chapter 7

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Harry walked into the potions classroom barely on time, Flitwick had dragged halfway around the school to meet the quidditch captain, he looked at Harry sceptically and told him to be on the Quidditch pitch after lessons for a test. Flitwick didn't reveal much other than he could fly excellently and what the direct rules were for Quidditch, then he was pulled from his thoughts as the dungeon door burst open. Like a ghost Severus Snape seemingly glided through the room inspecting his new students, his eyes had nothing but disgust and dislike and Harry found them pause on him for a second longer than the rest.
"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death" he began his speech dryly and Harry was starting to lose interest
"Ahh Mr Potter our new celebrity" his voice was dry and full of contempt and Harry really couldn't blame him after even a quick glance into his memories, Harry glanced up at the man
"Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry frowned knowing the answer but also knowing it was very advanced for a first year class
"Draught of the Living Dead" Harry answered, a brief flicker of surprise passed over the man's face obviously not expecting him to get the answer
"Well Done, well then Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" The question was slightly harder but Harry remembered the answer from a book he picked up
"The stomach of a goat where the acids create a very strong antidote" Harry replied quickly, Snape's eyes flashed with anger this time, he was trying to show Harry up and it wasn't working, with a sigh he gave it one last effort
"Well then Mr Potter tell me what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Harry was slightly irritated know as he understood the man's dislike of James Potter but trying O.W.L level questions on a first year to show them up was defiantly unacceptable
" they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconite" Harry replied coldly, as he spoke a light chill coated the room and Harry knew his Dementor abilities were reacting to his emotion
"Well are you not going to write this down?" Snape demanded angered that his attempt had failed, Hermione nudged him
"Was that you?" she whispered softly
"What?" Harry asked
"When you spoke just now it was like that.. what was it... Dementor swooped into the bookshop" she hissed, Harry didn't see much point in lying
"Yes but don't tell anyone" he whispered "It would not be good". His last words were spoken more to himself than Hermione remembering Lucy's warnings about not revealing the true extent of his powers.
"I'm Sorry?" Lucy replied seemingly surprised as three Dementors glided over to her, she was on patrol outside the prison borders when three of her sisters approached her
"You heard correctly, it seems that a great deal of money has been removed from Harry's primary account, a goblin sent the report to Dumbledore but Ragnok intercepted it, he found out that in wizarding terms almost 20 000 were taken over the years without consent" one informed her, Lucy made a deep growling noise
"And he sent it to Fudge who is Harry's contact"
she growled deeply
"Precisely, he issued a statement to us and the corrupt Goblin in charge of the funds has been in muggle terms eliminated" another continued
"So who has the money been going to?" Lucy inquired already dreading the answer
"Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley" the third replied angrily
"WHAT!" Lucy exclaimed "How dare he take Harry's money after all he did to him" her clawed scabby hands were shaking in rage as the Dementor Dora piped up
"I'm sorry Lucy but that is not all, it seems Dumbledore is in the process of drafting a legally binding marriage contract to Harry and a third party", Lucy froze
"He was trying to do a lot more than control Harry, he was trying to ensure he had complete power over his life and I this contract" she realised "and he dared to make a contract about my son" the second the words left her mouth the group of Dementor let out a burst of air
"I knew it" Dora nodded tilting her head slightly, the others felt amazement and pride that there friend had accepted she was a lot more to Harry than a mentor
"We can talk later but more importantly we need to deal with this matter before it gets out of hand, we need to do something to make sure he gets all the money back and I want to rip that contract into shreds" Lucy finished with a hissing noise
"So Harry isn't it" Michal Davis asked, he was a tall sixth year with neatly combed blond hair, his eyes were a dark blue which drew attention from his muscle riddled body and imposing stance
"Now Flitwick didn't tell me much, and Madam Hooch over there suggested I use a training quaffle to fly around the pitch and be ready for one hell of a surprise, now I know the rules are relaxed but if this talent of yours is hurtful or cruel then get lost because I try to maintain a good reliable upstanding team" he began obviously showing scepticism and gestured briefly to Madam Hooch and a few other members of staff, Flitwick was there sitting in the seats excitably knowing what Harry was going to do while the nurse Harry hadn't met yet and another teacher looked interested to why they had been invited
"Ok Harry?" Michal asked taking out one of the quaffles, he threw it into the air and it began to fly around the pitch at a low speed, Michal obviously thinking Harry would not be keep up for long. He looked ready for Harry to pick up the broomstick on the floor but Harry stifled a smirk at his gasp of surprise as he ascended into the air, the rumours had been flying around the school about his unplanned flight into the charms classroom and obviously few had taken them seriously, he glanced at the shocked staff who were pointing and talking quickly to each other. Harry focused on the quaffle, with as much speed as he could muster he swooped over to it and plucked it from the air, he lazily flew back to Michal whose mouth was still open
"How did you... What did you... well" he stammered eyes wide, Harry held out the quaffle. Michal let out a breath and chuckled shakily
"Well that was one hell of a shock!" he remarked "How did you do that?". Harry smiled knowingly but gave nothing away
"Screw it I don't care, whatever you just did was amazing, oh my God I want to see the look on Wood's face when a first year literally glides off the floor, you're in you're in" he stammered grinning, then his face fell serious
"Ok kid, let's see how you do when the quaffle is moving a lot faster, say from broom to broom" he ordered throwing it back into the air, once again Harry zoomed of ready to play the game that he loved.
