Chapter 22 - Ayman

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While sitting on a plastic chair, Zainab served me a plate of two round tortillas on a table and a bottle of water. She then poured the water on a rubber cup, and gave it to me with me a smile. Thud, I smiled too.

"I hope you can eat tortilla?" She asked, looking at me sexily as she sat down close to me. 

"Ofcourse, Yes!" I smiled, cutting a piece and mixing it with the African biscuit powder and oil – thence, I transported it straight to my mouth. "Yummy, my love... did you made it?"

She was now looking at me with a smile and just as she was about opening her mouth to talk, her mother chimed in. "I was the one that made it. Could you even believe Zainabu couldn't even finish washing the dishes? She could waste a complete hour washing one bowl while thinking. If she is to make tortilla, she's definitely going to burn this house into ashes while thinking" She said.

I couldn't help but to bust into laughter.

"Mum, seriously it's simple but you can make it more than me – that's just it". Zainab was now helping me in cutting the tortillas in order to make it easier for me.

"Okey o, I heard you" Her mother said standing from the mat she was sitting on. "Lemme go and continue washing the dishes..."

"Mam, wait... me and Zainab will do the job" I intruded. "Isn't it Zainab?" I was now looking at Zainab.

"Ye... yes, Ayman" She gulped. "Mum, just leave it. Immediately he finished eating, I will wash them all"

"Yes, mam... and I will help her in washing them all" I chimed in.

"Uhmm..." Her mother sighed. "Okey, as you wish. Suit yourself" She said with a smile while walking into a room that seemed to be hers.

Zainab gave me one pointed look and that made me to puzzle. "What, my love?" I asked.

"You're not serious. I'm washing them all alone..." She said.

"No objection for now, my love. Let me finish eating first" I was now chewing another piece of the tortilla.

"Okey, Ayman" She muttered.

"Now, eat..." I cut another piece and extended it to her mouth. She quickly took it in almost biting me. "Orch! You wanna bite me, huh?"

She busted into a scornful laughter. "I was just playing with you" she said while cutting another piece with her hand. "Let me feed you, Ayman" She quickly transported it to the direction of my mouth.

"Okey..." I uttered while staring at her glowing face. I held her hand and moved it to my mouth gently. And just as I took the piece into my mouth, I chewed it while holding her hand and staring at her. She blinked her eyes, and before I knew it... I was thinking far beyond. My ehmm, you know, stick began inflating, and I had to avert my mind from her. I dropped her hand, and turned my face away from her so quickly before she noticed how fast it was inflating. That is men's number one problem!

"What, Ayman? Have I done something wrong?" She asked, sounding desperate.

"No, my love" I was now looking at her. "It's just that I was carried away by your beauty, and then I began thinking negatively, and the... the thing, I don't know, started inflating. Oh God, why am I even saying this?" I said in a low tone.

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