Chapter 25 - Ayman

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As soon as as I ended Zainab's call, I shook my head to Fadilah's sudden intolerable foul. Yes, I call it 'intolerable foul' because there was obviously and definitely no way she would go away with it just like that. She had to pay for it, and it had to be direly!

I withdrew from the couch I was sitting on in my old room and quickly stormed out to the parlor. Both my parents and Na'eelah were still discussing on what to do about the company's situation. Worst case scenario was, they refused to adhere to my idea of cutting all ties with Hajiya Karimah and her family. Na'eelah nearly bust into tears the moment I brought up the idea. She said it had nothing to do with her relationship with Kabeer, and that she loved him just like he loved her tremendously. I was confused, and that was why I left them in the parlor to my old room in order for them to make up their minds. And now, it seemed to me like they were yet to make up their minds. I cleared my throat in order to bring their attention to me before telling them I was leaving.

"Ayman dear, we're not done yet. Why should you leave?" Mother puzzled.

I gulped staring at her. "I have something to do at home, I will be back immediately I'm done" I uttered gently not wanting them to notice something wasn't right. 

"Alright... alright, do come back soon. We shall have alot to talk about before making our final decision on this" She said.

"Alright mum" I calmly said, thence turned and walked out to the parking lot. I really had no time to waste. That stupid crazy girl, Fadilah, needs to learn a great lesson. If I let this go hell free, then she's going to intimidate Zainab to rejecting me for life. Something I will never ever stand and watch it happens, or come to live. I have to end everything today. It has to be over! I huffed as I got the car started and drove away. 

Just as I was thinking while driving home, Zainab's call chimed in again. She had been calling me for like forever but I deliberately refused to pick her calls. I already knew her intention, she had showed me how uninterested she was on this plan of mine, but it was only for the benefit of the two of us. Danger or no danger, I would surely teach Fadilah a lesson and I would divorce her today!

Immediately I was home, I parked the car in the middle of the compound facing the gate incase things gets sour when she comes back. Thence, I walked inside the house to get myself prepared for her maniacality. I parked all the kitchen knives and locked them in my room incase she wanted to use them to hurt me. Then, I cleared the way to the back exit door which we had abandoned.

Just as everything was set, I sat on the couch desperately waiting for her arrival. She must be close to home, and now, I was ready to put her back to normal.

While waiting, another call bounced in. But this time around, it was Cadet Sadiq. He apprised me that he and his fellow cadets had been sent on an assignment with some military cadets too, and that they were following through the road that leads to my estate.

"That is our route and so I thought I should come and see you before leaving to our Command Unit" He explained.

I pondered before replying him because his coming would definitely spoil the thing that was about to happen. Something I wanted! "You guys all coming to my house? Man, you know I'm scared of the militaries" I pretended.

"Hahaha, common A. Zaid, it's just me. The rest will wait outside. I just wanna say my greetings to you and your wife, that's all"  He said.

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