chapter 15

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Malfoy Manor was done up and ready for the party, the main hall was lined with tables with a variety of different foods and treats for the guests to enjoy. Wooden figures on brooms zoomed around the ceiling and three moving ice statues greeted guests, the centre of the room was dominated by a golden fountain with fine wine gushing from within. Waitresses in loose clothing held trays of firewhisky and honeyed mead, this was the common layout of the annual Christmas party at Malfoy manor. Already a few guests had arrived and were clustered together freely gossiping as their host greeted the guests one by one. Then slowly a single waving line of darkness rose from the shadows, then another and another until they began to form into Harry Potter and his Dementor mother, a few guests seemed surprised a Dementor was among them but a few had seen both before and gave the boy polite nods
"Harry m'boy" a warm voice greeted immediately as Cornelius Fudge in striking dress robes with Dolores Umbridge in a horrifying fluorescent pink outfit approached them. Harry had never liked Umbridge that much; she was civil but thought only of herself and never anyone else, she may have been one of the people that convicted the Dursley's but Harry thought it was more to do with her earning good graces with the minster more than anything else.
"Evening minister, Madam Umbridge" Harry smiled
"Good evening" she greeted curtly with little emotion on her face. Fudge nodded to Lucy who made a slight bow before telling Harry not to get in trouble and flying off.
"How are you m'boy Hogwarts treating you well?" he inquired with a wide smile
"It is thank you very much" Harry answered.
"No problems from any of the staff?". The question was about Dumbledore
"Not at all" Harry answered truthfully deciding not to mention what he had overheard in the library
"Good to hear it" Fudge confirmed patting him on the back slightly, Fudge cared a lot for Harry and during the time he had known him Harry thought the man had become a much more competent minister. No longer did he rely on Dumbledore for advice but had come into his own a bit more, well much more compared to what he was
"Well then Harry I hope you enjoy the party but I need to see how Amelia is, it's the first year she's been invited and she barely knows anyone" the man announced bidding Harry farewell and shaking his hand before the pair vanished into the growing crowd.
"Harry" Lucius greeted suddenly making Harry jump a bit
"How are you Mr Malfoy?" Harry asked politely
"Very well thank you, have you by chance seen the Dailey Prophet this morning?" it was a general question but Harry had a feeling the man was really telling him to check the paper out
"No I haven't, anything good?" Harry wondered, the man smirked slightly
"You could say that, it's one for the scrapbook" he joked summoning a copy of the paper, Harry felt his blood turn cold when he saw the headline
Boy Who Lives calls a Dementor Mum!
"Very good journalist work if I do say so myself, Fudge has been explaining this away all week by blaming Dumbledore who after you vanished told the world you were safe. People are blaming him more than anyone else and the Ministry is going to release a detailed report on it later in the year" Lucius explained. Harry couldn't help smirk to when he realised how badly this looked for Dumbledore, already he had been charged with illegal acts and now he was being accused of leaving the Boy Who Lived with Dementors. His reputation would be in tatters and Harry wanted to shake this reporter's hand
"I of course invited Miss Skeeter here and she should be arriving later" Lucius murmured more to himself than Harry.
"Anyway Draco is outside with Crabbe, Goyle, Miss Parkinson, Miss Chang surprisingly and also... what was her name oh yes Granger" Lucius continued. Harry froze as the words left his lips and wondered how the man took the news his son was friends with a muggleborn
"Glad to see Draco making friends outside the usual Slytherin circles" Lucius murmured, Harry was shocked! he expected disappointment with anger not acceptance.
"I'll have to go meet them" Harry decided completely thrown off guard by the man's casual tone
"Oh please do, now where is that idiot translator" Lucius asked himself scanning the room, deciding to give the man a hand Harry reached out into the minds of the crowd.
"Over there" Harry pointed to a man standing with his head in the fountain, Lucius grumbled slightly and stormed towards him. Now what did he need a translator for? but deciding it really wasn't his concern he walked into the grounds of the manor,
"Harry" Draco called, he was wearing smart casual clothes along with Crabbe and Goyle. He saw neatly brushed blond hair and saw Pansy was wearing a very revealing dress which would me more suited to seventeen year old with a large chest. Obviously the girl's father was still trying to persuade Lucius that her and Draco should be under a marriage contract, obviously he thought making the eleven year old wear a skimpy dress (which even she looked uncomfortable with) and what looked like six tonnes of makeup would make Draco like her more. He really did not like some Pureblood families and it was no wonder the Malfoy's no longer got on with the Parkinson's as much, next to her was Cho who was wearing a flowing blue dress like something you would see on a Disney Princess, she looked good with much less makeup and was stood next to Hermione who had instead opted for a plain red skirt and dress with no makeup. She seemed comfortable in the group and was ignoring the curious stares of Pureblood men and women who did not recognise her; most families knew each other very well.
"Hello" Harry greeted with a slight wave as he got closer to the group "How are you all?"
"Awful, we have had to suffer Pansy giving Hermione and Cho fashion tips" Draco remarked dryly; no one laughed.
