chapter 8

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Headmasters office
The sealed letter arrived like another on this crisp October morning and Albus Dumbledore was sucking on a lemon sweet while reading his mail, then he froze as he unraveled the parchment and saw what was inside
" WHAT!" He roared in anger, his hands were shaking and his eyes were white with rage, Fawkes chirped in the background as Dumbledore threw the letter to the ground
Dear Albus Dumbledore
Order of Merlin First Class
Supreme Mugwump
Under a unanimous ruling from the Goblin people we hereby inform you that you must pay back precisely two hundred thousand Gallons, two hundred sickles' and two knuts must be returned the House of Potter due to grave misdeeds on your behalf. Until such a time your assets have been frozen and the vault sealed due to its lack of funds. You and Misses Molly Weasley must appear in front of a panel of Goblin officials for your theft, Failure to do will result in your funds being seized and used to pay back your debt but also will mark an end to the relationship you have with the Goblins,
Director Ragnok
Gringotts Wizard Bank
"HOW DARE THEY" Dumbledore roared "THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, I THE GREATEST WIZARD OF ALL TIME" his fury was radiating around the room and even the phoenix song could not calm the man down
"Shut up you blithering bird" The old man snapped. No he could do something about this, he could take his position and Supreme Mugwump and put an end to those foul creatures meddling, no he would not be pushed around by anyone. Then another letter arrived, it was a ministry owl and Dumbledore smiled, it looked like it was from the minister. He knew the idiotic man couldn't go too long without begging for advice, well let's just see what he wants, then his face fell as he read the letter
Dear Albus Dumbledore
Order of Merlin First Class
Supreme Mugwump
It has come to our attention that during your time as Supreme Mugwump you have ignored the basic principles and ideals for the role, firstly after a panel of ministry departments were briefed on the still developing Harry Potter case they have all decided that a full scale investigation must be launched and during the time you are placed under suspension until a conclusion can be reached. Secondly you, Misses Molly Weasley must also appear in front of the Wizengamot to shed light on a number of loyalty and love potions found on her property which are addressed to you. Furthermore in accordance with the trial of Vernon and Petunia Dursley for crimes of abuse you will also appear in order to justify (good luck) placing him in their care.
Cornelius Fudge
Minister Of Magic
Dumbledore was astonished, he couldn't believe the nerve of the man to order him of all people to appear in front of Wizengamot and then to comment on his reasons for placing Harry in his relatives care and Molly. The foolish woman should have known better than to address potions to him, no and her sons failure would mean there would be no pay check this month.
"You seem excited" Dore remarked plainly gliding next to Lucy, in front of them was a house that Lucy knew all too well
"I have been waiting this day for four years" Lucy replied, it was early morning and she knew the inhabitants of number four privet drive would be up fairly soon, her and six other Dementors had joined her on the mission to apprehend these people. Some would have called that excessive for muggles but after hearing ten minutes about what Harry went through most demanded much more.
"It's a shame Muggles can't go to Azkaban" Dore announced
"I imagine a lot of our sisters would want a word with them but no, we can make a record and send them to a muggle prison, but they may be getting a few visits from me" Lucy hissed angrily, she remembered the first time she saw this place and the hatred she felt for those who lived within it
"I think a lot of us including me have that view, I know Helena, Esther and some others wanted to come on this mission but didn't have the time"
Dora explained suddenly her scabbed hand extended, a light had been switched on in the living room
"Positions!" Lucy called loudly, the cloaked things moved slowly around the house
"On my mark" she hissed again, their hidden muggle charm was turned off and they were all eager to apprehend those who hurt the person they had all grown fond off
"Now" Lucy led the attack, she moved as a blur towards the front door and in one moment is was reduced to splinters, she heard the woman scream from upstairs the man look at her in pure fear
"You!"he exclaimed stammering
"I said you would pay for what you did and now I would like to inform you that you and your wife are under arrest for the crime of child abuse, neglect and mistreatment" she spoke in his mind with malice, he squeaked in terror and pain as her scabbed hands tightened around his arm, from upstairs Petunia screeched as Dora said the same thing and pulled her roughly down the stairs
"Get away from my mum!" a whale of a boy said charging towards her, two other Dementors pinned him against a wall,
"Silence child" they hissed at the bully as he tried to swing his arms
"Dudders" His mother cried as she was escorted out of the door by Dora and another Dementor, Lucy dragged the man by his arm with another Dementor gripping onto his other arm, feeling satisfied she flew off into the sky.
