Chapter 18 - Ayman

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Two days to our wedding...

Everyone in the mansion was now preparing for the grand day to come with smiles written all over their faces. I was the only one whose face appeared to be like that of a dictator. Believe me, I was wishing for something bad to happen in order for the wedding not to take place. Something like Fadilah falling sick or having an accident... uhmm, please don't say I'm wicked, okey? It's just that I didn't really think I would ever love her in my entire life. I used to hear alot about arranged marriages and how it used to turn out to be something else, but I never thought it'd reach me. I mean, I never for once thought of it happening to me until now. Goddammit! Moms, why? Just why? What have I done to deserve this from you? For what reason, moms?

I was now in my room listening to Seyi Shay's "Right Now", when someone double knocked my door. "Yes, come in".

Thus, the person appeared to be one of my cousins that came for the wedding which was now in advanced. "Good afternoon, Ayman".

"Afternoon, Hassanah... any problem?" I wrinkled one of my brows.

"No, Ayman. I'm just here to tell you about a friend of yours with the name, Sadiq Hakim. We met him outside when we were coming back from Galaxy Super Market. He's outside the gate now and wants to see you" She said while standing by the door.

"Sadiq Hakim?? That must be my highschool friend, my partner in crime... my man!" I said while smiling. It had been long, you know, that we met. "Thank you, Hassanah. Lemme go see him".

"Okey, Ayman..." She said, and left.

I quickly withdrew from the bed and walked out of the room. The mansion was nearly brimful with people, most of whom were our relatives calling my name from every corner that I entered. That was why I even locked myself in the room since morning. Immediately I was out of the mansion, I quickly walked to the gate... Sadiq was outside standing by the gate.

"Hey man... come in" My sudden appearance jolted him.

"A. Zaid how far?" We shook hands.

"Not that fine, man. By the way, what were you busy thinking of?" I asked.

"Nothing, just looking at that new building over there" He was now pointing at the direction.

"A politician's house, you know..." I gulped while turning back inside. "Come in, man".

"Okey" He was now trailing behind me. "A. Zaid, I heard you're getting married in two days time..."

"Yes, can't you see how our house looks like? So renovated!" I heaved a sigh while walking. "Man, I'm getting married to the woman I don't love!".

"A. Zaid, lower your voice please, or do you want everyone's eyes to be on us?"

"And so? Huh? Like I care?" We were now entering the mansion. "You see, man... I don't give a fuck what they think!"

"Ahh Ayman! Now tell me, who's this beautiful girl you're denying and how you came about her"

We were now walking upstairs...

"It's a long story man" I muttered.

"A long story that cant be summarized?" He blurted.

"The summary can last for 8 hours, trust me man!" We were now walking into my room. "Don't mind the wallpapers, I love them that way"

"You really renovated this room, A. Zaid" He was now glancing at the classic interior. "This is really awesome, I swear".

"I thought you might not like it" I muttered, falling wearily on the bed.

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