Chapter 10 - Zainab

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I was sleeping soundly in my bed when my phone suddenly began ringing. The sound work me up and I lazily checked the caller i.d – it was Sir Abrar. I picked the call and heard the worst news ever!

Ayman had an accident and was hospitalized in Standard Hospital. My heart began racing nitro. I didn't even know when I quickly changed my cloth and left my hostel room to the hospital.

On reaching the hospital, I was directed by one of the nurses to where the family of Ayman where. Fadilah was there too with her mother. "What are you doing here, boyfriend snatcher?" She said.

Everyone's attention turned to me as I gently walked towards them. I didn't bother to reply Fadilah, she was a crazy girl. "Good evening, everyone" I greeted them but only Sir Abrar answered me.

"Evening, my daughter" He said and gestured me to come sit close to him.

"Thank you" I uttered as I gently walked and sat close to him. "Where is Ayman?"

"He's in the emergency ward, we are yet to hear from the doctors" He said.

"Subhanallah, but how did it even happened?" I said not knowing when tears began rolling down my cheeks.

"Something happened between him and his mother, thus he angrily drove out of the house and a truck hit him badly" He replied with his eyes so red.

"This isn't good" I sniffed.

"Yes daughter, but he will be fine In Shaa Allah" He said as he took my hand into a warm clasp. "Lets keep praying"

"Okey" I sniffed again.

Fadilah, after having watched us for eternity whispered something into her mother's ear. Thus, they glared at me. I only rolled my eyes at them and began praying for Ayman in my mind...

Minutes later, the doctor arrived in a surgery attire wearing a very sad face. "The boy is losing too much blood. He needs an urgent blood transfusion, or else we may lose him" She elaborated.

"Blood? Don't you have any in your blood banks?" Ayman's father said.

"We don't have the compatible blood type in our blood banks, Sir" She said.

"Take mine" I said adjusting the sleeve of my right arm. My blood type happened to be O Negative, a compatible blood type for everyone regardless of their blood group or rhesus system.

"Are you a universal donor?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm O Negative" I now made it known to them. "Please, take mine!"

"Are you sure, young girl?" The doctor enquired, to be more sure about it.

"Yes!" I said. 

Ayman's father was willing to give his own blood but I kept insisting I should. Thus, the doctor told me to follow her. 

"If you're really a universal donor then there won't be a problem, but if you're not and he receives your blood then it will trigger his immune system to fight and attack the transfused blood cells and destroy them. This could lead to his death if the whole blood bag is transfused to his body because we won't be able to notice his reactions to the transfusion due to his unconscious state in the emergency ward while we work on him" She said while we walk.

"I swear, I'm O Negative" I said.

"Okey then" She huffed and continued. "If his serum does not contain antibodies of your blood cell antigens then the transfusion would be safe" she said.

"You can crossmatch and see if you're scared" I blurted already getting bored.

"There is no time for that" She said as we entered a blood donating room. She made me wore a green scrub and a green non-woven disposable cap. Thus, made me to lay down on a soft adjustable bed which was almost on a sitting setting. My heart was already beating fast. I was scared but also willing to save the life of my friend!

"Stay put while I call the phlebotomist for you" she said as she quickly left.

In less than a minute, a man in surgical attire came in while holding a medical kit. "Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

Thus, he sighed and opened the kit. He brought out two disposable gloves and wore them without hesitation. He adjusted my sleeves and tied my upper arm with an IV tube in order to cut off pressure for veins to be more visible for him. As soon as he spotted a vein, he cleaned the area with spirit and punched it with an IV tube's needle which was connected to a blood bag that was coated with anticoagulation factors in order not for the blood to clot. He did all the necessary procedures and in 10 minutes or so, the amount of blood needed was drawn. I started feeling somehow dizzy immediately he removed the needle and place a piece of sterile cotton wool on the spot.

"Hold it and rub it gently" He ordered while examining my sudden reaction.

"Okey" I managed to say.

Thus, he took me to a refreshment area after having conveyed the blood bag to the emergency ward for Ayman. "You need to eat iron-rich foods such as red meat, beans, raisins, etc" He said as he gently placed a plateful of spinach with some pieces of fish and a glass of water onto the table for me. "Eat, please".

"Okey" I smiled.


Uhmm, new update.

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