Slytherin Common Room
"Oh why couldn't he be in Slytherin!" Pansy whined sulking as she leaned against the green sofa, Draco was chuckling as she muttered how much she wanted Harry to be in their house
"He's in Ravenclaw, bride of Slytherin and all that stuff" he remarked shaking his head
"But he's cool, not nerdy or annoying like the other Ravenclaws and he can play Quiddtich" she moaned
"Just cause you think he's cute" someone yelled out
"Shut it Greengrass" Pansy retailed as a blush came to her cheeks, Draco was laughing hysterically at this and it took being pelted with several cushions to shut him up
"You got your work cut out for you then, he's already got, Hermione, the Chang girl, the Ravenclaw Patel twin and half a dozen Gryffindors" Draco snorted with a cackle
"I do not!" Pansy hissed "I mean like him, well I like him as a friend but.." she trailed off,
"Beside since he's in Ravenclaw doesn't that mean you can boss him around, seeing as he's in Slytherins wife's house?" Blaise Zabini asked curiously, Pansy's face lit up at the suggestion
"He could fly me to class" she responded thoughtfully, this was too much for Draco (and most of Slytherin house) who burst out laughing
"Shut up" Pansy hissed pelting Draco with another round of cushions
"Just cause the girl has a crush!" Daphne Greengrass commented
"Shut up" Pansy practically screeched
"But I agree he can play Quidditch, I was going to tell our captain about the... legless issue but he is so arrogant around first years I think we can leave it, that might just wipe the smirk of his face" Draco answered with a sly smile, he spoke softly and Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle smirked knowing their captain's dislike of first years
"So we're going to lose the Quidditch cup, what's new?" Pansy asked bored of the Quidditch conversation , Draco snorted
"I don't care who wins as long as it's not the Gryffindors, they are just too smug" Draco commented annoyed
"Tell me about it" Pansy muttered glad to have her embarrassment discarded in a new conversation
The day was slowly winding down now and only a few Goblins were left on duty, some were tapping away at different machines while others were writing furiously on parchment. Then the door opened and a small man walked in with a toad like woman wearing a luminous pink cardigan, a few goblins looked up in surprise as the Minister of Magic himself walked up to a desk
"I'm here to see Mr Ragnok" he squeaked nervously
"Of course Minster, may I ask under what premise?" it asked sharply
"Harry Potter" Fudge replied, as the Goblin walked off to alert the bank director Dolores Umbridge looked up
"May I ask what you know of Mr Potter's case I mean the press have made some guesses about the boy that are less pleasant than one would like?" she inquired
"I see you are learning the game of politics Dolores, hide your questions in worry and concern" Fudge remarked with a smile, the goblin suddenly emerged accompanying him was an elderly Goblin who seemed surprised the Minister asked to see him
"I believed the guardian of Mr Potter would be joining me so why are you here minister? you are listed as his contact not his guardian" The Director began dryly
"Apologies she cannot be here due to a security issue and has sent myself as a proxy, madam Umbridge is taking notes on the meeting" Fudge greeted gesturing to the woman as he handed the Goblin a signed document
"Understandable" Director Ragnok decided formally "Now what is it you wished to discuss"
"Put simply the guardian of Harry James Potter has requested that all the money be returned to him, the marriage contract dissolved and any other Goblins found to be involved in the conspiracy be dealt with harshly" Fudge explained as Umbridge scribbled furiously on her clipboard
"Interesting" the Director remarked cryptically
"What is?" Fudge asked oblivious
"When you first became minister we believed you to be a very weak incompetent man who relied on advice from another wizard or as we call him the puppet master, but something has changed, you seem to be more confident and less suspicious of the Goblin people, I wonder what has caused such a change" Ragnok revealed, Fudge seemed unsure of what to say to this backhanded compliment
"But your demands are acceptable however if his guardian had no inclination of the funds it was theft plain and simple and we will be launching a full investigation into these thefts and any Goblins who are involved I promise you will be dealt with in the harshest manor possible" The director assured Fudge darkly who broke into a smile
"Thank you very much, she will be delighted to hear it" Fudge replied "Thank you for your time". As he turned to leave a voice interrupted him
"However it comes at a price" the Goblin remarked, Fudge turned round
"I have gold" he announced hoping that was what they wanted
"No, even amongst Goblins Mr Potter is famous and in exchange we want to know exactly what happened to him without the rubbish your press are printing, is this acceptable?" Ragnok inquired innocently, Fudge sighed deeply
"I suppose" he conceded knowing his night of explanation was going to be a long one

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