Chapter 21 - Zainab

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A week and some days later...

Since that day, Ayman had been calling me but all I could do was to reject his calls because talking to him will, for sure, refresh my wounds and land me into thinking about him even more. Even his texts, I didn't used to reply them. Since I had already lost him, I didn't think nurturing our relationship was going to be possible for me. I wouldn't advise him to divorce Fadilah but he should just stay away from me, and we shouldn't see each other anymore. Everyday of my life, I had always desire to marry the man of my dream, the man I wanted to mother his kids... but someone had already diminished that dream for me. And now, I thought I should just remain single for life. Believe me, it was now that I understood why my mother warned me never to befriend men. If only I had adhere to her words, maybe... just maybe, this wouldn't be happening to me.

While I was now washing the dishes, my mother was making some tortilla for us for the breakfast. My love for tortilla was unimaginable, but that day its aroma made me to feel like throwing up with my empty stomach. I was weak, you know, thinking about Ayman made me to be losing my weight day by day, and to feel sick almost everyday. I knew it would definitely take a very long time for me to erase him from my heart, but I wouldn't give up. I would keep trying my best until I finally obliviate him from my heart for life!

"What's wrong with you, Zainabu? You've been washing one bowl for like 10 minutes now. I hope it's not about Ayman, or have you forgotten what I told you?" My mother's sudden utterance brought me back to reality.

I heaved a sigh and faked a smile pretending like it wasn't about Ayman, and that nothing was really wrong with me. "I'm just thinking about school, I missed it!" I lied.

She lightly smiled. "Don't worry, Zainabu. You're resuming in a week time, In Shaa Allah..." She said.

"Yeah, Mum... In Shaa Allah" I uttered in what seemed like a whisper.

Thence, she smiled at me before turning to concentrate on what she was doing. I turned too, and was now concentrating on what I was doing but just then, we heard a double knock accompanied by a strong and sharp Salam by our gate. It sounded like the voice of 8-year-old Jibril, one of our neighbours' child. My mother signalled me to go and check the gate which I unhesitatingly did. Immediately I opened the gate, I saw Jibril. My hunch was right!

"Good morning, Aunt Zainab" He greeted while shivering due to the cold morning breeze in the environment. He was wearing a cardigan, but even so he was still trembling.

"Morning Jibril, what are you doing here this early morning?" I was eager to know. Normally, they'd come to pluck some fruits from our garden, or buy short cakes from my mother every morning, but we don't sell short cakes anymore.

"My mum sent me to buy Akara from the junction, then I met a man and he asked me of you. I then guided him here, and he told me to call you for him..." The boy explained everything, bit by bit, to me.

Thus, my heart was beginning to race like a turboprop. "Where is he?" I was now eager to know.

"He's over there" The boy was now pointing at a direction in his right which was not in my view. I was in the middle of the entrance of the gate, you know, so I had to move out to see where he was pointing at. I quickly adjusted my veil down to my chest before stepping out. Behold, it was Ayman. He was leaning on his car.

Immediately our eyes met, my heart increased its beating and I was now about turning to leave. No, I shouldn't stay. I really should go. I turned gently and was about walking away when he called me.

"Beauty don't leave, please" He said – and that stopped me. "I want us to talk about something, please my love" I heard him uttered from behind.

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