Chapter 12 - Ayman

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A week and half later... 

Today marked the third day since I was discharged from the hospital. Even though I was yet to fully recover, I could still manage to walk with a staff. My injured legs were healing gently, and so were the other wounds in my body.

Now, I could manage to drive right? Or couldn't I? I knew it was definitely going to be difficult for me but what could I do? I desperately wanted to see Zainab and have a talk with her. No one wanted to talk about her to me in the past few days, not even uncle Abrar!

I gently withdrew from the bed with the help of my staff. The time was quarter past 11. I had to go and see Zainab but whose car would I use for the drive? Mine was damaged beyond repair!

I walked out gently with my staff to Na'eelah's room, I should use her car!




"Hi big bro, what can I do for you?" She said as soon as she opened the door. She was in her maroon night gown already.

I heaved a sigh looking at her sleepy eyes. "Can we talk please?" I asked.

"Sure, big bro!" She squealed as she gave me space to elapse into her room.

"Na'eelah, I need your help" I blurted out as I sat on the side of her bed.

"Okey, what can I do for you?" She said.

"I want you to borrow me your car, I want to see someone" I managed to say.

"What? Are you really okey, Ayman? Or should I call mum and dad?" She said.

"I'm okey, I just want to see Zainab!"

"That girl? But how are you going to drive yourself all the way to school to see her? You can barely walk!" She said.

"Okey then, can you help me?" I asked.

"Actually, I'm kind of sleepy but I can't let you do this alone" She said. Thus, we sneaked out of the house together without creating any suspicious noise and drove out. The street was getting dried, cars were rarely seen moving around and only few people could be seen walking. But as soon as we hit the main road, everything changed! It was like a Halloween Night. Lights everywhere, shops were brimful with people, cars moving here and there, and suya spots surrounded by clients. Just then, I asked Na'eelah what was going on and she told me the government had increased the salary structure of the teachers, hence the celebration. I was very happy for them, they deserved it. If you can read and write, thank your teacher!

Na'eelah was driving so fast that I had to tell her to slow up a bit. I will never forget the accident I had a week ago. It was nearly fatal. Thus, Immediately we were by the school gate one of the securities shouted at us with a speaker.

"Halt! Who goes there?" He said.

"Student..." I replied.

"Advance to be recognized!"

Na'eelah drove more closer to them, thus they asked for my I.D card but unfortunately I forgot to bring it with me. Thank God they knew me, so they let us in. Always greet your securities in school, a day like this might just come!

As we were driving in, Na'eelah cleared her throat. "You really love that girl, brother Ayman but I don't really think she's the right girl for you" she said.

"Who then is?" I blurted out.

"Fadilah, of course! Just give her a chance, please brother Ayman. Try and see the beauty and good in her..."

"I don't love Fadilah anymore!"


Uhmm... Love is unpredictable!

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