Chapter 16 - Ayman

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Like a clock's hands at twelve O'clock, both my parents wanted me to marry Fadilah. The date was fixed without my consent and there was absolutely nothing I could do. If I dare go against their wish they would curse me as promised.

Today was Sunday. I was in the garden watering the flowers when our nanny appeared and told me my attention was needed in the mansion. I put the "can" aside and headed directly to the mansion. Believe me, I wasn't surprised to see Fadilah's parents in our house. They were both seated in the living room together with my parents. To give them their respect, I greeted them and thus they asked me to sit in an armchair.

"Ayman, to say I'm disappointed in you is an understatement" Said my mother.

"What have I done?" I puzzled.

"You did something to Fadilah which brought her parents here. How could you send a message to her saying you will not share a bed with her after the marriage? Are you mad?" She bellowed.

"I did that because she's always talking about sex and I don't like it!" I squealed.

"If she talks about sex with you it is because you're her fiance, and if you don't like it there are plenty of ways to address that not by saying harsh words to her!" She said on top of her voice.

"It's okey, Uwani. There is no need for you to drag this issue any further. Your son simply shouldn't try that again with our daughter" General Galadima said.

"He wouldn't dare!" My father chimed in before turning to me. "Ayman, your mother and I chose Fadilah for you not because we want to hurt you but because she's the right girl for you..."

"Why do you expect me to believe a crazy girl like Fadilah is the right girl for me?" I said, only to be thrown a remote control by mother. I dodged it!

"I didn't give birth to you so you could go against my words. You're marrying her, and you're going to make children with her!" She squealed and continued. "Now get out of here before I blurt out something that will change your life!" 

I gently stood and went upstairs to my room. Don't expect me to tell you I cried after that, I wasn't the type that'd cry over little things. I simply didn't have problem with what they have decided anymore, after all I could absolutely divorce Fadilah later on and then...

"Good day, Ayman. It is me, Zainab. How are you? I hope you're fine? Can we meet please? If yes, come to KimKim Medical Center. I'm in female ward 36. I'm sick!"

The message got me halted. I thought it was a message from someone but after reading it I understood who the sender was. Zainab was sick? And how was that my problem? I thought the last time we met she didn't care about me, why then was she telling me to come over? Could it be that Uncle Abrar told her about my upcoming wedding with Fadilah? Awwnn, that was really great!


Wow, I had to type this as fast as I could. We don't have stable light.

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