Chapter 20 - Zainab

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I couldn't just believe it – Me and Ayman kissed?? Oh God! It was a terrible thing to do back there and I shouldn't even talk about it anymore! I heaved a sigh while walking gently to our dining table, but just as I was there I couldn't find my mother or Sir Abrar. I scrutinizingly looked around but couldn't find them. Then I thought maybe they set for a little exploration, or perhaps went to greet Ayman's folks but who knew? Whatever the case may be I should call and confirm from them. I thought. But just as I was about calling my mother, a waiter showed up.

"Hello Miss, sorry to disturb you but one of the people dining here told me to deliver a message to you" He was standing infront of me while holding a tray of two glass cups and some kind of odd drinks... perhaps beer, but I didn't know.

"What message?" I gave him an interrogative gaze and was now eager to know.

"That you should wait for them here, and that they are about to solve something" He was very sharp and fluent that I had to pay attention very well to grasp his words.

"Solve something?" I was now wondering when my conscience reminded me about the chronological situations we've been facing. Then I thought, if that was the problem they are to solve then I should be there too incase someone spoke wrong of me or tried to say things about me to my mother that wasn't real. "Where are they?" I blurted queryingly.

"Actually, they want you to wait for them here..."

"Just tell me where they are, now!"

"Okey, they are in the refreshment area... outside" He said.

"Thank you" I muttered, turning to leave. It took me just a minute or so to spot them from where they were. The place wasn't far, you know, it was immediately after you left the storey and was heading to the parking lot by your right. Thus, there were Ayman's parents and same as Fadilah's father, and my mother was now yelling at him. I quickly hide behind an artificial adorned raffia palm lest I got spotted by them. The range was kind of a little bit far away, so I couldn't hear what they were saying clearly.

"...How shameful, Munir, was it to betray the woman that loved you? Have you any idea what you got me into?? You sullied my image, Munir! You made my parents to hate me..."  I could hear her uttering that vehemently. But what did she really meant by her words?? I really didn't understand. I needed to concentrate more. Thus, I was now concentrating in order to grasp the situation when someone yelled at me from behind.

"And what are you doing here, foolish girl? Eavesdropping right?"

I unhesitatingly turned. It was Fadilah's mother, and she was with her daughter. My heart began racing nitro. Maybe Fadilah told her everything and now, they were here to beat the heck out of me.

"I... I'm not eavesdropping, Mam!" I managed to utter to her. But guess what? Her attention suddenly turned out not to be on me. She was looking at where my mother and the rest were.

"What??" I heard her blurted while breathing oddly. "Isn't... isn't that Halimah?" She was now pointing her finger on the direction in query.

I was just there kind of sulked in, you know.. "My mother, Yes!" I responded positively to her.

"What? You mean... you mean you're Halimah's daughter?" She was now asking in puzzlement.

Thus, I was now about responding her positively when Fadilah intruded.

"Mum, please lets go there and tell mother inlaw what this fool did with my husband..."

"No Fadilah, we can't go there now" Her mother protested.

"Why mum? You obviously know if we don't report the case now the same thing will happen someday... or maybe even worst" Fadilah said.

"Whatever. Lets go!" She held her daughter's hand and dragged her back to the storey in haste.

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