Chapter 6 - Zainab

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The following day, I sat in the cafeteria with Ramlah. I gist her almost everything that had happened the day before and she was happy for me. She congratulated me and even came up with a group name for us, "Team iPhone".

She said whoever would join our group must be an iPhone user. Funny, wasn't it? But that was just how she was, very humorous! As soon as we began eating, a very short slim guy appeared from nowhere. "Hello, can I join you guys?"

He was holding a plateful of stewed rice and beans with three pieces of meat, and a bottle of chilled beverage. Too much for a slim guy, right? Where the heck would he even store all that anyways? His jumbo head, huh? I rolled my eyes at him and was about asking him to look for another table when Ramlah uttered; "Yes, Sit down".

"Seriously?" I wrinkled my brows.

"Yeah" She shrugged.

The guy sat down few inches away from me. "Morning, angels" he said.

"Hi, guy..." Ramlah was now talking to him. But even so, his eyes were still on me. So glued like I was a celebrity.

I stood up from where I was sitting. "Ramzy, I have to go!" I said to her.

"Why?" She puzzled.

"Call of nature, and I have to answer it" I lied, and I knew she knew I was lying.

"Huh?" She gave me a weird look. I could tell she didn't like the idea of me leaving but did I have a choice? I'd definitely prefer being in the company of my fellow girls than boys!

"Yes. I will be at the hostel. Meet me when you're done" I was now leaving.

"But you're not done with your..."

"Yeah, but I'm okey. You can take it"


I pretend deaf ears and left. I was on my way back to the hostel when my phone buzzed. It was a text message from Ayman. I was so surprised!

"Hey, Beauty. I hope you're enjoying the phone? Or do you need a replacement?"

The heck? I knew he'd start disturbing my life. I hissed and quickly typed back.

"Come get your thing, it's terrible!"

"Is it?"


"I take that as a complement, Beauty💖"

"Huh? And what's up with that heart emoji, you jerk! You think you can gain my trust by just buying me an iPhone?"

"Beauty, you're amazing. So please, stop acting harshly towards your prince charming. Don't you know only my kiss can wake you from your sleep? Do you?"

"I'm not your Sleeping beauty, and you're not my Prince charming. So please, desist from texting me again, okey?"

"Hmm, anyways you look cute today"

Huh? Today? Was he stalking me or something? I gulped looking around.

"Hey Ayman, you're stalking me right?"

I was patiently waiting for his response when I mistakingly bumped into a girl. Unfortunately, the iPad she was holding fell and broke down. "I'm sorry" I said.

"You broke my screen and all you could say is sorry? Well, I don't really believe in sorries!" She said glaring at me.

"It was an accident, so please..."

"Save that, girl! You're paying me I swear it!" She squealed holding my hijab like I stole something from her.

"But where would I get the money to..."

"What's going on here, Fadilah?"

Ayman appeared from nowhere and separated the both of us. It seemed like he knew the girl, a course mate I guess.

"Ayman, she broke my iPad!" She said.

"It was an accident..." I protested as she vehemently intruded with a glare.

"Accident don't happen like that, miss! You must pay me, you must have to..."

"Don't worry Fadilah, I will fix it for you okey?" Ayman collected the iPad.

"What's wrong with you? She has to fix it with her own money!" She squealed.

"What difference would it make, Fadilah? I said I will fix it for you!" He yelled at her. "But if you don't like it that way then take your thing and leave!" 

He was so angry. I gulped staring at his angry face. He looked more handsome when angry. God, what was happening to me? Hmm, why was I even feeling something for him? I quickly averted my gaze to avoid falling hard for him!

"Ayman I don't know why you're always angry with me and my little brother, but it's okey. You just can't avoid us, or can you?" She said as she gently walked closer to him. "I... I love you, Ayman. And my brother loves your sister..."

What! My heart began beating fast. So he had a girlfriend and he wanted to date me? How perfect! He wanted to use and dump me but that wouldn't happen. God, thank you for saving me from him. Thank you so very much!

I turned slowly and left them while they kept interacting. I didn't have any business to do with either of them anyways. I huffed as I sighted my hostel. I should call my mother and hear from her today. A day wouldn't pass without me calling her. If only...

"Hey, wait for me!" Ayman squealed.

Shit! I muttered walking fast.

"Wait, please..." He exclaimed.

Thus, I halted.

"Why did you left me there?" He asked as soon as he reached where I stood.

"We weren't walking together, were we?" I said with a wrinkled brows.

"No, we weren't" He panted. "But..."

"Who was she?" I changed the topic.

"Her name is Fadilah, she's a family friend" He said as we began walking.

"Okey?" I wanted to hear more.

"Her mother and mine grew up in the same neighborhood..." He explained.

"Wow!" I blurted.

"Wallahi I don't really like her and her family. Her mother is a hypocrite and her father is a strict army General..." He added to his previous explanation.

"Okey, I thought she's your girl..."

"No, she's not!" He squealed.

"Whatever" I muttered.

"Hmm, are you jealous?" He asked.

"Of who?" I wrinkled my brows.

"Her" He smirked.

"Ew!" I rolled my eyes.

Conversation made us to walk in a snail's pace. He loved talking about random stuffs. As soon as we reached the hostel, I bade him goodbye and left.



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