" Dora remarked reaching for the package it was carrying, then she stopped. It was a Hogwarts crest with a note scribbled on top
To Harry James Potter
Cell Room 35
Enclosed is 100 Galleons for all school supplies
Cornelius Fudge
"He really turned around after what we heard" Dora remarked, Lucy nodded
"He saw Albus Dumbledore for what he is, not someone to ask for advice but someone to consider as both ally and enemy" she explained, she fumbled with the envelope , outside the sun was beginning to rise, her scabbed hand eventually used a clawed finger to rip the letter from its envelope
"What's that" asked Harry, The two Dementors glided back a few steps,
"Morning Harry" Lucy greeted holding the letter, Harry's eyes widened
"Is that a Hogwarts letter?" he gasped, then he became worried "What if they're telling me I can't go because I'm not at my uncles, or I'm not really a wizard". Harry was worried
"Calm down child" Dora soothed, "I'm sure they don't send rejection letters" Harry looked down
"What if I'm the first?" he asked worried, Lucy looked at the letter. She sensed the words on the page causing them to glow in her mind
"Dear Harry James Potter" she began, Harry shook as she read " We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry". Harry absorbed this for a few seconds
"I'm in!" he stated, Lucy nodded as the boy punched the air "Yes!, I'm going to be a wizard". During his jump he seemed to forget to land and he hovered a few feet above ground.
"I'm going to tell Sirius and Aunt Bella" he declared gliding over to Lucy and Dora and hugging them both, then he flew off with the same grace as a Dementor.
"That boy never ceases to amaze, I mean hugging you I know he does, but me!" Dora commented
"Well, we need to fly to the Alley, or Shadow travel"
Lucy wondered ignoring Lucy's comment
"Flying with amaze them while shadow travel might be a bit dark for humans to understand" Dora answered thoughtfully, Lucy raised her hands
"What are they going to say, Boy who lived flies to Alley this will be good, oh and I need to reduce my aura for a few hours" she sighed.
"Well Done pup" Sirius grinned proudly as Harry showed him the letter
"Bella's Ickle Harry is going to Hogwarts" Bella sighed dramatically smiling at him. Suddenly a dark voice came from a cell
"You disgust me Bella" was all it said, Bella was suddenly angry
"Shut up Crouch" she hissed much to Harry's confusion , why was this man being nasty to his aunt a person who had been kind to him and even decided to be his new aunt after hearing about the last one
"You play and talk with the boy who killed our lord" the man spat from his cell,
"He was a baby too young to know what he was doing, and Crouch you call yourself one of us you sobbed to your father and whined when he turned away in disgust" Bella retorted, the man laughed
"The boy doesn't even know he killed the dark lord" he told her, Harry looked at Bella
"I killed who?" Harry questioned worried about the direction of the conversation, Bella sighed
"Well I suppose I should tell you the truth, the Dark Lord thought you was going to hurt him so he came to your house when you were a baby and your parents who were Dumbledore's people" she began, Sirius interrupted
"He killed them both" he announce to Harry's shock, Bella shook her head
"Anyway he came to you and he cast the spell at you but it didn't work the spell killed him instead no one knows how but you are famous" Bella finished sadly , Harry looked shocked
"He killed my mum and dad, I thought you said he was nice" He questioned, Sirius saw his distress
"Voldemort was not a nice person, well to some he was but he killed you parents" he told him, Bella looked abashed
"Harry, The dark lord was wrong about you and I can see it now and I'm sure he will apologise one day when we both meet him again" Bella soothed, Harry looked upset and confused
"Huh from what I've gathered about Dumbledore I'm tempted to join up" Sirius growled, Bella glared at him
"Not a conversation for him" she protested, suddenly she shivered and the man called Crouch became silence
Listen to me prisoner, If you ever try something like that again with him in the room I will put you in a supermax cell Lucy's voiced hissed in his mind. Crouch whined in pain,
"Come on Harry we need to go" She told him lowering his distress levels,
"Where to?" he asked calmer now.
"A place called Diagon Alley we need to get you school equipment " Lucy informed him,
"How are we getting there? Shadow Travel" he asked eagerly, Lucy shook her head
"No we flying, I hope you won't mind?" she asked slyly knowing his love for flying, Harry grinned
"Ok" he said enthusiastically
"Well put on some clothes not pyjamas and we can get going" she instructed. Harry shook his head and flew off down the hall to his room, Lucy addressed the room
Death Eaters with nothing nice to say to him will remain Silent she spoke angrily in their minds before gliding off.
The skies were clouded with little light reaching the pair who expertly glided through them, Harry Potter ducked and dived through the clouds as they zoomed through the skies.
"How much longer?" Harry asked Lucy who pulled close to him suddenly
"Were here, now rules. Some people may not appreciate my presence so you are to avoid anyone who may try to cast that silver spell" she warned , Harry vaguely remembered a silver cat once driving Lucy away when they flew together once, " Now second, you can explore the Alley, I have the money so if you see something and I'm not there then find and tell me so I can get it" she finished, Harry nodded. Lucy took his hand and guided him down through the clouds.
"Is that Harry Potter"
"Is he flying?"
"Is a Dementor holding his hand!". These were the first words he heard as the two of them touched down on the pavement, Harry looked around at the many shops, he felt even more excited than he did at the start of the day and it took a scabby hand to restrain him.
