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A week had passed since the Will incident, and things were finally starting to settle down. Kennedy and I both spoke to the police to help them with their investigation, but there was still no sign of the maniacal ex boyfriend. We replaced the windows and salvaged what we could of Kennedy's rose garden. Kennedy had been quieter than usual and I was starting to get concerned. After she opened up to me, we had been pretty inseparable. There was a new connection because of the vulnerability she showed, but the stress was visible in her eyes. They weren't as bright as usual and it broke my heart to see her suffering.

I looked for her, but she wasn't in her bedroom. I ventured downstairs to find her, even little things like not knowing where she was made me nervous these days. You could never be too careful with a guy like Will on the loose.

I found her sitting in the garden by the only rose bush that we could completely salvage. "Kennedy?" I called out gently.

"Mhmm?" She replied softly, not turning to look at me.

I sat down in the grass next to her. "Are you ok? You've been awfully quiet today."

She sighed resting her head on my shoulder, "My roses are dead."

"But that's not it, is it?"

She shook her head. There was a whole lot more going on even though her roses did mean a lot to her.

"I know it's a lot," I said stroking her hair. "It'll all pass soon."

"I know. It's just hard to focus when my head won't shut off. There's just so much going on. It's the guilt and fear and confusion and anger. It's all swirling around in my head at the same time and I don't know how to handle it."

"I'm here for you Ken, you know that right? I'll always be here for you, no matter what's going on."

She nodded and I kissed the top of her head. Giving her my hand, we walked back in to the house together.

I made each of us a cup of tea and Kennedy put a record on the Crosley turntable. It was The 1975 of course. She ran her hands through her hair and sat up on the kitchen counter swinging her legs to the beat. I sat next to her and we enjoyed the music, sipping our tea. The intro to "Robbers" came on and I slid off the counter to my feet. I held my hand out to Kennedy, "Would the lovely lady care to dance?"

A smile crept onto her face and she looked up at me shyly, "Who me?"

"I couldn't think of anyone better, and I know this song is your favorite." I smiled back.

"I suppose I could spare a dance for such a charming young man." She grinned, taking my hand.

I pulled her in, she moved so that her body was right up against mine and her cheek pressed against my chest. My hands rested on either side of her waist and her arms wrapped around my neck. It was a perfect moment, the two of us slow dancing in the kitchen to a vinyl record. For the four minutes and fourteen seconds that the song lasted, everything was alright.

We both headed off to bed after that. I fell asleep right away. I thought I was dreaming when I saw a figure appear in my room. I rubbed my sleepy eyes to see that it was Kennedy standing in an oversized T-shirt like a dress and knee socks. Her hair was ruffled and her eyes ablaze. "Kennedy?" I asked groggily.

"Luke, I had a bad dream." She shivered.

"Was it Will?"

She nodded and I coaxed her towards me, "Aw, sweetheart come here."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked timidly.

"Of course love," I replied making space for her to join me under the fluffy comforter. She crawled in next to me snuggling close so that we were spooning. She was radiating heat like a little furnace.

"You're safe with me." I whispered and her droopy eyelids fell shut.

- - -

"Luke!" My eyes shot open to see a messy haired guy burst into my room.

"Michael?" I replied, confused.

"Oh sorry to interrupt man." He said eyes landing on Kennedy's small body in my arms.

"Oh no, we were just sleeping." I corrected.

"Sureeeee," He laughed. Kennedy flinched and her eyes fluttered open.

"Michael? How'd you get in here?" She mumbled still sleepy.

"Ashton lent me the spare key," He replied. "Well now that you're both awake, I have news."

"What is it?" I asked.

A huge grin washed across his face, "We're going to Vegas baby!"

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