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I rustled my hand through my hair, it reached my collar bones in a big scruffy mane. I liked my long hair but at some point in time through all of the craziness, I had stopped taking care of myself and it was getting out of hand. I just wanted to feel like there was something I could actually control so I searched the cabinet until my hands found what they were looking for, a silver pair of shears.

The fireplace crackled and I looked at my reflection in the mirror sitting on the mantle. Pulling a wave of blonde curls away from my face I daringly brought the scissors up to meet it. In one swift motion the hair fell into my palm. I stared at it before tossing it into the fire with cathartic satisfaction.

"If you're planning on changing professions I don't think hair dresser is really the way to go."

My head snapped at the sound of a familiar voice. I had been so focused on the process that I didn't even hear the key turning in the lock, clicking the door open. There leaning against the wall was the girl I would give everything for.

"You don't think so?" I replied, my voice quiet from the shock of seeing the unexpected visitor.

She pretended to think before saying, "No, but you'd make a good firefighter."

"And why's that?" I played along.

"Because I love a man in uniform." She laughed and her eyes sparkled like emeralds in the sunlight.

"But all that smoke is rough on your lungs so I'd never be able to go back to the band."

"Hm, I guess that's true. It would be wrong to ruin such a beautiful voice." She replied.

I eyed the suitcase next to her suspiciously, "Are you moving back in?" I asked, the desire in my voice unmasked.

"No, I'm just here to help you choose your next career." She teased.

"Alright then," I laughed. "But while you're here do you think you could give me a hand, since hairdressing apparently isn't my forte?"

Her face brightened at the sound of my laughter. She nodded and took the scissors from me. "I always thought you'd be a good math teacher."

"Why's that?" I inquired.

"Because you're good with numbers and kids." She replied motioning for me to take off my jacket.

I slid the leather off my arms and tossed it on the couch. "Are you sure it's not so you can spend detention alone with me?"

"It's been a while since I graduated." She laughed as she assessed my hair situation.

"It's never too late to learn something new sweetheart." I whispered over the crackling fire.

Kennedy just smiled at me and went to grab a chair. The room became a warm sort of quiet. The inviting smell of oak wood burning and the low lighting set a comfortable atmosphere. She had me sit down on a wooden chair and went to work.

My stomach turned to jelly as I felt her hands run through my hair. She gently combed through it all with her fingers as I held my breath. She had a hold on me and she didn't even know it. Her fingertips softly brushed against my neck and shivers raced down my spine. Little by little the locks fell to the hardwood floor.

She moved to the front so she was facing me and I stared at her beautiful face as it shimmered in the firelight. She kept shifting around to find the right angle to trim my hair at. I extended my hand out to her and she took it tentatively. I gently pulled her towards me so that she was sitting on my lap. I heard her inhale sharply as she sat in a once familiar position, meeting me face to face.

She proceeded to cut my hair and my face flushed as her soft hand brushed my cheek.

"Sorry." She whispered focusing on the strands of hair in front of her. I noticed that her cheeks were also tinged a rosy pink. We were like nervous children picking the petals off of daisies one by one to know if we were meant to be.

She leaned forward to reach a lock that she had missed and I felt the heat of her breath against my neck. She was about to pull back when I wrapped my arms around her in a warm embrace. She dropped the shears and didn't move but rather stayed there frozen in the moment.

"I missed you," I mumbled into her shoulder.

"I missed you too." She whispered back sounding breathless.

She pulled away and rested a hand on each of my shoulders. She looked right through me with her blazing green eyes. "This time I'm here to stay." She whispered as she brought her forehead down to meet mine and wrapped her arms around the back of my neck.

I moved my hands to rest on both sides of her waist. "Welcome home, sweetheart."

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