Chapter 4 - Ayman

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I watched as the beautiful lady walked away from me and stepped into the elevator. I couldn't stop her. And why would I even stop her? She was so insecure, and she could scream. She appeared to be in her late teens. My God, she looked very young. And when I say very young I mean that part of a woman’s life when she’s blossoming and her beauty is untainted. She was chubby and average in height, with attractive buttocks and ample bosom that no sane healthy man could resist. Her skin was olive, so adorable... I just couldn't believe I was in love with her already. It was love at first sight!

I glanced at her broken phone and smiled. It was an old Nokia phone. What'd a beautiful lady like her do with an outdated phone? She looked like someone born with a silver spoon. And then this phone? I was kind of bewildered. Anyways, I should ask more about her from my uncle.

I got hold of the door knob and pushed the door open. "Hello, Uncle Abrar" I said as I walked in to one of the visitors' chairs. He was busy with his system.

"Hi" He said with all his attention in what he was doing in his system.

"How are you, sir?" I said as I sat down.

It was a question that wasn't responded. That was weird. Actually weird. What was going on? Could it be that he heard everything that happened between me and that beautiful girl in the doorway? But she shut the door, or didn't she?

"We bumped into eachother and..." I tried to explain to him as he cut in.

"Did you knock before coming in?"

Oh, now I got it! But he had never complained about how I entered his office before. Why was he doing that today? Could it be that something happened between him and that girl?

"Is everything okey, Uncle Abrar?"

He shut his laptop and quickly removed his inspector of reading (i.e medicated glass). He looked at me like he was going to slap me? I could tell, he mustered lots of anger in that face of his. But just suddenly, his emotion chameleon. He wore a smile on his face and I also did the same.

"Yeah, everything's okey Ayman" He cleared his throat. "I was just pissed off"

"By your work?" I queried.

He shook his head with a crooked smile on his face. "No, It's something else" He said folding a paper into an envelope.

Was that a letter? Was he trying to send a letter to someone? No, that didn't look so. Someone might've sent him a letter which got him pissed up. "Angry letter?" I blurted with my eyes fixed at him.

"Hmm Ayman, why are you like this always?" He said putting the envelope in the drawer. "You're a nephew that always like knowing everything..."

"Yes, please tell me" I urged.

"It's confidential Ayman, So how are your folks and Na'eelah?" He changed the topic, and I patiently embraced the new one.

"They're fine but Na'eelah is mildly ill"

"What?" He squealed.

"Yeah, but the good news is she's redeeming her wholesomeness"

"But why was your mother quiet? She didn't apprise me about it" He said.

"We don't want to bother you and your work. After all, the sickness is not that serious..." I said as he intruded.

"Until it's serious?" He was so concerned. He was that type of a man that really cared alot about people, most especially us, his nephew and niece.

"Sorry sir, we just didn't want to..."

"I should see her now, Ayman!"


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