chapter 47

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"Ah Harry I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," Lupin began calmly after inviting Harry into his office, Harry knew it would come but his mind was swimming still with he now knew.
"Yes sir, I'm sorry about attacking that Boggart, when I came out of it, well it represents a person I was a long time ago and I would rather not revisit the period," Harry began to explain hoping to play on the man's emotions.
"What do you mean?" Lupin asked wondering how a child could be so complex
"When I lived with my uncle they told me I was to blame for what happened to my parents and at muggle school and in general I was a very nasty person," Harry lied, Lupin looked shocked.
"They told you that? They told you Jam... Lily died for you?" he corrected himself obviously angry. confused and empathetic.
"Yeah and they told me it and a lot and I fear that I'm going to turn into that person again," Harry answered still lying but it was working; he felt slightly guilty over it but he had no choice; that or he had to explain why a dark version of him was chatting.
"Well I can tell you were not responsible for Lily's death," Lupin affirmed with slight revulsion
"You knew my mother professor?" Harry was shocked, he had no idea nor did he know how the man would react if he knew that her corpse was walking around with a being inside it .
"Yes a long time ago, she and I used to be good friends, James to but I had no idea he would become something like that," Lupin finished the sentence angrily looking repulsed before looking apologetically back to Harry. He was feeling more and more guilty but it was solving a purpose; or so he supposed.
"Well thank you for coming in Harry and I hope you have a pleasant day, if you need to talk to someone about any of this please talk to me," Lupin requested and Harry detected something in his voice, something he did not recognise. However with greater things on his mind he decided to leave
"Thank you professor, now I had better be going,"
"Are you ok Cho?" Hermione asked as the two walked along the corridor, Cho had seemed quiet today which was unlike her, she had only hit Draco a handful of times and he had made some comments she hadn't even noticed.
"Not really, look yesterday Harry lied about what he did, we both think it but I don't think he went out to soothe his inner self, I think he found something out and needed to do something, I just don't know what," Cho answered looking stressed.
"Why do you think that?" Hermione wondered with a frown, she had suspected herself but she had believed herself to be the only one.
"I just don't buy it, did he seem worried to you when he left class yesterday?" Cho asked
"No he looked more angry or surprised," Hermione confessed remembering him attack the boggart and run out,
"Exactly, what his other self in the boggart meant something by we both know what this means, I mean running to the chamber is not what Harry would do because last time he was alone and transformed it was mental power from all of us did he get out of it, I just think he wants us to think something," Cho continued
"Why? We know about him so why would he keep something else from us? I thought there were no secrets between us all," Hermione asked
"Everyone has secrets Hermione, but I think Harry is trying to keep us safe or ignorant," Cho informed her looking slightly guilty. Both of them felt as if they were betraying Harry in some way talking like this, questioning him and what he was doing.
"Crabbe if you want to see what two girls are going alone in a hall then there is little thing called the internet in the muggle world you may want to look at," Draco began as Crabbe led him. For some reason he had decided to spy on the girls, a reason Draco thought would not announce itself until he was sixteen, however Crabbe said it was important.
"Ha ha," Crabbe muttered before stopping, his hand knocked into Draco's chest,
"Owww," was his curt response as he heard whispering from the other side of the hall, it was Hermione and Cho
"Maybe we should ask him?" Hermione was suggesting,
"No we can't let anyone know what we've found out, at least he keeps out of our brains but we don't to upset or alert anyone," Cho continued. Draco frowned, he only knew one person who could get into brains but why would they keep something from Harry, if they were worried surely it was the best thing to do.
"What about Draco should we ask him?" Hermione wondered knowing how close Harry and Draco were
"No, we can't just in case we're right, because Draco would tell him and if it is nothing then it might hurt us all," Cho was saying and there was a nervous edge to her voice.
"I know but I feel guilty, I feel like I'm betraying someone," Hermione confessed, Draco frowned
"I know but we need to find out, I mean if something's going on then we need to find out what it is, or he might end up hurt or worse," Cho continued soothingly.
"I know, but I don't want it to be as if we're stabbing him in the back," Hermione sighed looking obviously worried.
"It won't, I'm sure it'll be over before he even knows it," Cho confirmed with a slight smile, then the two of them reached the end of the corridor, pushed open the door and left.
"Ok, I think we can all agree something weird is going on," Draco announced the moment they were out of sight and he counted to ensure they were also out of earshot.
