Chapter 29 - Zainab

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Few years later... (FINALE)

What happened in the past few years was incredible and unforgettable. Happily, my mother and Sir Abrar got married the same month with me and Ayman, only that the days differ. Sir Abrar took my mother into his elegant mansion, while Ayman and I relocated from the estate he shared with Fadilah to a luxurious Mansion in Republic City. Fadilah, however has now elapsed five years from her twenty five years sentence. Our dad had made it clear to her that he loved her but she had to stay there, although I begged him on her behalf and she would be released anytime soon.

While he was now a retired Army General, he made sure his online shopping business was active and sound. He also had estates for rent, shopping malls and shares in companies across the country. He put the three of us, I mean, we his kids in a monthly allowance of N100,000. When Fadilah was first told about it, she told him to eat his money, and that he shouldn't keep anything of his for her. She said she hated him for choosing a junky prison for her... uhmm, but dad was patient. He did the right thing. He decided to open a new bank account for her in order to be sending hers directly to the account.

Hajiya Karimah, to be frank with you turned out to be so indifferent. She didn't associate herself with us, and she'd always travel around. She didn't even used to stay at home more often according to brother Kabeer. Karma was yet to cross her way, just like it did to her daughter.

"Beauty, I don't know what's wrong with Ummie, she has been crying" Ayman bounced into our room holding our two year old daughter, Ummie (Halimah). "I tried singing and dancing with her around but that only made her to cry even more"

I smiled at him. He looked exhausted in the face. He must have been stressing himself since. I withdrew from the bed and took the baby from him. She was two years and five months old, she could walk and she could also talk, but not that fluent. She loved ice cream, Twix, M&m's, Pizza, and she also loved tortilla just like me. When I was pregnant with her, I used to eat tortilla alot. Ayman would scold me that excess of it could affect our baby... and now, Ummie loved tortilla. Lol!

"Uhmm, don't you see how quiet she became immediately I took her from you? She knows I'm gonna take her to the kitchen and make her favourite for her" I teasingly said, walking past Ayman out of the room.

"Tortilla.. Tortilla... Always" He said, walking after us. "Please don't burn my baby's belly, okey?"

I scoffed. "What happened to her when she was in my tommy? You know I ate tortilla alot that time but nothing happened to her. Infact, the doctor said he had never encountered a safest birth like hers" I said smiling.

"Yet she looked so chubby like her mother" He teased.

"Yes, isn't chubbiness what you men all want?" I teased him too.

He laughed, hugging me from the behind as we reached the kitchen Island. "Yes, Beauty. Chubbiness issa goal. I love you" He pecked me on my peck.

"I love you too, Ayman" I responded from the bottom of my heart. "Now, can I prepare our baby her favourite before she start crying again?"

"Yeah... Yeah, Beauty" He said extricating from me. "I will help you in preparing it"

"What! Really??" I was surprised. "Or are you just joking?"

"Not joking, Beauty. Trust me" he said washing his hands in the sink.

"Alright" I smiled. Just then, I sat Ummie on the stool and pecked her. "Don't cry okey? Your dad and I will make you your favourite, okey?" I said to her.

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