Chapter 2 - Zainab

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As soon as we reached our destination, we alighted from the cab. The other passengers scattered away leaving me and my luggage behind. Central University was just few walks away, I might be able to convey my luggage to its gate but how strenuous could that be considering the fact that I was tired at the moment? I really needed a helping hand but where the heck would I get one? Republic City was the capital of the country, it was dominated by the elites. Everyone was just minding his business. Who then would help me?

"Let me help you!"

Someone squealed from my back. It was the Christian lady from the cab I alighted earlier. She came back for me.

"Thank you" I beamed.

She quickly grabbed the handle of one of the suitcases from me. She was wearing a blue polo shirt and a long skirt with a backpack on her back, and her hair was packed in a ponytail. She appeared to be 20 or 23 to my scrutiny.

"So," she cleared her throat and continued. "Where are you going to? Central University too? Are you a new student?"

"Yes" I nodded.

"Nice. My hunch is absolutely right then" she smiled at me and continued. "I'm presently in 200 Level, from the department of Business Administration"

"Wow, awesome!" I blurted. She must probably be a guru in business stuffs, and perhaps she'd guide me on how to become a big Tycoon. My dream!

"How about you? I mean, your course" she asked as we stopped by the roadside waiting for the computerized traffic light to permit pedestrians' movement.

"I chose Business Administration but somehow, I was given Economics instead" Came my quick response.

"And you don't like it?" she asked.

"Yes, I really don't like it" I huffed.

"Uhmmm!" She heaved a sigh and smiled as we gently crossed the road. "Economics is not bad, little princess. It was my best subject in the High School"

Oh, yeah? Everyone said that just to convince me to accept my destiny. I knew that trick already. And by the way, did she just called me a little princess? Nice, I looked younger!

"Just give it your best" She added.

"Okey" I muttered. "Thank you"

"You're welcome" she beamed.

Thus, we introduced ourselves to each other. Her name was Lilian Evan, she was also living in the same area as me but along the new railway station which wasn't really close to my side.

Conversation made us to walk in a snail's pace. She'd crack jokes, and we'd both laugh. She was, you know, friendly, nice, and kind. As soon as we reached the school gate, I asked her to guide me to the Staff Complex. I wanted to see Sir Abrar, my mother's friend. He was a lecturer there. He was the one that got me admission into the school, and the one that paid for everything.

"Staff what?" She puzzled.

"Yeah, I need to see someone" I said.

"Okey, but you need to drop these loads in your hostel first" She suggested.

"Okey" I agreed, after all I was tired.

"Let me see your E-prints? Not necessary all, but the one containing your hostel allocation details" She said.

"Sure!" I responded. It was in the suitcase I was holding, so I quickly brought it out and handed it over to her.

After having checked it, she beamed and asked me to follow her. She started walking swiftly. I had to adjust my Jalabiya a little in order to catch up with her. "You've been allocated to the most magnificent hostel in the school, little princess!" she uttered as she turned to glance at me. "You're really lucky!"

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