"At least some of us have fashion sense" Pansy retorted gesturing to herself and the girls
"At least my dress wasn't attacked by a manic with scissors" Draco chuckled staring at the low cut dress, Harry smiled slightly as Pansy glared daggers at his best friend. It was a low shot but no one seemed to mind
"So how's Azkaban" Draco wondered; beginning a conversation that to anyone else would sound horrifying. Harry explained to the girls who Sirius was and very briefly mentioned Bella; He didn't want anyone mentioning her around Neville who would take it very badly. Bella had briefly mentioned what she had done and her eyes were full of regret the whole time, it made things very awkward around the boy who was always friendly to Harry but every time he spoke of his Gran Harry was reminded of what Bella had said. The two had not spent much time together but Neville was one of the few Gryffindors who didn't think he was evil,
"So you all get free roam of a prison?" Hermione asked not knowing much about wizarding prisons
"No I'm the only one allowed to walk around and everyone else stays inside their cell, most people are alright but I think Lucy would take care of any who weren't" Harry answered briefly thinking of Crouch
"I never heard of nice Dementors until I met you" Pansy confessed
"Why would you? people don't think very highly of them" Harry answered thinking of her family's ideals. Pansy was another one who was once a racist little girl but over time had warmed to a more positive way of thinking, with some help from Harry and Draco.
"Well father hired a translator for tonight, he wants to have a conversation with Lucy and get to know the person he had given guardianship of you more" Draco pointed out knowing his father found Lucy fascinating. The rest of the evening past quickly with the group sitting near the flamingos in the pond and getting rounds of butterbeer from the manor, it was starting to liven up in there and Harry was the only person who got the drinks now as he could easily deal with drunks. He had seen Lucy a few times who was relaxing; she was enjoying the positive emotions and was happily ignoring the glares thrown at her by the less drunk members of the party.
"Disgraceful" a female voice crept through the night, a man Harry did not recognise but he saw Pansy curse under her breath.
"Tell me about it, first the man lets evil into his home but now he's inviting filth" another man spat who Harry recognised. This was Pansy's father and he realised why she was staying quiet
"Then he started talking to that Dementor with that idiot translating"
"Well seeing him in pain made my day, probably a filthy half-blood" the woman cackled and Harry assumed she was Pansy's mother
"Like that Harry Potter, I know Lucius invited him and I was wondering where he is, probably with that Draco, I swear the sooner we marry Pansy off to the boy the better. The Malfoy fortune is one to rival " the man spat angrily. They were getting closer and Harry could feel the anger radiating off the group
"And that other girl we saw, Chinese or something. What is the man thinking! the Chinese have strange blood purity ideas and she could be a mudblood for all we know" he continued
"Forget her, I saw a real mudblood with Crabbe and Goyle's idiot children" Pansy's mother announced disgustedly. Harry was a patient person but the use of the word mudblood made his blood boil. The entire group had been insulted in some way and Harry calmly walked closer to them, they noticed him and he saw their eyes widen when they realised who he was and he had heard every word of the conversation
"I suggest you return to the party" Harry suggested trying to remain calm
"And why should we do what you say Half-blood?" the woman spat,
"Because I'm asking you nicely, I hold you in no positive regard for the way you treat your daughter; you flaunter her like meat in Lucius's face only for him to reject your marriage contract idea time and time again. You also judge on blood but should I mention the three squibs your family produced? if your blood is so pure then why would that happen, you then judge on a culture you have no idea on so leave" Harry ended. Behind him the group looked amazed that Harry had the nerve to speak to a wealthy pureblood in this way and also pleased he was sticking up for them. Pansy was looking at him slightly worried as on one hand she agreed with what he said but didn't want her father taking his anger out on her later.
"How dare you question us, I don't expect you to know anything. Being a half-blood raised with Dementors" the woman hissed before spitting on the floor
"If Malfoy wants to make himself look a fool he can but we will always be better than you! more powerful, more intelligent" the man continued with contempt in his eyes. Harry had lost patience now and raised his hand in the air, before either could react an unseen force threw them to the ground. They didn't even have time for shock to kick in as they were raised into the air effortlessly by Harry
"I asked you nicely to leave, instead you responded with insults but without even looking into your mind I can tell what kind of people you are. By the shock and fear on your daughter's face that is obviously not aimed at me I can tell you are abusive and I have no time for that and could find a way to make you stop, on the other hand your daughter is a friend of mine so I am forced to accept there is no way I can allow you to remember this event or she will suffer" Harry explained icily wanting to get his warning across, then he dropped the two to the floor and plunged into their minds. He created a few memories of them being drunk and a couple more of them passing out before destroying all trace of this meeting, also he put a small trigger in their minds so if they felt angry to the point of them being abusive it would stop before they got anywhere near the girl or any other child. Then with a flick of his wrist the two were asleep
"They won't remember any of this" He assured his friends loudly, only Pansy was amazed as the others all had knowledge on his powers.
"And people that is why we stay away from other families" Draco remarked trying to elevate the mood. However what none of the group knew was that they were not the only ones who had overheard the conversation, another man had followed the two adults into the grounds worried they would start something. Never had Lucius Malfoy expected to see the power Harry Potter had used, with no wand or magical device he had disarmed two of the most despicable purebloods he had ever met, then he had wiped their minds effortlessly. How he did not know but he had just seen everything.

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