Chapter 23 - Ayman

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As I sat on the bed, leaning my back on the bed's headboard with my laptop on my lap, Fadilah was laying by my side in the bed. She has been turning here and there, perhaps not able to sleep, and now, I could sense her staring at me.

"Ayman," I heard her uttered with a lazy tone. "Ain't you gonna sleep? It's late, my king" she said placing one of her hands on mine.

I sighed. "I'm not sleepy. So, just keep sleeping" I muttered, hoping that she would let me be while I chat with Zainab on facebook.

She sniffed, adjusting to a sitting position too. She was now also leaning her back on the bed's headboard, close to me. And just then, I shut the laptop off. Not in fear that she perceive who I was chatting with but for her not to see the person's I.D and end up searching for it via her own account. That wouldn't be good. I know the kind of wife she was and the kind of mother she had.

"Ayman, I want us to talk about something" she uttered in the most sexiest voice ever but I was too strong to be melt by it. "It's about our marital life" She added, and continued. "I love you, Ayman but you're doing something that is hurting me"

With that, I smiled. Thank God she was now getting bored of what I was doing to her. Uhmm, that means she was definitely going to end the marriage her self when she got fedup soon.

"You're my husband, for God's sake but you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing with me" she complained.

"What do you mean by that? Like I'm not feeding and clothing you?" I queried, pretending like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"No, not about feeding and clothing me, but about sex, Ayman. We only did it once and this is 1 month since we got married" She held my hand and gently placed it on her belly. "I want you to fill this my tommy with babies, please Ayman!" she implored sounding desperate.

"You already know it Fadilah, we are both Carriers and I can't risk making babies with you. They will end up suffering Sickle Cell Anemia. This is the best time for us to avoid that. We really have to!"

"Stop saying that, Ayman. It's like you don't believe in the power of Allah. In Shaa Allah, our kids will be Carriers (AS) like us, and/or AA" she said cherishing my hand. "Lets just keep our trust in Allah"

"Now you know Allah right, after all your evils? I will never forget the evils you engineered and all the problems you made me went through" l blurted out angrily. 

"What evil, Ayman? Okey, I'm sorry for whatever that I did. It was all for your sake. So now lets forget about that and talk about our marital problem. We need babies Ayman, or don't you want to be a father?"

"I want to, but not the father of your children. Now, if you can please excuse me. I want to sleep, okey?" I said to her not minding how painful it will be to her. "The next time you will talk to me about making babies I will make sure I beat the hell out of you" I added, keeping the laptop on the bedside drawer and entering into the blanket. I should rest!

Just then, she started sobbing. "You're a devil, Ayman. Don't you know the needs of a woman. I'm in dire need of you and you're shunning me? Can't you see how burning I am?" I heard her screamed. "Ayman, please even if you don't want to make babies with me just fulfill your responsibilities on me. There are ways that we can prevent conception. We can try coitus interruptus!" She added but I still pretended like I didn't heard her. "Ayman, I'm sorry for my words okey?" She said, hugging me from the back. "I love you, and In Shaa Allah I will keep waiting for that day... that day that you will have time for me, and that day that you will fulfill all your responsibilities on me..."

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