Chapter 14 - Zainab

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Days chameleon into weeks, and then weeks chameleon into months. Today happened to be three days to Eid il fitr. I had finished my first semester exams and was now preparing to go home. It was a mix of emotions, you know, I was happy at the same time sad. Happy because I was finally going to see my mother and sad because I was yet to get rid of Ayman from my heart. He had dominated my heart which was why erasing him entirely could take some time, or perhaps forever?  Mtsww!

"We came together, and now we are going back home together" Lilian said.

"Yeah" I huffed.

"Is everything okey, little princess?" She said as she wrinkled one of her brows.

"Yeah... yeah" I said faking a smile.

"Okey then" She shrugged.

I was eager to see myself at home but I should see Sir Abrar first. Even though I was somehow angry with him for some unknown reason, he deserved to know I was going back home. Thus, I went to his office after having promised Lilian that I would definitely not stay long.

"I'm not here to stay long, I'm here to tell you I'm leaving today" I muttered. 

"This is quarter past 4, daughter..."

"I'm actually not here to seek for your permission, so goodbye..." I said as I turned to leave. Every time I looked at him, all I see was Hajiya Uwani.

"Wait, please" He said as he stood and walked closer to me. "Daughter, I'm so sorry for what my sister did to you..."

"No, it's okey. She's right after all" I said. "You don't have to keep wasting money on us because I don't really think my mother is ever going to marry you..."

"Daughter, please don't say that!"

"Let me say my mind, please!" I blurted out with tears already rolling down my cheeks. "I learnt that loving someone is a delay pain, eventually you will realise that it is better you just stay away from them. That is what we should all do!"

"Not all, and certainly not us" He said as he gently took my hand into a clasp. "I'm not giving up on your mother, so please don't give up on Ayman. Time can be cruel but just keep praying..."

"But Hajiya Uwani doesn't like me and my mother" I complained as I sniffed.

"Actually, there is something between your mother and her. It happened long ago. She wanted to adopt you because she was unable to conceive for almost 9 years after Ayman but your mother protested. That was the beginning of the war between them..." He explained.

"Adopt me? That means the anger will never go away" I hypothetically said.

"It will, just keep praying. I will also help you. I will try and talk to her" He said as he wiped my almost dried tears.

I couldn't say another word to him. I only gave him a hug thus, he offered to drive me home and I humbly accepted. Lilian was so happy her transport fare was spared. Everyone loves free things!


Uhmm, Zainab is back home!

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