Chapter 27 - Zainab

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Ayman narrated everything that had happened to me when I was unconscious. Impressed was I, the fact that Fadilah had been sentenced to 25years imprisonment, but her mother? I suppose she be sentenced too even though the evidence of her alleged evil plot was weak. I just didn't want something bad to arise soon, because a devil is always a devil!

"Ayman, can you please excuse us for a minute? I just want to talk to my daughter and her mother" The irresponsible man said to Ayman as it was the only four of us in the ward. The rest all went home for some refreshment, you know.

"Alright Sir" Ayman muttered withdrawing from the stool he was sitting on. Thence, he pecked me with a smile and left.

Now, it was only me, my mother and the irresponsible man. He was sitting close to her, though not so close. Hence, he cleared his throat and proceeded to talk. "You both are the, I mean you both are special people to me. I love you both..."

"You love us, and you left us? You knew I was pregnant, I told you that but yet you eloped with my friend, that Karimah!" My mother intruded vehemently. "Don't even pretend like you love us, nor have ever loved us because we ain't going to buy that, okey? Just say something else"

"Halimah..." He called her name with a very sad face, and was now about holding her hand when she yelled at him vehemently.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She quickly stood from where she was sitting on. "Don't you ever dare try that, Munir" She added and just then, she walked towards the window. "You never loved us" Her voice sounded like she was already getting emotional.

He stood and followed her. "Halimah, I'm so sorry. It was a huge and big mistake. I regret it" He was now getting emotional too. "I had no any other option but to succumb to Karimah's selfish wish of running away together with her. I never loved her that much and will never"

My mother was now puzzled. She turned to look at him perplexedly. "What do you mean by that? Another drama huh?" She rolled her eyes.

"No Halimah, what really happened was that Karimah lured me. Maybe she used charm on me, but at last I realized I never loved her, but then it was already too late. So I was left with no other option but to just stay with her and be a good father to our blessed kids" He broke into tears loosing his balance to the wall. "It's you that I love, Halimah. Just you... but I just lost you".

"Charm?" My mother looked at him horribly. "Nice try Munir, but you can't convince me to believing in all that you just said. You left me deliberately after using me. Tell me she was the one that asked you to use me, and I will blow your teeth off!"

I kept listening to their words, and didn't even mind interfering. I wasn't okey, and you know interfering will make me to weep, and weeping will make things worst for me. So I tried to maintain myself to just watch, and to be strong.

"Actually..." He was now sobbing. "She told me she knew all your secrets, and that you didn't truly love me. She told me to ask for your body and see if truly you love me. She made me to believe that sex was the only way to prove true love, but It was all wrong. When I got it from you, I was... I was overwhelmed that you truly did loved me. Then later on, you told me you were carrying my child. I was happy, and I even promised to take care of you and the baby..."

"But you didn't!" My mother chimed in vehemently. "You lied to me and fooled me, Munir! You made my parents to look at me as a whore. They trusted you with me but you made them to regret ever giving you their trust. You're a coward!"

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