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The move in process went very quickly. Kennedy insisted on helping me out, so we raced up the stairs each holding a cardboard box of things. I kept beating her because of my "giraffe legs" as she called them, so we changed the rules to even the playing field. I would take two boxes for every one that she took. Our little game made for speedy moving and I'll admit I was a little disappointed when the back of my car was empty.

I was taking a stack of empty boxes down to the recycling bin in the kitchen when I passed by Kennedy's room. The door was open and I couldn't help but take a peek inside. I stayed in the doorway staring in awe at the walls covered in photographs. I set the boxes down and let my curiosity take the lead as I walked in. I remembered her saying that she was a photographer, but I was still surprised looking at the beautiful pictures that lined the room. I was surrounded by art. It was like walking into a little piece of Kennedy's world.

"What do you think?"

Kennedy's voice made me flinch. I turned around in surprise. The girl standing in front of me was even more of a surprise. Kennedy stood in the doorway of her bathroom with one arm leaning up against the frame and the other on her hip. She wore a short skintight black dress with long sleeves. It fit her body like a glove, showing off her curves.

"You're beautiful." I said under my breath.

"I was talking about the pictures, but thanks." She smirked, running her hand through her silky dark chocolate hair.

"The pictures are good too," I laughed, feeling warmth rush across my cheeks. "You must be going out, huh?"

"Nah, this is my everyday look." She answered, batting her long eyelashes at me. Her eyes were an even more vivid green with the inky black liner painted on.

"I mean it suits you." I played along.

She moved closer to me, until I could smell her sweet perfume. "So I look alright?" She asked with uncertainty in her voice. She did a 360 in front of me.

"You look great." I said 100% honestly.

"I'm going out with Will tonight." She said with an indistinguishable infliction in her voice.

"Oh... have fun." I mumbled, trying to hide the jealousy I felt building in my throat. Will's a really lucky guy.


I tried to hide my excitement as I got to Will's apartment. I kept replaying Luke's words in my mind, recalling the look of admiration on his face. Butterflies swirled in my stomach, I wasn't exactly the most confident girl even though I didn't let it show, so his words meant quite a lot. I hope he's right and that Will thinks the same thing.

"Kennedyyy!" Will exclaimed as he opened the door.

The scent of alcohol drenched the apartment. The elated feeling I had before suddenly died. "Will, aren't we going out?" I asked quietly.

He stumbled towards me, "Babe, you look so hot. Why don't we stay here."

His hands traced my body and I shuddered in discomfort. "Will, you're drunk." I said assertively.

"No I'm not," He slurred, pulling me towards the couch. I cringed at the smell of booze on his breath. He threw me flat on my back and moved his sloppy kisses down my neck. He clenched my arms holding me down, his nails sinking deeper and deeper into my skin.

"Stop it Will, that hurts." I pleaded.

"Stop playing hard to get Kennedy." He laughed darkly. I tried to push him off, but he pulled me back down yanking a fistful of my hair.

"Ow! Will, stop it you're drunk and you're hurting me!" I yelled.

His eyes turned dark and unrecognizable. "Don't you love me?" He sneered. His voice was no longer loopy and drunk but aggressive. He wasn't the Will I knew, and that scared me.


Kennedy hadn't come home yet and I was starting to worry. I knew I should just relax, she was with her boyfriend and if she didn't come home until tomorrow morning who was I to judge? I felt a whoosh of relief after hearing the front door open. But minutes passed and Kennedy didn't come upstairs. I couldn't wait any longer so I rushed down the stairs seeing Kennedy balled up with her back against the door.

"Kennedy! What happened? Are you ok?" I exclaimed. Her messy hair covered her face, but I could hear the soft whimpers escape her mouth.

"I'm fine." She whispered, not looking up.

"Ken," I urged. I crouched down next to her and lightly brushed her hair away, revealing her tear streaked face. "What happened to you?"

"He was drunk," She croaked, not looking me in the eye. "He isn't himself when he's drunk."

"Ken, you're bleeding!" I realized. Her dress was ripped open where the neck met the sleeve. The milky skin of her neck was stained with a trail of dark purple hickeys and blood trickled down where fingernails had pierced her skin. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and picked her up bridal style. She buried her face into my collarbones and I could feel her shaking. I carefully moved her to the kitchen and set her on the island counter top. I wet a towel to clean up her wounds.

She winced as I softly dabbed at her injuries. "Sorry." I grimaced feeling guilty for causing her any more pain.

"It's ok." She sighed, wiping her face dry.

"He didn't uh-"

"No," she cut me off, "He was just a little aggressive. He didn't do anything other than what you can see here. Thank God he was so drunk that he passed out after a while, so I ran out of there."

"Ok," I murmured thankful that it hadn't gone any farther than that, "Does this happened a lot?"

She thought for a while before answering with a nod, "Just not usually this bad."

I sighed wondering how anyone could ever do something like this to another person. After I finished cleaning her up, she tried to walk away. "Nope," I stopped her picking her up again, "I'll take you. You shouldn't force yourself in this condition."

I carried her up the stairs and to her bedroom. I gently set her on the bed and opened her closet to find pajamas. She pointed to a drawer and I opened it, pulling out an oversized T-shirt. I handed it to her turning away so she could change. When she was all dressed I turned back around and carefully tucked her in. She curled up on her side and I could see her eyelids growing heavy. "Are you going to be ok?" I whispered.

"Mhmm." She murmured back.

"Good night, Kennedy." I said, slowly walking away.

"Wait, Luke." She called.

"What is it?"

"Thank you."

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