Chapter 11 - Zainab

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Immediately after my morning lectures I decided to return back to the hospital to see Ayman. I wouldn't talk about his health because he still needed prayers.

"Mind if I escort you?" Ramlah offered.

"Okey" I muttered. 

"But we should go eat first" She said.

"No, I'm not hungry!" I protested.

Thus, she was silent.

We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. The oxygen mask on Ayman had been removed so I asked the people around if there was an improvement, and Hajiya Uwani told me there was. "He's getting better" She said smiling.

"Alhamdulillah" I said as I placed my hand on his. It wasn't hurt but warm.

Just then, he opened his eyes slightly and stared at me. "I... I... I love... you" He stuttered in what seemed like a whisper, enough for everyone to hear.

I couldn't return the words, I was so speechless. Finally, he was alive with my blood running down his vessels – keeping him alive. I did saved him?

"Fadilah, go and call the doctor please!" Hajiyah Uwani ordered the angry girl who was already infuriated by what her eyes perceived and her ears heard.

"Ohk... okey!" She said and left slamming the door behind her.

Immediately the doctor arrived, an observation was made on him and the result was written down on a clipboard.

Sir Abrar and Alhaji Zaid stormed in with happiness written all over their faces. "Ayman... Ayman, my son" Alhaji Zaid was now smiling with tears of joy streaming down to his cheeks.

Everyone was happy except Fadilah. She was jealous of the words Ayman said to me. One thing about life is, we can't force people to love us. We should always be ourselves, and love will find its way to us when the right time is due.

"Come, Zainab" Hajiya Uwani said to me as soon as she noticed Fadilah's situation. "Can I have a talk with you?"

"Okey, Hajiya" I nodded.

When I turned to give Ayman a glance before leaving, he shook his head lightly as if telling me not to. But what should I had done? Ignore her? That'd be awful. Thus, I followed her outside the ward.

"I believe you understand what love really is and how its hurts too" She said.

"Huh?" Was all I could say. Her words were too strong for my understanding. 

"My friendship with your mother ended almost a decade ago not because of anything but because she had refused to follow my advice. I wanted her to marry my brother, Abrar but your mother was just stubborn. Many things happened and I don't like her anymore. Now, for some unknown reason, God brought you to my son. I thank you for the blood you donated for him but, I don't think I will ever allow him to marry you. I'm not condemning you but Fadilah is just the right person for him!"

With that, I didn't know how and when I broke down completely. "Why, Hajiya? Please don't do this to us..." I said trying to kneel in her front but she moved away and asked me to leave. "I don't want to ever see you again!" She said.

"Hajiya, for Allah's sake please don't do this to us, pleaseee" I said in tears.

"Your mother can change everything, so go and talk to her. But before then, stay away from my son or else I will make sure he knows you're a bastard, and your mother; a whore!" She said.

Her words echoed in my head for like forever. Did she just called my mother a whore? The time slowed down and I could hear my heart beating slowly. Should I strangle this woman? This fool? I contemplated. I wanted fighting her but something told me not to. Fine, I wouldn't fight her but I shouldn't see her face anymore. Never and ever!

"Thank you" I blurted out as I turned to leave when she uttered something that infuriated me to the highest level...

"Brother Abrar was really stupid, you know, to help the poor ugly pregnant whore in his uncompleted building years back. Now, he's killing himself over her. Spending all his money on her. I know she would never marry him. She's a whore anyways. Whores don't marry!" She said laughing louder.

I didn't know when I ran and grabbed her throat. "Foolish woman, I'm going to kill you today!" I began yelling at her.

"You bastard, release my neck!" She said trying to over power me but my anger summoned the stronger me out of me. "Securities! Help... help!" She said.

And just as I was about ending her life, a security pulled me away from her. "Allah will judge" I said and left in tears.

Just as I was searching for a cab outside, Ramlah appeared. I knew she would be sent out that was why I didn't even mind phoning her. We boarded a cab and left. That was my worst day ever!


Not edited.

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