"Ok Harry as were here we can get your wand"
Lucy told him pointing to a shop, they both entered and Harry gasped when he saw the hundreds of wands piled onto shelves, an old man was sitting at the desk. Then he saw Lucy and jumped up
"Hello, um Hello, am I in some sort of trouble?" the man questioned reaching for his wand,
"No, I need my first wand" Harry told him brightly, the man relaxed
"Harry Potter?" the man wondered. when Harry nodded his wand hand dropped "Oh good I was wondering when I would get a visit from you, and a Dementor guard?". The man seemed puzzled by Lucy's presence
"No, I live with her, she's my guardian" Harry replied, the man seemed concerned by this
"she raised you?" he stuttered, Harry nodded. The man looked at Lucy quizzically before relaxing
"Well then I am Mr Ollivander and you need a wand I suppose" he stated, he gestured Harry forward. When Harry was standing at the desk the man put a box on the table
"Let's try this one" he decided giving Harry a long twisted wand, he held it in his hand and waved it. Nothing happened
"Maybe this one" Ollivander thought giving him a short stubby wand, Harry repeated his action and this time the wand shot from his hand
"No, No wait... I wonder" the man seemed to be talking more to himself now and strolled to a shelve, he picked out the right box
"Here we are" he exclaimed giving the wand to Harry, the second he touched it a warmth shot up his arm and flooded his hand, he knew this was the wand for him.
"Curious, How very curious" Ollivander muttered, Harry turned to him
"What's curious sir?" he asked, Ollivander looked at him thoughtfully
"The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Potter and why this wand chose you is very curious considering it has a brother a brother who was sold many years ago, to a man you yourself defeated" he spoke wisely
"Voldemort?" Harry questioned knowing he could speak the name with no Bella to scold him
"Yes Mr Potter, He Who Must Not Be Named did great things with that wand, Terrible yes but great" was the cryptic response, Harry seeing that as a dismissal allowed Lucy to drop a few Galleons onto his desk and leave.
"Ok Harry, Now why don't you go the robe shop and I'll get your Cauldron and books" Lucy suggested, Harry shrugged still wondering what Ollivander said, he nodded to Lucy and walked into the shop.
"Watch where you sticking them pins women" groaned an irritated by familiar voice
"Draco?" Harry smiled, the pale blond boy looked up
"Harry! I heard you arrive well I heard about you flying here by the whole Alley you know how to make an entrance huh" Draco Malfoy greeted warmly, He and Harry had become close friends over the summers they spent together.
"Lucy decided, plus I got a wand" Harry told him showing of his Holy and Phoenix feather wand, Draco nodded in approval
"I got one two put I' m a little busy with some pins" Draco announced as the woman stuck another pin into the folds of fabric, she turned to Harry
"Mr Potter!" she exclaimed "Stand here I'll get to you in a moment". The woman turned back to Draco and removed a pin before vanishing off to another part of the shop
"Typical, she leaves me with pins stabbing me if a try to breathe" Draco whined "So Harry you got your letter, when you round mine this summer". Harry grinned
"Next week, but I think Lucy is picking me up before to say goodbye to Bella and she wants to see me off" Harry answered, Draco looked astonished
"She is a strange one, I mean a boy talking to a Dementor is one thing but she reminds me of my mother, caring but not to smothering" he remarked, Harry smiled
"Well, she would be nicer if she could talk to everyone but mind talk is apparently quite painful" he commented as the bell rang and a red haired boy walked into the shop.
"Mum I thought you said we were going to meet Harry Potter" he moaned as a red haired woman followed him in
"We will Ronald Dumbledore said we would but you still have school" The woman said sternly, Harry frowned
"You always told me I was famous but never why, now I have the whole wizarding world after me and this lot look a bit..." Harry began
"Annoying, greedy, stupid" Draco suggested, Harry nodded
"The boy most likely but my feelings tell me the woman is not to nice either" he replied reaching into her mind with is Dementor powers.
"There he is" the boy muttered pointing at Harry, but frowned when he saw Draco, the boy to Harry's annoyance rushed forward
"Hi I'm Ron" he introduced, thrusting his hand out, Harry ignored it
"I'm Harry Potter but I think you knew that judging from your thoughts" Harry told him searching through his mind
"Well your famous" Ron stated, Harry frowned when he saw his thoughts,
"I know but if your mind tells me anything then you are not here to be friends only to share imagined wealth and gain glory and if your mother's mind is reliable then you are getting a lot of money for befriending me" He growled, Ron looked angry but then calm
"Funny" he smiled "But you defeated You-Know-Who so it's only sensible that you befriend a true Gryffindor like me". The boy was more insistent now and had trouble concealing his anger. Luckily Madam Malkin chose then to appear
"Sorry Mister Potter" she told him taking out a tape measure, for a few minutes she muttered to herself much to the displeasure of a stiff and agitated Draco. Then she withdrew the object and summoned some robes
"Here you go" she said warmly handing over a bag, Draco looked annoyed
"So you use that on him but on me you use these pins" he asked,
"You asked for venom silk something which requires a lot of time and money" she smirked, then her face fell as a black cloaked figure emerged into the shop. Both Ron's mother and Madam Malkin drew their wands but stopped in shock when Harry spoke
"Lucy, do you like them?" he asked showing her the wand, the women looked confused as he spoke in Dementor tongue but even more when a low whispering sound escaped from the Dementor's mouth
"Very nice Harry, how much?" she asked reaching for the small enchanted bag of Galleons,
"How much?" Harry asked Madam Malkin
"Umm, Five Galleons and two sickles" she stuttered as the Dementor handed over the money.
"Oh Lucy says hello" Harry directed at Draco as they left the shop leaving two open mouthed woman and annoyed Ronald Weasley and the irritated voice of Draco
"Ok he can talk to Dementors can we get the pins out now"?

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