Chapter 28 - Zainab

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It was a Saturday morning. A week after I was discharged from the hospital. Just like the doctor said, I would be on a wheelchair for some timr before I could be able to walk around like other people. At first, I was novice moving myself around on a wheelchair but I eventually got used to it. Whenever the need for toilet arises, my mother was always there for me... and sometimes, Hajiya Uwani. She promised me that as soon as I fully recovered, she was going to marry me off to Ayman. I loved that. She had always been super nice to me these days. Being Ayman's wife was all I had dreamed of, and if it happened to come true I was, In Shaa Allah, going to fast for 20 days in appreciation to my Lord.

"Hey Beauty, have you talked to them about the visit?" Ayman asked while wheeling me to the parlor. He had just helped me in making up my face.

"I talked to Dad since yesterday, and he agreed. Mum too" I replied.

"Thank God for that" He scoffed.

Immediately we were in the parlor, my mother smiled at us. She was eating pancakes with Sir Abrar. "So, you guys are leaving now huh?" She asked.

I nodded, and just as I was about to talk Ayman squealed. "Yes, mam. Today is Saturday, and anything 2 O'clock the prisoners would be taken out for some activities"

"Yeah, alright. Just take care of her, okey? Stay with her and protect her please" My mother implored standing to meet us.

"I will, In Shaa Allah, Mam" Ayman politely responded.

Thence, she kneeled in front of me and pecked me on my forehead. "Your father is coming in the evening, and so are Ayman's parents..."

"Is it about our marriage?" I was eager to know.

"Yes, my daughter. Maybe the date will be fixed today. Same as mine and Abrar. We are eager to see you both grandly wedded, and same to us too" she said with a smile on her face.

Just then, I turned and looked up to smile at Ayman. He smiled back too. Thence, I turned to look at her again. "I love you, mum".

"I love you too, my daughter" She said and quickly hugged me tight. "Take care, please" She added as we averted.

"In Shaa Allah, mum" I uttered.

Sir Abrar smiled at me while enjoying his pancakes before managing to say. "Take care daughter"

Thus, I smiled at him. They both escorted us to the car outside. Ayman took me in his arms in a bridegroom style to the front seat, and then took the wheelchair to the back seat before entering the car. He ignited the engine into action as my mother and Sir Abrar began waving at us. Thence, he accelerated away with a smile.


Immediately we arrived at Zone-B Maximum Prison, some prison guards ushered us to the warden's office. Thus, the chief administrative officer there cleared us before finally ordering one of his guards to take us to the upper cell unit. The places looked so disgusting and the smell in the environment could make you throwup. Old people, young people, and criminals of all kind could be seen locked up in their cells. They were all in uniform, wearing a loose-fitting shirt and trousers. It was two people per cell, and in each cell their was a toilet bowl. Ew, so disgusting! Sleeping, eating and excreting in a single place? God, have mercy!

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