"Agreed," Goyle mumbled
"Should we tell Harry about that?" Crabbe wondered not liking that they were doing something in secret
"Well they might have been talking about him," Goyle pointed out
"Dumbledore can also get into brains," Draco suggested
"Why would they be talking to him?" Crabbe questioned and Draco had no answer
"Well as much as I would like to say little girls and creepy old men are a good mix I know that's not true, so whoever they were talking about it could end badly so we need to consider," Draco sighed.
"I think we should, then we can find out what it is and you now find out together at least then we won't have big secrets or conspiracies between us," Crabbe announced
"What if it's something good? They're planning a surprise or something and we both ruin it and our friendship" Goyle warned
"Both good points but I have to agree with Goyle," Draco decided "Look we don't know what they're doing, they could be planning a party, not likely but it's possible and if we shout about it then we could end getting torn apart, us the guys who faced Voldemort and most of us slept through a basilisk eating an evil guy. We're connected through animal Wi-Fi which they can't use for a while I suppose seeing as we'd know any way we need to keep it quiet. So we're going to find out what they're doing,"
"Are you sure? I mean investigating them while they're investigating..." Goyle wondered though he trailed off as he realised none of them actually knew what they were doing.
"Whatever exactly I suggest we do that and see where it takes us," Draco decided looking slightly uneasy about the whole thing.
"You wanted to meet with me?" Harry asked as he walked into a clearing in the midst of the forbidden forest,
"Indeed, I thought it best to begin our investigation quickly, neither of us have any reason not to," the figure replied pleasantly as if nothing had ever happened between these two in the past.
"Well other than the mutual hatred and I need to be back at school by morning, also let's not forget some of your puppets might need you, Dumbledore may need help dressing," Harry commented dryly
"Don't act so hostile, it does not bode well for this alliance," the figure requested plainly
"I suppose you have something?" Harry asked after a few long seconds of silence, the figure looked up through the hood
"As you cannot see and I assume you do not wish to I am going to tell that I am smiling, you have skipped to the point and this banter can cease however no I do not," the figure answered. Harry looked surprise, the thing he knew as a monster did not seem the type to call him for no reason.
"I have not investigated Pettigrew much before hand, however seeing as your help may prove valuable we are going to start at the beginning of this, the town Pettigrew vanished in, take my arm please," the figure requested extending a claw like gnarled hand. Feeling like he should do the opposite Harry grabbed the being's arm and was sucked into nothing.
He appeared a few seconds after he vanished, Harry gasping on the floor while the figure stood tall looking down, shadow travel was fun for Harry; going amazingly fast and everything but whatever that was; well it was tight, uncomfortable and sickening.
"I suppose it takes some getting used to, welcome to Rownes, a small town around three miles away from the site Voldemort attacked you as a baby, this house was the same one occupied by Pettigrew who is not within the walls but we may find a trace, shall we?" the figure mock asked before walking up the door.
"Why are we here? Surely any trace is long gone by now? I mean what would he have left behind?" Harry asked realising they were investigating the site of a ten year old event,
"As I recall Sirius Black was arrested here, the house was sole numerous times and yet every one of them moved quickly, we are not just looking for Pettigrew but signs, someone wants people out of this house and we shall find out why," the figure explained.
"You could have told that earlier," Harry muttered walking up behind the figure
"No if I had then we could have been overheard, the forest is a dense place and now if we are done talking we can enter," the figure answered before knocking on the old wooden door, it was a weak knock coming from the monster having literally dead hands but Harry did not comment. He was considering why he had agreed to do this,
"Good no one is home," the figure mumbled as it waved a hand over the lock and then the door swung open
"After you," it gestured leading Harry inside, it was dark and spacious with furniture dotted around and it held no sign of a convict ever being here. Which was strange Harry, there was no sign of anyone ever being here, there was dust everywhere and the batteries in the clocks had long since died.
"Does someone live here?" Harry asked aloud
"Apparently, however I think we can both agree that the idea is wrong, at the moment the house is empty and in fact no one has been in this house for some time, so why do people move in and out?" the figure questioned aloud.
"Don't answer, you don't know either," the figure warned before Harry could say anything
"I may not know the answer but I do know that if no one's been here for a long time why have two people just turned up and why are six others waiting in the dark behind them?" Harry asked looking at the front door and sensing those in the distance.
"Because it's now quite obvious that we have walked into a trap,"

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