Chapter 13 - Zainab

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I would never obliviate what Hajiya Uwani did to me that day, and I will never forgive her. As for Ayman, he might have been told I almost killed his mother with my bare hands hence he didn't care to call or text me anymore. If his mind was poisoned by his mother, I wish him the best in his life. I never wished to go in between him and Fadilah. After all, they were once lovers. They should always be who they were!

On phone with my mother...

"Ma Shaa Allah, mum. I'm really happy to hear that!" I joyfully said as I rolled to the other side of the bed. "Finally, my mother's salary has been increased!"

"Yes o, Zainabu! It is Allah's doing. Alhamdulillah. How I wish you're here so we could celebrate together. I can't really imagine eating up the short cakes I baked all alone" She said giggling.

"Mum, don't worry. When I come back, you will bake my own for me" I said.

"Alright, Zainabu" She said.

"I will come back before Eid il fitr, In Shaa Allah" I assured her beaming.

Immediately we were done talking I yawned and placed the phone on the drawer. I had few days ago returned the iPhone Ayman gave me to Sir Abrar, thus got myself a used Nokia 2700. I'd rather prefer that than the iPhone!

While I was about covering myself with blanket for a warm sleep, someone knocked my door. It was one of the hostel securities on duty, she came to tell me someone wanted to see me. But who could that possibly be? I wondered.

"Okey, I'm coming..." I said as I put on my long hijab in order to cover my sleeping attire, thus left the hostel. 

"Good evening, Beauty..."

My heart nearly flunked to work as soon as I saw Ayman. He was with his younger sister, Na'eelah. He was supporting his stance with a staff. "What are you doing here?" I blurted out.

"Are you not happy to see me?" He said.

"I should, but not when your mother told me to stay away from you!" I said angrily. I was in pain, he should know!

He huffed and shook his head. "Beauty, that day I didn't want you to follow her. I shook my head, remember?" He said.

"If I hadn't followed her, what do you think she would say about me? She'd definitely call me names, Ayman! She'd say I'm a disrespectful child!" I said with my voice already trembling. "Ayman, I did what I could and then, your mother insulted me outrightly!"

"And you gripped her throat?" Na'eelah chimed in. "Are you a kllier or what?"

"I'm not a killer, but I so much wanted to be one with your mother as my first victim" I said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"And I will enjoy seeing you executed after..." She said as Ayman intruded.

"Na'eelah, please stop it" He said in what seemed like a whisper. "You're really making things worst for me"

"Okey, suit yourself!" She squealed.

"Good" He said to her. Thus, turned to me wearing a sad face. "Beauty, I know you're angry with my mother. I know what she didn't wasn't right. That is why I'm here, to apologize and mend our relationship. Please, Beauty..."

"You couldn't call or text me!" I said.

"I wanted to, but I lost my phone in that accident and uncle Abrar refused to give me your contact..." He explained.

"Whatever!" I blurted out. "Go please, I don't want to be infuriated by your mother again. Just leave me alone!"

"Beauty, do you even love me? Look at me, I can barely walk. I'm here just to make things right and you're pushing me away? Why, Beauty? I love you!"

I love you too, Ayman. And I wish you can see it. I wish you can feel it from where you. I wish I could be that your friend again, and even your wife in the future but I've changed my mind. Your mother made me changed my mind. I'm sorry. We can't see each other again!

"Don't love me. Love Fadilah, she's your mother's choice!" I said turning to leave.

"Please Beauty, save my life!" He said.

"Your life is safe in the Hands of Allah" I said to him and left in tears. He couldn't stop yelling at me to come back but I didn't. I wouldn't. I would never!


Another update is here!

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