The Halloween Feast was an occasion for all it seemed, with a variety of treats and dishes, Harry was sat opposite Cho who was tucking what looked like a chocolate covered rat
"How was class?" she asked politely, Harry smiled and grabbed a cauldron cake
"All good though Snape went ballistic in potions, apparently catching me out is harder than he thought" Harry remarked slyly
"And when he found out your a new chaser, he spent the whole day on edge" Cho giggled, suddenly Harry knew something was missing, or who
"Wait, where's Hermione?" he asked Cho, her face fell slightly. Hermione had spent most of the day helping Neville with his charms work after they were paired up, Harry and Hermione were the only ones to actually complete the spell
"Well after class apparently the Weasley Boy came up to her" Cho crinkled her face in disgust and the mere mention of Ron
"Anyway he was annoyed because she was a muggle born and she shouldn't be so good and she should leave because no one likes her" Cho continued glaring at the mop of red hair over at the Gryffindor table
"Anyway he said some nasty things and she ran off, she's in the girls toilets and won't come out, I tried to comfort her but she was hysterical" Cho sighed, Harry was now angry and stood up. His eyes were slightly foggy as he made a big show of walking to the Gryffindor table wand drawn, all eyes were on him as he calmly made his way to were Ron was sitting
"So, you decided to join us at last" The boy remarked grinning, his grin didn't last long. Before he could blink a wand was positioned between his eyes and a very angry Harry glared at the boy
"If I ever here of you bullying one of my friends again, I will pick you up and throw you off the astronomy tower" Harry barked his eyes much darker, Ron was petrified
"Understood?" Harry growled menacingly, Ron nodded, Harry gave him one last cold glare and walked back over to his seat, Ron was being glared at by seemingly all the Gryffindor who knew of the incident, most of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Draco had just heard of what happened and looked ready to march over and beat Ron to a pulp,
"That worked" Harry directed at Cho but said loudly enough for all to here, then he felt someone behind him
"Mr Potter" Came the stern voice of Professor McGonagall "While Mr Weasleys actions were in poor taste I do not think your actions are appropriate". Harry turned to her
"If I had informed you like some others have about his bullying behaviour then there is a high chance that he would do it again before you had a chance to reach him, it seems there is no harm done, other to his pride" Harry responded calmly, then the doors smashed open. Harry saw Quirrel burst into the room in a fit of panic (not unusual) and scream
"TROLL, THERE'S A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON", then he fainted. The entire hall burst into panic and cries, shouts and sobs could be heard in all directions. In took several loud firecrackers from Dumbledore's wand to silence the students
"Prefects lead your students to the dormitories, Teachers follow me to the dungeons" he spoke calmly, Harry got in line when he was nudged by Cho
"Harry, Hermione, she doesn't know about the troll" she told him worried, Harry was suddenly alert
"Your right, we need to get her, let's think, quick follow me" he instructed leading the girl into the Slytherin line, then he saw Draco
"Draco" he whispered causing the blond boy to turn around
"Harry?" he questioned surprised
"Hermione, she doesn't know about the troll" Harry indicated, it took a moment for his words to sink in
"Crabbe, Goyle" he called grabbing his henchman, they five quickly sidestepped into a corridor
"Cho where did Hermione go?" Harry demanded
"First Floor, bathroom" Cho responded. Immediately Harry took the lead and they rushed through the halls towards their destination,
"Ok so what's the plan?" Draco inquired as they ran up a flight of stairs
"Haven't worked that part out yet" Harry confessed making a sharp left
"How are we going to fight a Troll?" Draco asked
"No clue, Cho's in second year so she might know some more advanced magic" Harry addmitted
"Oh so were running blindly to get Hermione while a troll is in the castle which could kill us and we are defenceless except for Cho who might or might not know offensive Magic?" Draco checked
"Pretty much" Harry answered, then he heard a loud thud, he stopped sharply and looked around
"Genius, that has to be one of your best plans yet" Draco remarked dryly doing a great impression of Snape
"It's close" he warned hearing giant footsteps
"Worked that one out" Goyle stammered,
"This way" Cho pointed grabbing onto Harry's arm and leading him towards the noise
"Come on Crabbe and Goyle, were only running to rescue a Ravenclaw which happens to be close to a troll which might or might not kill us depending on how inclined it is to eat us, oh and we are defenceless" Draco laughed trying to put on a brave face, secretly he wondered why he was doing this, sure Hermione was his friend but would he do the same if Crabbe, Goyle or even Pansy was in her position.
"Uh oh" Harry sighed, the door was gone, all that was left was a pile of splinters and a screaming girl
"Come on!" Harry instructed rushing forward, after a moment Cho followed him
"Genius again, if you're trying to kill us next time say do something less dynamic, say a dragon or insane wizard, or maybe just drop a chandelier on us" Draco shouted after them before following, Crabbe and Goyle seemed unsure
"And you two" Draco scowled pulling the two forward,
"Harry, Cho, Draco?" Hermione was surprised at seeing her friends as the troll swung it's club in her direction
"Crabbe and Goyle are here to" Draco remarked as the two run into the room. In front of them was fully grown mountain troll, the stench choked their lungs as it turned to look at them, it roared angrily brandishing it's wooden club.
"Were dead" Draco decided impassively wondering why the hell he wasn't afraid, Harry however was looked into the creatures eyes, its thoughts would be no help and he doubted it had much of a mind, that left one choice. His eyes turned jet black and thick black smoke rose up from around him, the Troll seemed confused as Harry's hands became sharp and skeletal and he heard cries from his friends as rose in the air with his legs lost in a black cloud. Harry Potter had done something Lucy had told him never to do unless it was an emergency and he guessed this was an emergency... he had revealed the full extent of his power... and his appearance was just the beginning.

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