Chapter 19 - Ayman

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When the wedding day arrived, everything went as they planned. I did what I was asked to... I married Fadilah! The Imam tied the knot, and happiness could be seen on everybody's face except mine. The Mayor of the district was present, alongside other top and superior citizens of the country. The venue of all the wedding events was a remarkable luxurious hotel located just after the elegant mansion of the Mayor. Classic Hannah Hotel, as the name implies, was one of the top luxurious hotel in the country. A day in the hotel could cost you about N250,000 or even more... and now, my parents booked the entire hotel for the wedding events. Imagine the millions of naira they'd waste on this, while they blamed me for the withdrawal of just few amounts from the company's account months back. It was arranged that after tying the knot, I and Fadilah were to have a dinner party with our friends in the evening... while an Arabian night in the night, which we'd change to Arabian outfits. It was a complicated something to be done in a single day, but Fadilah and her parents want it that way. They want everything to be done in a single day, and grandly so that the bride would be conveyed to her husband's domicile without wasting much time. I didn't know what was for the hurry, but I was now starting to doubt that Fadilah's parents were up to something. Maybe they were doing that for the sake of our company?? I mean, to attain our wealth! But until my hunch was right, I wouldn't take any possible action.

Fadilah was now dressed in an awesome... I mean, terrifying gown of about a million naira plus for the party. Money was wasted on her makeup, outfit... and infact  everything on her. But even so, she looked disgusting to me.

We were now having a grand dinner party with our friends. Sadiq was unavailable. He said he was called by the school. I didn't know if it was just an excuse, but he looked serious when he told me that. Zainab was yet to arrive... their car got broken on the KimKim to Republic City road. I should text her now and see if they are gonna make it today. I thought. And just as I was about texting her, a text notification popped up. It was her!

"Ayman, we are already at the hotel's gate. See you soon..."

I smiled at the text and quickly texted her back. "Okey, Beauty. I love you... you alone, Beauty!"

And just as I was about pressing the power button to sleep the phone, Fadilah heaved a sigh giving me a strange look. She gently drew her head closer to me. "And who are you smiling and chatting with? Please don't tell me it's Zainab" She whispered into my right ear.

I cleared my throat. "Actually, It is her. Any problem with that?" I whispered to hers in response while smiling at our friends. And now I know everyone would be thinking it was something romantic we were doing.

"Don't be stupid Ayman, I'm now your wife! So stay away from that cheap poor whore" she whispered, gritting her teeth so hard.

What did she just called my Zainab? A whore?? I frowned my face and was now about shouting at her when one of her friends chimed in. "Hey love birds, what are you guys busy discussing?" It was Rahilah. She uttered that teasingly. The rest of them laughed, while we smiled at them like nothing was happening.

"Maybe they are talking about how their first night is going to be" Aysha bounced in with her own tease. Thus, this made them to laugh even more harder.

Just then, I spotted one of the usherers ushering uncle Abrar, Zainab and her mother to one of the dining tables in the guests chamber. Just then, I quickly typed a message to her while ignoring Aysha, Rahilah and the rest.

"I can see you, Beauty... you, your mother and my uncle" I typed.

Thus, she started turning and scrutinizing – searching for me, perhaps!

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