Chapter 26 - Ayman

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It was a tragic moment for me. Today marked the fifth day since Zainab got admitted into hospital but she was still yet to open her eyes. She was shot in the abdomen and the doctor said it would take some time for her to recover from the trauma. What happened that day was that after the shot, Fadilah ran out of the house in haste leaving me and unconscious Zainab in the parlor. I cried and cried while screaming Zainab's name until I could no longer cry anymore.

Fadilah was caught outside the gate by Sadiq and his fellow cadets whom, according to them, heard the shot that came from our house. They brought her back in, and saw me holding Zainab while crying. They were surprised that I couldn't take any necessary step. The thing was that I thought she was dead and I was so confused so I couldn't think of taking her to the hospital. Three of them helped me took her to a nearby hospital while the rest took Fadilah to a Police Station. That was what happened, and now, Fadilah had been transferred to Zone-B Maximum Prison.

According to General Munir Galadima, who infact was the Father of both Zainab and Fadilah, he said it was a family matter and there was nothing like appearing in court, but Fadilah should be taken to the country's maximum prison, and that she should face the punition of the person that attempted murder, which infact was 25years imprisonment. It was her father's decision, and it suited her for now, but if something bad (God forbid) happened to my Zainab beyond the situation she was now, then Fadilah had to die!

Sitting closed to unconscious Zainab while holding one of her hands, Na'eelah and Kabeer offered to pray for her once more before going out to buy some food for all of us in the cafeteria. It was me, Na'eelah, Kabeer, Mum, while General Munir Galadima went out to discuss something with Zainab's mother and Uncle Abrar in the balcony. Just as Na'eelah and Kabeer were done praying for Zainab, they left promising to come back soon enough for us not to starve direly. My mother was now looking at me. She heaved a sigh before standing to come sit closed to me, thus she held my arm staring at my eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry for everything that had happened, and for being so discourteous  towards Zainab. It was all my fault, I know I shouldn't have..."

"It's okey, mum" I intruded and thence turned to look at Zainab. "I just pray she survive this. I know she's in serious pain right now"

"She will, In Shaa Allah, survive it. Always keep in mind that there is nothing Allah can not do. If He can create all that He has created, what else can't He do? Lets just keep praying, my son, it may be that she will open her eyes soon" she said.

"I pray so, mum" I muttered, trying to be strong. "I just love her alot. She's the one I want to live the rest of my life with. I love her, mum".

"I know, my son, and she shall be yours, In Shaa Allah. Just keep your trust in Allah. He can make what seemed to be impossible; possible"

"Yes, mum" I muttered thus, cleared my throat and continued. "Hajiya Karimah refused to admit her crime, and she even escalated to calling Na'eelah an indulger, that she indulged her son to saying all that he said..."

"Hey Ayman, forget about that woman okey? We've already ended what's between us, and so... I don't want to talk about her anymore. She's evil, and a devil. I should have known that long ago".

"Yeah, you should have". I gulped. "I just pray Na'eelah cope with it..."

"Don't worry about that. I've made everything clear to her, and even though it wasn't easy for her at first she eventually grasped everything. I mean, everything"

"Okey mum" I muttered with a nod.

Just then, Zainab shifted her head a little bringing hope to my fragile heart – and thence she coughed.

"Beauty?" I blurted out.

Hence, she coughed again and again before gently opening her eyes.

"Beu... Beauty" I stuttered, kindof speechless.  "Beauty look at me, It's Ayman" I said to her and thus she gently moved her eyes towards me and smiled.

Before I could scream to my mother in excitement, I noticed that she had already ran out of the ward to apprise everyone about it.

I smiled and gave Zainab a delight look. "I love you, Beauty" I pecked her hand. "I love you alot" I was in tears of joy, and just then she closed her eyes again. "Hey Beauty, look at me. How are you feeling?" I was talking to her when the doctor, my mother and almost everyone bounced in.

The doctor checked on her and thus smiled. "She's back. She only that she need some rest. Sooner or later she will wakeup and she will be able to talk to everyone, God's willing" The doctor explained, and thus left, leaving everyone in bundle of happiness.

Zainab's mother pecked her daughter, and began praising Allah in Arabic. General Galadima however, was just standing there in tears of joy. When Na'eelah and Kabeer came back, they were happy to hear the good news. Today, we ate calmly and in excitement unlike few days back.


In the evening, at around quarter past eight Zainab woke from her long sleep, and believe me it looked like she regained her strength during the long sleep. She could even adjust, and call on everyone. Her voice was shaky though, but she could talk like normal. We all were around, except for my father, Na'eelah and Kabeer who decided to go home and promised to come back the next day as early as possible.

"Zainab, I'm sorry for everything that had happened. I know it's all my fault. I should've agreed to your..." My mother was saying when Zainab intruded.

"It's okey, Hajiya... Hajiya Uwani. Everything is now gone, and... and we all know our mistakes" She said.

My mother smiled,and nodded. "Thank you, Zainab" Thus, she turned to Zainab's mother. "Halimah, I owe you apologies. I'm really sorry for everything. I'm sorry for trying to take Zainab with me by fire by force. It's just that I love her the first day I saw her. She was a beautiful baby, and I didn't want what happened to you to happen to her. I wanted to protect her from..."

"It's okey, Hajiya Uwani. All is forgiven. If I can forgive this monster here, who else wouldn't I forgive?" Zainab's mother said as she glanced at General Munir Galadima. "It's just that life will always be the way it is. Bad days and bad people makes us sad and to remember the fact that Allah is incharge, while good days and good people makes us happy and reminds us of Allah's love for us. If Allah can forgive us, why shouldn't we forgive ourselves? The thing is, I will never forget two people in my life. Munir Galadima who used and dumped me, And Dr Abrar whom Allah sent to furnish my life..."

Even when she seemed to have forgiven the General, it was obvious that she still hated him. Zainab, however didn't utter anything to him. Even when he asked how she was, she only sniffed and turned her face away from him. It would definitely take time for things to be normal between them. Well, maybe that was how it was destined to be. They weren't going to reunite as one family, but a bifurcate one. Anyways, life goes on. I just can't wait to see that day, uhmm that day that uncle Abrar would going to marry my mother-inlaw to be. It's just going to be amazing, you know, because I know that for sure!

While the elders were now talking to eachother, Zainab took my hand into a firm clasp. She didn't say anything but laid out a broad smile on her beautiful face. I smiled at her too. Finally, It's going to happen... I'm going to marry the woman of my life, In Shaa Allah, soon. I mean, immediately she recovered. 



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